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01:04 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(11) vs(7) Top Pool Aces

8 ball cannibals (4) v (2) gordo
8 ball jpenny3(2) v(4) vegas

9 ball aces_back v bluevalium
9 ball great_player v davidmiklo

8 uk sr20_mick(1) v(5) kingywhu
8 uk beatnicpres v cam07

straight greyhound v ucyforit
straight big_mouse v langmanj

Pythons (17) vs (7) Fighting Eagles

8 ball beenjammin(4) v(2) colpepper
8 ball slimeball v eaglestrike

9 ball bluenose1872 (5) v (1) vegas
9 ball bri1974(2) v (4)soothsayer

8 uk man_up v fired_up_cue
8uk bulldog_oc v kingywhu

straight dvz(6) v(0) ucyforit
straight eemad v langmanj

Deadline : 5th Feb Midnight(gmt)

Edited at 00:46 Tue 24/01/12
Deleted User
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01:05 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ian,it dont get much better than that.well done.
Deleted User
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01:06 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles Teamsheet

1) fattmikee Captain
2) soothsayer
3) gordo Vice Captain
4) fired_up_cue
5) cam07
6) vegas
7) upforit
8) eaglestrike
9) bluevalium
10) colpepper
12) langmanj
13) kingywhu
14) ucyforit
15) davidmiklo
Deleted User
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01:07 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well guys couldnt sleep so was up at 4:30am lol.But i have ask several times with no responce.Does any 1 want to join FCL next season.This would mean more games to play as we would stay in FBL.Its strickly up to the team .but please respond to this.As i have get us all enrolled in as follows
5 Games of UK8
5 Games of US 9 Ball
5 Games US 8 Ball
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:39 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(11) vs(7) Top Pool Aces

8 ball cannibals (4) v (2) gordo
8 ball jpenny3(2) v(4) vegas

9 ball aces_back v bluevalium
9 ball great_player v davidmiklo

8 uk sr20_mick(1) v(5) kingywhu
8 uk beatnicpres v cam07

straight greyhound v ucyforit
straight big_mouse v langmanj

Pythons (17) vs (7) Fighting Eagles

8 ball beenjammin(4) v(2) colpepper
8 ball slimeball v eaglestrike

9 ball bluenose1872 (5) v (1) vegas
9 ball bri1974(2) v (4)soothsayer

8 uk man_up v fired_up_cue
8uk bulldog_oc v upforit

straight dvz(6) v(0) ucyforit
straight eemad v langmanj

Deadline : 5th Feb Midnight(gmt)

Edited at 00:46 Tue 24/01/12
Posts: 22,512
17:43 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fired_up_cue - Offline 7 days.

Do you know if he will be online anytime soon to play his game with man_up.
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18:39 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles vs Top Pool Aces
Straight Game played
LangmanJ 0 - 6 big_mouse
ggs and well played m8
Posts: 215
23:27 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
fcl mike.i thnik i wd struggle m8 to play both fcl and fbl.we could have a go or maybe play in just 1 of them,cmon lads wat do u think
Posts: 157
23:51 Sat 28 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry mikeee but i think along the same lines as cam, as much as i like playing fbl i think that personally for me i have other commitments family wise and wouldnt like to let yous down by not playing, and causing a default.
christ my girlfriend doesnt even know any of yous but already hates every one of yous lol cos im hogging the machine
Posts: 22,512
00:26 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
cam07 said:
fcl mike.i thnik i wd struggle m8 to play both fcl and fbl.we could have a go or maybe play in just 1 of them,cmon lads wat do u think

There is a pre season before the new league in which we give you two games against another two clans to show reliability within the league, i have not made up the pass rate for this yet but for example if you played 13 out of the 16 games within the two weeks then you would be able to join the FCL league. If you don't then you would be refused entry into the league.

If you did pass and then join the league and play only one fixture then it is a waste of your own time and my time doing all the fixtures and things. It is a bigger league and does require more work but game wise you play your games anyway in this league you just have to play 5 frames of 8US, 9US and 8UK. That is an extra 9 frames from the FBL but not in one game type.
Posts: 271
01:25 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
well mikee,last 2 seasons i joined FBL with my other clans and i must say the reason that i didnt want to join this season in a clan is beacuse of FBL!! i thing the deadline is 2 weeks,you lose 1 week try to find your opponent arrange the game and the time to play and when you do you have to play 15 games 5 wich is the 8 ball uk that i hateand when you start to play it takes to much time and sometimes your opponent must leave cause soemthing came up!!!! and until that time you were playing an amazing pool.( thats what came up i thing) and then you have to arrange another time to play your game,and at the end you lose the clan game too! phew i wanted to say all this a looong time ago! the only chance to join the FBL is to win the lottery!! LOL
Deleted User
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04:01 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well, from what little response I have received. I think we will stay with just the F BL league. I have to agree playing in both leagues requires a lot of games. So as far as I am concerned we will stay in the FBL only. Thank you for your input your friend fattmkee.
Deleted User
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04:09 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Him him him him Fighting Eagles(11) vs(13) Top Pool Aces

8 ball cannibals (4) v (2) gordo
8 ball jpenny3(2) v(4) vegas

9 ball aces_back v bluevalium
9 ball great_player v davidmiklo

8 uk sr20_mick(1) v(5) kingywhu
8 uk beatnicpres v cam07

straight greyhound v ucyforit
straight big_mouse(6 v(0) langmanj

Pythons (17) vs (7) Fighting Eagles

8 ball beenjammin(4) v(2) colpepper
8 ball slimeball v eaglestrike

9 ball bluenose1872 (5) v (1) vegas
9 ball bri1974(2) v (4)soothsayer

8 uk man_up v fired_up_cue
8uk bulldog_oc v upforit

straight dvz(6) v(0) ucyforit
straight eemad v langmanj

Deadline : 5th Feb Midnight(gmt)

Edited at 00:46 Tue 24/01/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:21 Sun 29 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well,jaco looks like u had a bad day.But are str games dont seem to be going to well.Ucy lost 6-0 but the last time he played dvz he won 6-0.So i just dont no lol.but we will get it together and win these gixtures i have no dought.
Posts: 22,512
02:42 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mike just posting this here incase you guys do decide to join the FCL mate.

[B][U]FCL Announcement[/B][/U]

The time has come to say goodbye to season 15 and welcome in the new season 16 [:)]. There has been a lot of drama during this season but lets hope that this settles down and makes season 16 one hell of a good clan battle.

[U]Tranfer Window[/U]

The transfer window is now officially open! you have until Wednesday the 8th February @ Midnight to sign any new players. Any signings after that time may not be allowed, depending on circumstances.

You are also required to send in your fully updated team sheet in on the 8th February @ Midnight to [MEMBER]diamond_jem[/MEMBER].

If you want to participate in season 16 then please see the below link and add your team to the list.



Deleted User
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17:20 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Mikee, I have messaged Bulldgog OC twice now with no reply to arrange my game with him, can you ask for a sub please mate
Deleted User
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23:18 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Done Martin,but from no on this is something u have to do.we only have till next sun,to get these games played so from now on be a pest.Message him again if still no reply go to there thread and post u have tried.
And after looking at the FBL web site we are in second place and only 3 defaults for the season so we have done very well thx to all the Team.And for all the rest of the teams all have well over 9 LOL
Deleted User
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23:29 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
uk man_up v fired_up_cue is now
man_up v ab_rfc
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:30 Mon 30 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Fighting Eagles(11) vs(13) Top Pool Aces

8 ball cannibals (4) v (2) gordo
8 ball jpenny3(2) v(4) vegas

9 ball aces_back v bluevalium
9 ball great_player v davidmiklo

8 uk sr20_mick(1) v(5) kingywhu
8 uk beatnicpres v cam07

straight greyhound v ucyforit
straight big_mouse(6 v(0) langmanj

Pythons (17) vs (7) Fighting Eagles

8 ball beenjammin(4) v(2) colpepper
8 ball slimeball v eaglestrike

9 ball bluenose1872 (5) v (1) vegas
9 ball bri1974(2) v (4)soothsayer

8 uk man_up v ab_rfc
8uk bulldog_oc v upforit

straight dvz(6) v(0) ucyforit
straight eemad v langmanj

Deadline : 5th Feb Midnight(gmt)

Edited at 00:46 Tue 24/01/12
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:01 Tue 31 Jan 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
FBL League Announcement

Please can you send team lists for fixture set 7 to anoneeemouse before Friday 6th Feb @8pm

Any lists sent before then can be changed, up until that time.No lists will be accepted after that time, and the lists will be used from the previous fixture.


League Runner

Edited at 09:04 Tue 31/01/12 (GMT)
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