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The Unbeatables 8th Thread!

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22:21 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im_crap_adam said:
Should of really Liam, but a guy can hope for someone beastly to join thats not a cheat can't they

and oh yeah thanks for the announcement James

Well done on not resetting yet J3T, lets keep it that way

Oh yeah and hello everyone lol, may as well say it now, ima be sometime reading

OOps one more thing, i see our old friend Gaz posted (hippseville) was nice to see from ya again, wanna joing again?

Leave that to J3T
Posts: 5,702
22:29 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Get him back fella!

uncharteredx said:
everytime i come and read this thread people are arguing... chill out you lot its just a game...

stuff the rest of you, i want frog here as long as he wants to be here and i dont think its for any of you to comment on whether he stays or goes unless you are Vi or Adam...

So unless you lot have something constructive/positive to say then dont bother saying anything at all, im sick of reading arguments on this thread, its not a clan i would have asked to join if this is all we do now we are worse than shooters!

so far i've got to this quote from jem, and quite frankly atm i have to agree.
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22:37 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr Im not a cheat though , never played myself to win. Seriously it what caused arguements Friday night, getting called a cheat all i did was have 2 accounts, was still me playing not having some1 play for me. Which in my eyes means i didnt cheat, people who think i did can go take a running jump, even you included Adam. Thats how strongly i feel about it
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22:41 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
If you had played in FCL or FBL with 2 names it's blatant cheating
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22:42 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Did i play in them leagues with 2 names??? and even if i did still not cheating. I would still have to beat players infront of me. Can see another arguement coming on looooooool. best catch up quick Adam might be more to come.
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22:47 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Potalot please let it go man- adams on sorting this out - interteam problem no one elses Thanks man
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22:50 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You signed so you obviously had the intention of playing 2 games each fixture...blatant cheating
It's supposed to be a team game simple as that otherwise you would be allowed to play all 8 games in a match yourself with the same username.
DVZ would make his team play all 8 and win the league.
Not really what everyone wants not fair on your opponents or the people you are stopping getting into the clan either.
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22:55 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I have had a second account plenty of times all got banned before long, they rarely get a month old, plus I'm crap so only team I would be "cheating" would be my own. You have your opinion I have mine. Lets leave it at that ay.
Posts: 5,702
22:56 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Liam i understand that part mate, i didn't mean any of that lol, i thought that was all out the window

Sure liam had 2 accounts... as he said he never played a game, had he kept it secret up until he played his games things would be different... i'll be more weiry next time.. now evveryone please shut the duck up (yes make the duck stop quacking ;) )

aha.. back to more pleasant things for now... i had a great weekend even tho i've bin ill, hope all yours was too, inclunding yours Lee
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22:58 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Fair enough don't want to fall out with you liam final point here you say you're crap when you're arguing this point.
You, me and everyone else know that isn't the case and you will be up there for the golden cue as you have already said so having you playing twice would be a major unfair advantage.
Said my piece leave ya to it.
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22:58 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i hda a great weekend mate i got to spend it with the missus although she is a royal pain in the backside :D
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23:00 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Awesome last night...rotten hangover today but worth it cheers adam
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23:00 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Fair enough don't want to fall out with you liam final point here you say you're crap when you're arguing this point.
You, me and everyone else know that isn't the case and you will be up there for the golden cue as you have already said so having you playing twice would be a major unfair advantage.
Said my piece leave ya to it.

In fairness lee .. liam is rubbish i mean i beat him 5-0 at 8us the other day and im rubbish :D
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23:02 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
Fair enough don't want to fall out with you liam final point here you say you're crap when you're arguing this point.
You, me and everyone else know that isn't the case and you will be up there for the golden cue as you have already said so having you playing twice would be a major unfair advantage.
Said my piece leave ya to it.

I know only had that name to get form, then Adam said we needed player so I said a mate just come back didn't think he would sign him though lol. So didn't set out to join a clan, soon as I joined I tried to get noticed so the inevitable would happen and it did
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23:02 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mattywellie said:
ipotalot said:
Fair enough don't want to fall out with you liam final point here you say you're crap when you're arguing this point.
You, me and everyone else know that isn't the case and you will be up there for the golden cue as you have already said so having you playing twice would be a major unfair advantage.
Said my piece leave ya to it.

In fairness lee .. liam is rubbish i mean i beat him 5-0 at 8us the other day and im rubbish :D

Yeah but 2 players with that much fluke power is too much
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23:02 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Matty who won the semi earlier???? :P
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23:03 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
mattywellie said:
ipotalot said:
Fair enough don't want to fall out with you liam final point here you say you're crap when you're arguing this point.
You, me and everyone else know that isn't the case and you will be up there for the golden cue as you have already said so having you playing twice would be a major unfair advantage.
Said my piece leave ya to it.

In fairness lee .. liam is rubbish i mean i beat him 5-0 at 8us the other day and im rubbish :D

Too true there lee ... liam is probably the flukiest player ever on funky next to im_crap_adam of course ;)

Yeah but 2 players with that much fluke power is too much
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23:04 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
liam__scfc said:
ipotalot said:
Fair enough don't want to fall out with you liam final point here you say you're crap when you're arguing this point.
You, me and everyone else know that isn't the case and you will be up there for the golden cue as you have already said so having you playing twice would be a major unfair advantage.
Said my piece leave ya to it.

I know only had that name to get form, then Adam said we needed player so I said a mate just come back didn't think he would sign him though lol. So didn't set out to join a clan, soon as I joined I tried to get noticed so the inevitable would happen and it did

Fair enough mate, didn't play a harm, no foul
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23:05 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I did foul lost 1 game in 27 games and that was a foul on black on that name :(
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23:07 Mon 17 Oct 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Good to see you've finally got your 9 ball stats up to 50% after all the resets anyway
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