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The Unbeatables.. (Team Tush!)

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Deleted User
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00:53 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I loved that commentary! Great result Adam, well done! Can't wait for Fran's game!

LMAO @ squaoof!!!
Deleted User
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00:54 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 2

I am great thanks Jamie, hows yourself? Its good to be commentating on another Highly intense game with yourself,

The 2nd Frame was over in a flash with supreme showing some supreme skills with a 7 ball nothing the Frantastic Fran could do,

Back over to Mr Hunter with Coverage of frame 3
Posts: 5,702
00:55 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks lads, and that commentry was superb hahaha!! Loved it :') you guys gotta do more

Now frans turn in a clan game.. gl fella!
Posts: 2,185
00:56 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 3

We're going Bananas down here at the Banana Bush as Franny the cheeky monkey takes a 2-1 lead wooohooo!
Great clearance from the Irishman and we're waiting with anticipation for Liam's commentary on frame 4.

Posts: 5,702
00:57 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thansk vi as well i'll wait until frans game is done before i update scores as they will just not be seen have fun commentating lads
Deleted User
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00:59 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 4

Some more supreme play but this time from Fran with a great Banana Split to get his balls into the open he finished with a stunning long pot, the Teamplayer makes it 3-1 for his team

Back to Jamie.....
Posts: 2,185
01:01 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 5

Franny takes it to 4-1 with a superb 7 balling, the crowd goes wild. Not much Supreme could have done as he sat back watching Fran take complete control of the situation.

The beers must be helping, we're going bananas down here!!!!

Liam Scott, over to you for Frame 6 and 1st fram of 9 ball.

Deleted User
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01:04 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 6

This time its 9 Ball, With Fran taking a 4-1 lead into as Jamie says the crowd are going Bananas with good reason Fran makes it 5-1 overall with a stunning finish can he keep this form going.

Lets find out over to you Jamie
Posts: 2,185
01:08 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 7

Another terrific win for our Teamplayer Fran, who takes it to 6-1 overall and 2-0 in 9 ball. We're having the time of our lives here at The Banana Bush, as our Top Banana and Hot favourite Fran is producing some excellent displays for the crowd

Shall we see if he can make it 3-0? Over to Liam to tell us more
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:11 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 8

Unfourtantly Jamie he can not as Supreme showed us what he can do, is this the sign of a comeback? only time will tell. For coverage of Frame 9 stay tuned,

Jamie over to you at the Banana Bush
Deleted User
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01:11 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 8

Unfourtantly Jamie he can not as Supreme showed us what he can do, is this the sign of a comeback? only time will tell. For coverage of Frame 9 stay tuned,

Jamie over to you at the Banana Bush
Posts: 2,185
01:13 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 9

Thank you Liam, if there is a comeback it's certainly been halted as our Top banana takes it to 3-1 and 7-2. Things are looking good for our Monkeyman Fran keep up the good work Sunshine

Back to you Liam for Frame 10
Posts: 2,742
01:14 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats class guys
Posts: 6,262
01:14 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
shooter vs unbeatables - fbl 9ball

compo2007 vs _pro__frog_

is now

ritcho vs _pro__frog_

fattmikeeCan we plz have a sub for comp2007.hes been off for 8 days now.

im gonna ask that question...for the last time

bit of friendly advice, when you frog and your captain repeat the same question over and over again at least take time to reread thread to see if I have answered on previous page.. I've answered you both here and on your own thread..So do us both a favour and don't waste ya breath asking again as I won't listen to questions I've previously replied to
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:15 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 10

With 9 Ball coming to a close, supreme looked certain to win the frame but out of no where a Banana seemed to poke the ball out of the pocket which the Frantastic Fran took full advantage and put it away to make it a jaw dropping 8-2 What a Team Player this guy is.

Back Mr Hunter for the Start 8 UK
Posts: 5,702
01:19 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blueberry said:
shooter vs unbeatables - fbl 9ball

compo2007 vs _pro__frog_

is now

ritcho vs _pro__frog_

fattmikeeCan we plz have a sub for comp2007.hes been off for 8 days now.

im gonna ask that question...for the last time

bit of friendly advice, when you frog and your captain repeat the same question over and over again at least take time to reread thread to see if I have answered on previous page.. I've answered you both here and on your own thread..So do us both a favour and don't waste ya breath asking again as I won't listen to questions I've previously replied to

I had read.. but 8days offline without even a mension of if he's going to be back or not.. you said 'at least wait until the weekend' which we did when you eventually replied.. so shush ya mush and stop getting aggy, trying to cause arguments, bit of friendly advice.. reply to us the first time and don't ignore us and we won't have to keep asking.. thanks bye.
Posts: 2,185
01:20 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 11

As we move across to Centre Court for 8 UK here at The Banana Bush, the sun comes out and it's really beating down here, our men will be struggling to play.

And what a start by Supreme, an excellent finish to take him 1-0 up on the English table but still a giant 8-3 behind. Fran secured the win but by how many that's the question? Over to Liam to keep us informed on Frame 12

I'm off for Strawberries and the banana bush?????
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:24 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 12

Well Jamie only time will tell but with Fran securing another frame, taking the score to a very tasty looking 9-3 how much further can he go. The Banana Bush is hosting a classic match tonight.

For details of Frame 13 Stay tuned to the Monkey Man Mr Hunter
Posts: 2,185
01:27 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame Unlucky 13

Oo Oo aah aah, Monkey Man Hunter here And it is a very unlucky frame 13 for fran as an excellent clearance was on the cards but he was denied a win by unlucky positioning on the last ball. Good win for Supreme, 9-4 here so far. Damn these Strawberries are tasty!

Over to banana boy Liam Scott for the penultimate frame 14
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:30 Mon 5 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Frame 14

With Fran looking in a sticky situation not knowing if he should take the red on Supreme telling him the red goes but Fran opted out of taking the shot on and played safe with the following shot Supreme potting the black by mistake turns out Fran made the right call was certainly Unlucky Number 14 for Supreme

Over Jamie for the final frame
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The Unbeatables.. (Team Tush!)

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