Bump.....changes Nick?
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12:16 Sat 20 Aug 11 (BST)
These changes were agreed to aaaaaaages ago Nick
One thing is though, TournaPoints need to be in multiples of 20 per entry to ensure that there is no fraction amount of points given (of course it could round up / down to nearest point).
So it might be best to choose proportions as dgeneratio said, but doubled:
Speed/micro: 20
Normal: 40
Marathon: 60
referring to 9 ball arcade...
(2 months ago)
What's going on with them?
Pretty much everyone has agreed on various threads since that tournapoints should be multiplied by frames so you get more for the effort that goes into winning regular and marathons.
It would get the numbers up really high in those and micros would be left for newer players.
nick said:
One thing is though, TournaPoints need to be in multiples of 20 per entry to ensure that there is no fraction amount of points given (of course it could round up / down to nearest point).
So it might be best to choose proportions as dgeneratio said, but doubled:
Speed/micro: 20
Normal: 40
Marathon: 60
referring to 9 ball arcade...
nick said:
It's currently accidentally in overall, this will be removed next patch.
What's going on with them?
Pretty much everyone has agreed on various threads since that tournapoints should be multiplied by frames so you get more for the effort that goes into winning regular and marathons.
It would get the numbers up really high in those and micros would be left for newer players.
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17:10 Sat 20 Aug 11 (BST)
Do you think you could just give Nick a bit of a chance? It is not like the updates are really important. He has more work to do (like server updates?) that is more important. Just let him do stuff at his own pace.
You know how you can help? By paying for a premium account.
You know how you can help? By paying for a premium account.
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20:58 Sat 20 Aug 11 (BST)
Sorry Who do you think you are? Premium is voluntary last time I checked and I think you've got a right cheek thinking you're superior or any more entitled to voice an opinion because of it or even talking about the fact I haven't got it as you've never even had one conversation with me in your life before.
What about the server crashes when you are trying to get nick to program a whole new game type? These aren't major changes and were promised months ago so i'm entitled to ask what's going on with them
junster333 said:
Do you think you could just give Nick a bit of a chance? It is not like the updates are really important. He has more work to do (like server updates?) that is more important. Just let him do stuff at his own pace.
You know how you can help? By paying for a premium account.
You know how you can help? By paying for a premium account.
Sorry Who do you think you are? Premium is voluntary last time I checked and I think you've got a right cheek thinking you're superior or any more entitled to voice an opinion because of it or even talking about the fact I haven't got it as you've never even had one conversation with me in your life before.
junster333 said:
Now you got 8 and 9 ball arcade, can we suggest another game type please? I am in one of the few snooker clubs in UK that plays 10 ball, which is in my opinion the best type to play. Can we get this anytime soon Nick?
What about the server crashes when you are trying to get nick to program a whole new game type? These aren't major changes and were promised months ago so i'm entitled to ask what's going on with them
04:43 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
Jeez! Stop with all these silly pointless arguments. Nick is very busy and has to prioritize some jobs before others. Fair enough, nick did mention it many months ago but he is the one who designs, builds and develops this site, so I think we all need to be fair and let nick do his work in his own time? And as junster said, if you want to help then that'll be great, but otherwise i'd prefer if you stop the unnecessary arguments. Junster was just giving his kind words of suggestions so there's no need in having a go at him. After all, everybody is entitled to their own opinions!
No hard feelings
No hard feelings
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05:29 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
It's a nudge as they seem to have got forgotten no harm in that whatsoever and as I said junster was out of order even mentioning that I don't have premium it's got nothing to do with anyone who has it.
As for his kind words? Was mouthing off from where i'm sitting.
dark_chocco said:
Jeez! Stop with all these silly pointless arguments. Nick is very busy and has to prioritize some jobs before others. Fair enough, nick did mention it many months ago but he is the one who designs, builds and develops this site, so I think we all need to be fair and let nick do his work in his own time? And as junster said, if you want to help then that'll be great, but otherwise i'd prefer if you stop the unnecessary arguments. Junster was just giving his kind words of suggestions so there's no need in having a go at him. After all, everybody is entitled to their own opinions!
No hard feelings
No hard feelings
It's a nudge as they seem to have got forgotten no harm in that whatsoever and as I said junster was out of order even mentioning that I don't have premium it's got nothing to do with anyone who has it.
As for his kind words? Was mouthing off from where i'm sitting.
06:18 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
Im with lee on this, its perfectly acceptable for him to enquire on the status of updates that were, maybe not promised, but weresaid that would be done. From what i see it looks like Junster haspossibly meant a cheeky remark, not a personal jibe at you Lee, but i still think it was unneccessary.
16:28 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
9 ball arcade isn't used in the ranking calculation?
I will look into the TournaPoints adjustment.
I will look into the TournaPoints adjustment.
20:55 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
Aren't you a mod on snooker? Go figures trying to earn brownie points!
Couldn't agree more with Lee, they need changing if not removing completely.
junster333 said:
Do you think you could just give Nick a bit of a chance? It is not like the updates are really important. He has more work to do (like server updates?) that is more important. Just let him do stuff at his own pace.
You know how you can help? By paying for a premium account.
You know how you can help? By paying for a premium account.
Aren't you a mod on snooker? Go figures trying to earn brownie points!
Couldn't agree more with Lee, they need changing if not removing completely.
Deleted User
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20:58 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
Thanks Nick 9 ball arcade is still in for the overall table though
'You must play the following games to feature in the overall table: 9 Ball Arcade'
nick said:
9 ball arcade isn't used in the ranking calculation?
I will look into the TournaPoints adjustment.
I will look into the TournaPoints adjustment.
Thanks Nick 9 ball arcade is still in for the overall table though
'You must play the following games to feature in the overall table: 9 Ball Arcade'
22:11 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
Yes, you will need to play one game to feature on the most wins and tournament tables, as with all other events. However, it isn't used in the ranking calculations.
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22:13 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)
But then it messes up my profile like 8 ball arcade has....sneaky trick to get us to play it in my opinion
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Bump.....changes Nick?
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