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TopGuns (new clan)

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14 years ago  [Link]  
copper2010 said:
blackcabman7 said:
is it to late to take part in your house league

yea you can get in m8, im gonna get it started this week
ok ty
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14 years ago  [Link]  
hows my topguns doing??????
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14 years ago  [Link]  
skiller10 said:
micros shoulda bin 16 player limit tournaments not 8

totally agree m8 good call
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14 years ago  [Link]  
just lost 3 - 1 to tinie in the 8 uk marathon the guys a robot i was so glad i won 1 frame my he's goooooooooood
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14 years ago  [Link]  
rocketweaz8 said:
hows my topguns doing??????

mighty fine mate just wanting things to get started especially what copper is organising should make good practice for us all.
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14 years ago  [Link]  
hotdave said:
rocketweaz8 said:
hows my topguns doing??????

mighty fine mate just wanting things to get started especially what copper is organising should make good practice for us all.

il get it started, prob 2mara m8, il post as soon as its sorted
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14 years ago  [Link]  
TopGuns in-house clan league has BEGUN!


iv set up a Tournament (to be played first) incase any1 wants to join for the league & has missed opportunitys to join.

please use the website forum for anything to do with the league (so as not to clutter this forum)

their are 9 topguns members in the league so far, and we will still welcome any1 else that wants involved.

the website is layed out as best as i can and should be no problems navigating your way through it.

fixtures&results page is for the league only.

tournament fixtures can be found under the tournament tab.

formats can be found under the league and tournament tabs.

league fixtures dont have to be played in exact order, it is just a guidline for you to go by

message your opponents for games,

and remember *actual clan matches come first*

good luck lads

Edited at 00:37 Tue 20/09/11 (BST)
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14 years ago  [Link]  
looking gd voodoo........thanks for sorting

wd every1 on wins ul on loses ....ill be on tonight at some point
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14 years ago  [Link]  
TopGuns team list so far (FCL)

1) rocketweaz8 (captain) (maverick) pic done
2) lionel (vice captain) (jester) pic done
3) hotdave (viper) pic done
4) scallo(stinger) pic done
5) jds1966 (cougar) pic done
6) copper2010(voodoo) pic done
7) cool_dudie (chipper)
8) nick79theman (sundown)
9) skiller10 (iceman) pic done
10) cmurphy(hollywood) pic done
11) sxs000(wolfman)
12) pricer73(ghostrider)
13) chani_ryan(charlie)
14) funkypool13(shady)
15) blackcabman7(goose)

please welcome blackcabman7 to clan
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13 years ago  [Link]  
in house league, reminder of the format? home players choice but how many frames?
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13 years ago  [Link]  
TopGuns team list so far (FBL)

1) rocketweaz8 (captain)
2 )lionel
3) copper2010
4) cmurphy
5) nick79theman
6) pricer73
7) hotdave
8) jds1966
9) scallo
10) cool_dudie
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13 years ago  [Link]  
who isnt on list and wants to be in fbl squad?? im gonna also gets some fbl friendlies we doing with fcl frindlies??
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13 years ago  [Link]  
TopGuns team list so far (FCL)

1) rocketweaz8 (captain) (maverick) pic done
2) lionel (vice captain) (jester) pic done
3) hotdave (viper) pic done
4) scallo(stinger) pic done
5) jds1966 (cougar) pic done
6) copper2010(voodoo) pic done
7) cool_dudie (chipper)
8) nick79theman (sundown)
9) skiller10 (iceman) pic done
10) cmurphy(hollywood) pic done
11) sxs000(wolfman)
12) pricer73(ghostrider)
13) chani_ryan(charlie)(fcl only)
14) funkypool13(shady)
15) blackcabman7(goose)
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13 years ago  [Link]  
lionel said:
in house league, reminder of the format? home players choice but how many frames?

i actually forgot aboput that and have changed it to a set format m8, itl give every 1 practice at all the games this way

the tournament is only 1 leg each round
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13 years ago  [Link]  
won 8uk friendly tourny
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13 years ago  [Link]  
voodoo??? who will update and post results?
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13 years ago  [Link]  
rocketweaz8 said:
voodoo??? who will update and post results?

every one post their results and il update all, iv put a results section in the forum on the website

post results here:

Edited at 18:07 Tue 20/09/11 (BST)
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13 years ago  [Link]  
rocketweaz8 said:
TopGuns team list so far (FCL)

1) rocketweaz8 (captain) (maverick) pic done
2) lionel (vice captain) (jester) pic done
3) hotdave (viper) pic done
4) scallo(stinger) pic done
5) jds1966 (cougar) pic done
6) copper2010(voodoo) pic done
7) cool_dudie (chipper)
8) nick79theman (sundown)
9) skiller10 (iceman) pic done
10) cmurphy(hollywood) pic done
11) sxs000(wolfman)
12) pricer73(ghostrider)
13) chani_ryan(charlie)
14) funkypool13(shady)
15) blackcabman7(goose)

please welcome blackcabman7 to clan

hello and welcome blackcabman7 and good luck with your games mate.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13 years ago  [Link]  
TopGuns team list so far (FBL)

1) rocketweaz8 (captain)
2 )lionel
3) copper2010
4) cmurphy
5) nick79theman
6) pricer73
7) hotdave
8) jds1966
9) scallo
10) cool_dudie
11) sxs000
12) blackcabman7
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13 years ago  [Link]  
copper2010 said:
rocketweaz8 said:
voodoo??? who will update and post results?

every one post their results and il update all, iv put a results section in the forum on the website

post results here:

Edited at 18:07 Tue 20/09/11 (BST)

ok nice 1 cant wait all good
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TopGuns (new clan)

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