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21:09 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Rick i already stated i never said you didn't send anything in, i said i was not sure! there is a difference. You sent yours in to dgeneratio anyway and later that night i found yours on page four of my inbox.

I have also stated to you before and many others that it is a good idea to send default information to myself and dgeneratio so that the above wouldn't happen.

dgeneratio told me he had nothing from you i stay on to midnight sunday and sent every thing to both leagues someone lairing here not me as its on my thread
Posts: 38,097
21:09 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
back later or tomorrow, if you really want to know why leave me a message it wont be changed either way.
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21:10 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
back later or tomorrow, if you really want to know why leave me a message it wont be changed either way.

i leave you done u had it
Posts: 22,512
21:11 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have you stopped and considered there is a mix up of words? what does it matter anyway your information was sent in and used already, default panel made there decision and it will not change.

Im not going to sit here and say sorry because i received too many inbox messages the other day. It was a very simple and easy mistake which you are taking way over the top now.
Deleted User
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21:12 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
bluenose1872 said:
Have you stopped and considered there is a mix up of words? what does it matter anyway your information was sent in and used already, default panel made there decision and it will not change.

Im not going to sit here and say sorry because i received too many inbox messages the other day. It was a very simple and easy mistake which you are taking way over the top now.

i send you mine on midnight sunday
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21:14 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
right to all others teams that are asking for subs it looks like i run this by myself
as you all no i could not give a crap about things at the Min as you can all read on my thread that my father was rust into hospital and still there my family come first not pool it simple have a bit of respect

so if u need subs sort out with my vice captains i don't no when i be on
Posts: 22,512
21:15 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't check my inbox all the time mate, it was simply missed with the amount of inbox messages i got later on sunday and monday.
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22:30 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi tpa
soz hear bout father big mouse
so to vice, pool champ 2 not online for 11 days
got him in fbl cup game
shud i wait bit longer? or do you's wanna sort out a sub?
Deleted User
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22:40 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hello i have a 9 ball fbl match with lena_rus, she been gone for 10 days now will she be online soon? or do you just want me to play a sub
Posts: 7,940
23:54 Fri 25 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
who are the vice captains ?, this needs action please.

lena_rus - offline 10 days
great_player - offline 2 days
pool_champ_2 - offline 11 days

MVP 32 - 13 TPA

bluenose1872 9 - 6 cue_control
tinie 11 - 4 jpenny3
eemad 12 - 3 greyhound
techno vs pennyarcade9
beenjammin vs lena_rus
cphaynes vs great_player
the_diamond vs pool_champ_2
dvz vs raymondrfc52
Deleted User
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00:05 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry to here big_m. will check games 2 play and try and get on a bit more ...
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00:08 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
big_mouse said:
dgeneratio said:

eemad 14-1 deano_mufc_7 (3-1 before default)
9ballsniper1 9-6 sr20_mick
eggfriedrice 9-6 chillibeef (8-6 before default)

Mouseketeers and MVP will get their bonuses the others involved in this default will not.


hang on when did this happen???

i see the defaults are a joke still when there team had no player to sub in when i put in sr20_mick but there get the points a total joke
and one of the runners said i never sent nothing in
Deleted User
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00:11 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
if i mist it on thread .. if i HAD been messaged on this game i would have played it ..// hmmmmmm . i never missed a clan match before ... check....
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01:09 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
come on guys lets win these games
Posts: 38,097
01:10 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
mick you was subbed in on the last day so sniper couldn't message you as he was offline for a day which doesn't mean much.
Posts: 7,940
02:23 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  


techno vs pennyarcade9
the_diamond vs pool_champ_2

is now

the_diamond v pennyarcade9
techno v pool_champ_2
(playing now)
Deleted User
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03:01 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
techno v pool_champ_2

us8: techno 3 - 2 pool_champ
us9: techno 3 - 2 pool_champ
uk8: techno 3 - 2 pool_champ

overall techno 9 - 6 pool_champ

all matches close but this guy is just a machine on the table well played dude
Deleted User
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03:20 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Straight sr20_mick (0)vs(6) kingywhu

Fighting Eagles vs top pool aces.

I had the pleasue of watching it was good games and thx mick for the invite.And thx for getting ur game played.
But we still need a sub for leana.this is the 3rd time i have ask.
Deleted User
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03:23 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
pool_champ_2 said:
techno v pool_champ_2

us8: techno 3 - 2 pool_champ
us9: techno 3 - 2 pool_champ
uk8: techno 3 - 2 pool_champ

overall techno 9 - 6 pool_champ

all matches close but this guy is just a machine on the table well played dude

Lol just seen this, thanks for the compliment
Posts: 7,164
03:28 Sat 26 Nov 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lena_rus now offline 10 days soon to be 11

anychance of a sub please
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