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06:07 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
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Posts: 1,634
07:07 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Ya thread spammer lol jk i never did learn how to do all that cool pasting :( Good to see your back old man hope all is well man
Posts: 1,634
07:10 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
So whats up c n g i miss you guys where the h3ll are all you maniacs at tonight , sucks being a yank fellas when it comes to funky and hay what happened to all the smiley faces and stuff i got nothing tonight is it the site possibly?
Posts: 1,634
07:15 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Where is k1rk at i love that guy he is bout as funny a guy as they get very unfortunate he deactivated but through trying times we have to make the most of it soooooooo lol Where did k1rk go lol ??????

K i bet he discovered a rubber woman that was indestructable and was so dumbfounded by this discovery that he went and started mass productioning and just tooo exhausted to make time for his boys in the c n g ?? lol
Posts: 1,634
07:59 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I have to run for a bit but will be back shortly so if any of you terrors of the billiards world happens on stick around ill be back shortly.... pete
Posts: 1,634
09:55 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Heeeellllllloooooo heeellllooooo heelloo hello! Funny story lol i took my little dog for a walk to do his business and sniff for ladies and what not, his name is bentley james (kids named him and kids are funny) and bentley is a long haired chihuawa probably 3 pounds soaking wet , what makes it funny is he is one of those dogs that even being fixed he throws his weight acts all tough and non stop and i mean non stop he is a professional humper, and he makes his case known in our hood runs around barks and tries fighting the big dogs in the neighborhood all in the name of love lol . well tonight on our journey he did what he does strutted around barked some pee'd everywhere lol we went by this house not far from mine where these new people just moved in and apparantly they also are blessed with the same demeanered dog ,short hair though ,but a chihuawa just the same only thing is theirs is a female, well we walk by and out of no where comes this little ole dog out of the bushes and attacks bentley but not in a mean sort of attack but definately one he was expecting cause not only is this little dog a female but she is a world class humper herself and laid the spank down on ole bentley james he was at a loss totally outmanned by this little ole dog lol . Well in the mayhem of this historic shallacking the new neighbor came out and we got talking and finally met lol dumb story but yeah pretty funny lol
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15:51 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol Pete love you'r continuous posting. The thread is still alive, we just got a slow week with kirk being away and Liam in London. But Jimmy's still here and things will pick up. Just making finishing touches to the clan and we'll all be set for next season!

Hopefully with Kirk by our sides, but he's having a rough time atm, so I can't wait for him to pick his lazy backside up and get on with this terror we're about to unleash next season!

Chips n' Gravy are very much alive and we're relishing the opportunity of hell raising next season! Let's bring pain and murder to the funkypool server!
Theoretically speaking of course :-)


Edited at 12:57 Sun 07/08/11 (BST)
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16:00 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
8 Ball Pool UK Ranked - a3ro (7) loses to no1sp3ci4l (20) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: no1sp3ci4l 715.5 (+1.7), a3ro 737.5 (-0.7)

this will cheer kirk up when he sees it... not a single snooker was played in 27 frames... ggs liam
and no im not back
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16:20 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Didn't think you would be, I knew you'd let us down, its a good job I'm an amazing captain and had you replaced within minutes of you deacting ;-)
Plus, if kirk doesn't come back within 3 days, we got his replacement too :-P

You're me mates, but screw me over and you'll get screwed back. Fair's fair.
I'd still like you to pop your head in from time to time dude, we need a good laugh at your face :-P

I've captained loads of clans that have died but none have ever been my creation, they've all been clans that were dead on their feet and I rescued another season outta them.
This is mine, Liam's, and hopefully Kirk's clan too, and this won't die, I'm putting 110 percent into this and I'm determined to make it work.

Guys if you lag behind you'll get left behind, because the gravy train never stops!

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16:21 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
go jimmy
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16:27 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Cheers mate, bout time I posted like a captain and not a joker lol.
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16:27 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
jimmy_efc_ said:
Didn't think you would be, I knew you'd let us down, its a good job I'm an amazing captain and had you replaced within minutes of you deacting ;-)
Plus, if kirk doesn't come back within 3 days, we got his replacement too :-P

You're me mates, but screw me over and you'll get screwed back. Fair's fair.
I'd still like you to pop your head in from time to time dude, we need a good laugh at your face :-P

I've captained loads of clans that have died but none have ever been my creation, they've all been clans that were dead on their feet and I rescued another season outta them.
This is mine, Liam's, and hopefully Kirk's clan too, and this won't die, I'm putting 110 percent into this and I'm determined to make it work.

Guys if you lag behind you'll get left behind, because the gravy train never stops!


sorry got borrrrred after 3 days... so shoot me lol
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16:37 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Its not cause you got bored, you couldn't handle the pressure, poor baby lose a few games and run off with tail between legs. Lee I still believe you're the best player on the site, and stupidly your still one of my best mates. I know you don't do clans but next time don't lead me on, I had a go at Kirk cause he said you would leave and I said no you gave me your word.

Well never mind...heartbroken pal... :"-(
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17:56 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
tail between legs.. its a game thats taken way to serious. who did u replace me with xx_lisa_xx? i here HES very good hahah OOPS i mean YOU
noo i mean SHE lol.. take care good luck
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18:10 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Lol Lisa is awesome but she'll never be as good as me mate. If its taken too seriously by others why did you keep deacting when your stats declined. That's taking it seriously Lee. I know I'm crap so I can keep my stats in the 700s quite happily. :-P

Don't be a stranger dude your always welcome on the Gravy train, even if its just for the view of the countryside. Ill put in a good word with Lisa for you, I know how much of a player you are :-P
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18:24 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
il pop in from time to time
Posts: 1,634
18:32 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hay fellas been like twenty years how you two maniacs doing today? Headed out to church soon but seen you guys on figured i would jump in say hay lol
Posts: 1,634
18:34 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Good to see ya out laying the beat down again lee definately we missed ya man good to see your back my friend !!
Posts: 1,634
18:37 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
wondering couple things from the heads of the mighty team ., one clan tags any ideas yet or in the works yet and what is that in clan tourny you got going i want in if possible still?
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18:42 Sun 7 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
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