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18:35 Wed 3 Aug 11 (BST)
didnt expect to see all these wen i logged on lol group c nearly complete lads,
will post groups standings as they are in a few mins
will post groups standings as they are in a few mins
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18:36 Wed 3 Aug 11 (BST)
sounds gud m8, il keep your name down
tinie said:
I will join next one of this if there are any spaces
sounds gud m8, il keep your name down
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
18:55 Wed 3 Aug 11 (BST)
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
19:49 Wed 3 Aug 11 (BST)
any 1 who hasnt played at least 1 game by monday (without reason) will be replaced, if you have any issues trying to get others to play, pm me b4 monday and let me no.
i know 9ballsniper1 and toluca321 are from america direction so if any1 in there group is on l8 nite keep a look out for these,
i know 9ballsniper1 and toluca321 are from america direction so if any1 in there group is on l8 nite keep a look out for these,
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
14:33 Thu 4 Aug 11 (BST)
i have 2 extra people that want in so mite havda start replacing people, we are prob gonna need more than 2 group A and D both have 2 players playing and the other 2 not.
if any1 nos of any1 else interested in playing cud they let me no.
i mite bring chalkie and its_me up to group A and replace group d all 2gether. but its not just me in this so let me no if you's agree with that?
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
its_me------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
chalkie35--------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
if any1 nos of any1 else interested in playing cud they let me no.
i mite bring chalkie and its_me up to group A and replace group d all 2gether. but its not just me in this so let me no if you's agree with that?
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
its_me------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
chalkie35--------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
15:33 Thu 4 Aug 11 (BST)
it would look something like this aslong as every1 is happy.
will still need 2 more players for D
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
its_me ------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
chalkie35----------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
tinie ----------------
justjules -----------
will still need 2 more players for D
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
its_me ------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
chalkie35----------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
tinie ----------------
justjules -----------
20:45 Thu 4 Aug 11 (BST)
not really fair tht on jame2010s tbh he is on line regular
youve put a deadline on, so before replacing ppl maybe contact them first
youve put a deadline on, so before replacing ppl maybe contact them first
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
22:25 Thu 4 Aug 11 (BST)
copper posted on my clan thread did anybody want to fill in the empty spaces, so yed i will if there is room please!
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17:26 Fri 5 Aug 11 (BST)
no not really happy as u said we had to monday to get the frist games played
copper2010 said:
it would look something like this aslong as every1 is happy.
will still need 2 more players for D
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
its_me ------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
chalkie35----------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
tinie ----------------
justjules -----------
will still need 2 more players for D
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
its_me ------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
chalkie35----------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
Group B------------
w_hoolahan------- 2 --- 1--- 0---1----3
cushion------------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0----3
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
tinie ----------------
justjules -----------
no not really happy as u said we had to monday to get the frist games played
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
18:35 Mon 8 Aug 11 (BST)
the usual groups wernt officially changed, i just wanted to check and see what people thought etc
i didnt mean to take jame2010s out that was an error on my part
i just wanted to no how people felt about changes, and in the hope that ppl from the groups that havent played would play ther games.
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
cushion------------- 2 --- 2-- 0---0----6
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
toluca321--------- 1 --- 0---0----1---0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
its_me------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
chalkie35--------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
it is mon now so i am gonna start replacing people, with the exception of jame2010s due to the confusion, il post the changes soon
i didnt mean to take jame2010s out that was an error on my part
i just wanted to no how people felt about changes, and in the hope that ppl from the groups that havent played would play ther games.
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
cushion------------- 2 --- 2-- 0---0----6
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
toluca321--------- 1 --- 0---0----1---0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
its_me------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
chalkie35--------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
it is mon now so i am gonna start replacing people, with the exception of jame2010s due to the confusion, il post the changes soon
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
(IP Logged)
18:39 Mon 8 Aug 11 (BST)
Group A------------plyd---W---D---L---pts
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
cushion------------- 2 --- 2-- 0---0----6
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
toluca321--------- 1 --- 0---0----1---0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
its_me------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
chalkie35--------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
(changes in brackets)
these are the changes, any objections, or confusion let me no.
doubted2----------- 1 --- 1--- 0---0--- 3
copper2010------- 1 --- 1--- 0---1--- 0
Group B------------
cushion------------- 2 --- 2-- 0---0----6
cke1982----------- 1 --- 0--- 0---1----0
toluca321--------- 1 --- 0---0----1---0
Group C----------
teamplayer-------- 3 ---2--- 1---0----7
blueberry---------- 3 ---2--- 0---1----6
run_outt------------ 2 ---0--- 1---1----1
lionel--------------- 2 ---0--- 0---2----0
Group D----------
its_me------------- 1 ---1--- 0---0----3
chalkie35--------- 1 ---0---0--- 0----0
(changes in brackets)
these are the changes, any objections, or confusion let me no.
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