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Team Angry 2

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Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
do the same as badger then and go now

ipotalot vs deejay

is now

huts24 vs deejay
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Badger never wanted to leave you booted him, don't know what's going on with you but you're totally ruining a good thing and i'll be finishing the last game of the season in FBL as i am captain for that.
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
im not having people saying they leaving then saying they not then changing their minds, if ya wanna go ya go now so i can move on without yous, and if i kick you out the clan (which i have) then FBL is gone aswell
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Lets not finish the season this way.
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
Top Dogs 29 vs 31 Team Angry

antione08 9 vs 6 ipotalot
cushion vs no1hustl3r
eemad vs huts24
ab_rfc vs poolbiird
alxima vs scott7a
horse10000 9 vs 6 welshdragon
weirdo_1 6 vs 9 17_m
bunrzybhoy 5 vs 10 player28

Team Angry 15 vs 15 Unbeatables

crazzymadman vs im_crap_adam
poolbiird vs _kayleigh_
mrmtp vs master_p00l
vladimir vs uncharteredx
woowoo69 8 vs 7 nh425
warcriminal 7 vs 8 teamplayer
huts24 vs deejay
player28 vs daveygee

deadline 18th september

good luck all
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Don't think so Ang I started FBL i entered us and i got a team for it it's a seperate league.
You couldn't have 2 more loyal players than me and badger but you suddenly decide we can't have any fun and any banter or post any tourney results?! Great fun that will be!
Bearing in mind you started a 2 month long argument that still spills over despite loads of us telling you to leave it constantly but still supporting you when you carried on...but posting a tourney win is far more damaging to a clan or badger having a joke back at unbeatables after they had done it for 2 pages?!
Can't see where you are coming from
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
start a new page for ya FBL then ya no longer part of team angry

loyal players dont say they leaving next season!! this has nothing to do with the argument with shooters, its to do with badger spitting his dummy out twice this week, i didnt once complain about anything he said to unbeatables, im complaining about him saying hes leaving. same goes for you
Posts: 38,097
14 years ago  [Link]  
i don't like where this is going
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
its going nowhere, its done
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Really no point in starting a new page for 1 game with the same players how about you grow up and you can have your clan.
You changed everything about the clan in one paragraph last fun, no banter, just results and and subs.
Coming from someone who constantly says they don't care about results and just want a bit of fun it made no sense but then you repeated it this morning.
Enough of that though i think after all the work i have put into getting players in and helping you run the team you should show me a bit more respect and the rest of the team that have done so well in FBL but hey it's all black and white with you isn't it
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
like i said, badger spat his dummy out cos of the "banter" not just once, but twice. thats why i put an end to it. i can handle the banter, i get called every name under the sun and do i stamp me feet and say im leaving? nope! you lot cant handle it so it had to stop. and as for respect, i did respect yous both until you threatened to leave.

anyway i dont want to argue with any of yous so thats the end of it
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Team Angry 14 vs 22 Wolf Pack

8 ball
no1hustl3r 2 v 4 deano_mufc_7
ipotalot 3 v 3 dextr
9 ball
scott7a 3 v 3 dunkyfunk
woowoo69 4 v 2 chillibeef
8 UK
mrmtp 2 v 4 strikelucky8
badger2 v psychosis
mattywellie v toluca321
poolbiird 0 v 6 tinie

Team Angry 24 vs 12 Fraggles

8 Ball
welshdragon 4 vs 2 hardy202
crazzymadman 6 vs 0 cke1982
9 Ball
warcriminal vs solskjaer20
mrmtp 3 vs 3 sr20_mick
8 UK
vladimir 2 vs 4 07nels07
poolbiird 3 vs 3 welshie
17_m 6 vs 0 andy2b
woowoo69 vs triggy

Deadline 11th September best of luck everyone
Deleted User
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14 years ago  [Link]  
What the hell is going on ? So lee and badger are leaving ? :O
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14 years ago  [Link]  
badger2 said:
If anyone would like to read a completely unbias account of woowoo69 demolishing nh425 check out the Unbeatables thread!

How much more obvious a joke could you get though? He even put at the end just in case anyone reeeeeally couldn't get it from calling 8-7 a thrashing!
We then got 3 unbeatables on here complaining about it lol and his other comment was blatantly tongue in cheek too.
I even think you mis-read ed's comment because he never said he wanted to leave because of the banter.
As for badger throwing his rattle out of the pram you've deactivated many times for a lot longer since i've been here.
You've just said you don't care about any banter but you've posted twice to tell us we can't have a joke anymore???!!!
That's the only reason i wouldn't stay here because I love the clan the way it is and suddenly you're changing it into a no fun clan so it's not my loyalty that's changed.
Deleted User
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14 years ago  [Link]  
Wait so we can't post Tourney results ? is this a joke :L everyone else does it so why can't we ? I can't see us having a team next season and if thats the case then i'll just go.
Posts: 4,557
14 years ago  [Link]  
scott7a ofcourse u can post tournement wins , shows how well each players form is .. we are going to have a great team next season
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
i told you before but your obviously not listening so i'll tell you again, i didnt have a problem with anything that badger said with unbeatables, its him that had the problem with it, you just read what you wanna read. i didnt mention anything about Ed either so i dunno where you got that from. i deactivate so i can use another name, not cos im in a huff. i said no more banter cos it causing people to leave.
Posts: 4,775
14 years ago  [Link]  
scott7a said:
Wait so we can't post Tourney results ? is this a joke :L everyone else does it so why can't we ? I can't see us having a team next season and if thats the case then i'll just go.

theres a dedications thread for that
Deleted User
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14 years ago  [Link]  
So you don't like us posting tourney results on this ? You never seem to complain before. So technically this is only for posting clan results and subs ? :L
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14 years ago  [Link]  
teamplayer said:
badger2 said:
If anyone would like to read a completely unbias account of woowoo69 demolishing nh425 check out the Unbeatables thread!

Demolishing ,,,,,thats pretty harsh badger ,,,,nh425 was just very ul he shuda been 5-0 in 8ball but thats pool ,,luck went other way not naths ,,,,

Demolishing ,,,,harsh

meant no harm here all..i just stated a point and left ,,i stayed out of it since and will continue to do so ,,,Keep this team strong all
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