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04:29 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
huts24 said:
welshdragon said:
won straight tourny, got lucky in final against huts who deserved to win it, sorry m8.

ty m8 , you played well also ! congrats

Did you both say "gg" to each other?!!
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04:39 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ofcourse, wat sort of a team mates wld that make us if we didnt
Posts: 19,967
04:59 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
ipotalot said:
Totally ridiculous, I swap fixtures to give flash_is_bac somebody that can fit in with his times he's logged in doesn't accept personal messages so i've gone into his game room straight vs teamplayer.
He's totally blanked me asked if he can play after his game is finished and he carries on commenting about the game with no response to me.
He finishes the game asks fran if he wants to play another, fran says are you sure ipotalot wants to play? He just carries on with his straight game.
I want a sub i'm not waiting up late to play someone who behaves like that, what a joke

We'll sort you out with a sub/swap next time you are online so we can give you an opponent you can easily get a match sorted with!
That's what i've posted on eights thread Ang, i want them to put in someone in the same time zone now after he's messed me around when I went out of my way to fit in with him.
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06:04 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
ipotalot said:
ipotalot said:
Totally ridiculous, I swap fixtures to give flash_is_bac somebody that can fit in with his times he's logged in doesn't accept personal messages so i've gone into his game room straight vs teamplayer.
He's totally blanked me asked if he can play after his game is finished and he carries on commenting about the game with no response to me.
He finishes the game asks fran if he wants to play another, fran says are you sure ipotalot wants to play? He just carries on with his straight game.
I want a sub i'm not waiting up late to play someone who behaves like that, what a joke

That's what i've posted on eights thread Ang, i want them to put in someone in the same time zone now after he's messed me around when I went out of my way to fit in with him.

We'll sort you out with a sub/swap next time you are online so we can give you an opponent you can easily get a match sorted with!

Thanks zante much appreciated
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
17:15 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Team Angry vs Crazy Eights

Badger2 vs Strikey

8US 3-2
9Ball 3-2
8UK 4-1

Overall 10-5 to Badger2

Most frames went down to the wire; scoreline was a bit surprising, much closer than it would suggest. Good games Strikey and good luck.
Posts: 3,610
17:40 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
weres my m8 ipotalot.. hes the only 1 i speak to here? can any1 tell me were my m8 is???
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17:41 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Probably at work!
Posts: 4,775
17:49 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
its_me said:
weres my m8 ipotalot.. hes the only 1 i speak to here? can any1 tell me were my m8 is???

hiding from you
Deleted User
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17:56 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Congrulations you just your 13th ever 9 ball tournament winning 308 Tournapoints Won my 12th last night the only 2 tournaments i've played in since been off for a day maybe im starting to get the some of that form back didn't lose a single frame shame i can't do that in clan matches
Deleted User
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18:24 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hi vladimir has been off for 2 days now any chance of a sub
Deleted User
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18:32 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
07nels07 said:
hi vladimir has been off for 2 days now any chance of a sub

Thanks for pointing this out. We'll give him at least until the weekend as this fixutre is only a few days old.
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20:14 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
badger2 said:
Probably at work!

Spot on and with no sleep, having plastered a room i'm not taking any prisoners on the 8's thread lol
Well done on your result mate, top man

Ang I swear george is having a laugh with me?! Ask him to just give me someone who wants to play the game in the same time zone and because he is refusing to sub out his precious flash who refuses to play he wants to give me the player that nearly cost us entry into FCL by leaving my game at 4-1 down and refusing to play or answer any messages
Posts: 4,775
20:26 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Team Angry 38 vs 53 Untouchables

welshdragon 3 vs 12 michaelg
no1hustl3r vs wales_lad
badger2 vs _emily_
scott7a 5 vs 10 _aphr0dite_
17_m 4 vs 11 g_b
vladimir 10 vs 5 dgeneratio
ipotalot 9 vs 6 crazy_greg
mrmtp 6 vs 9 whocares8x8

Crazy 8's 31 vs 29 Team Angry

virtuosomuch 10 vs 5 scott7a
vidic vs warcriminal
zantetsukenzvs woowoo69
flash_is_bac vs ipotalot
strikey 5 vs 10 badger2
9ballsniper1 7 vs 8 poolbiird
ub3rnatorvs crazzymadman
murphybhoy 9 vs 6 welshdragon

deadline 4th september

good luck all
Posts: 4,775
20:43 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
badger2 said:
Probably at work!

Spot on and with no sleep, having plastered a room i'm not taking any prisoners on the 8's thread lol
Well done on your result mate, top man

Ang I swear george is having a laugh with me?! Ask him to just give me someone who wants to play the game in the same time zone and because he is refusing to sub out his precious flash who refuses to play he wants to give me the player that nearly cost us entry into FCL by leaving my game at 4-1 down and refusing to play or answer any messages

stick to ya guns lee
Posts: 4,775
23:12 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiird 3 vs 3 welshie
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23:17 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Good stuff Ang hopefully you had a bit of fun in that one after having to take one for the team with tinie

...sounds painful
Posts: 3,610
23:25 Wed 31 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
poolbiirds posts have been removed of shooters thread and reported to admin....... why cant u all be like ipotalot??
Deleted User
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00:06 Thu 1 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Crazy 8's v Team Angry

zantetsukenz v woowoo69

9ball 4-1
8US 2-3
8UK 2-3

8-7 overall win for Crazy 8's

This match was torture as we both missed way too many shots and the score could easily have been 13-2 either way. But zantetsukenz is a demon in 9ball and overall deserved to win and more personally is a nice guy
Deleted User
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00:10 Thu 1 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
13-2 is an exaggeration he hammered me in 9ball
Posts: 4,775
00:11 Thu 1 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
not a bad result Ed
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