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Posts: 7,164
23:28 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
doubted2 said:
oh dear
im answering posts on your thread ,,, erm your slating im answering

you need to stop posting then i dont need to respond

double standards really you posted on our thread recently


I posted to stop this crap but you are like a 2 year old nobody gives a rats about 1 player except little baby craig, thought your dog had died in your arms 2 days ago. Why would you be spending your time on here crying about an online game if that were true?

any real need to say that

true colurs comming out again hmmmmm wonder were the mods are when you get nasty again .... but sticks nd stones well i ask how far will you stooop nd the mods still dont do anything
Posts: 3,610
23:29 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
mattywellie said:
How about we all stop the arguing and if you want to talk to one another take it to either pm or offline message ?

well said matty
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23:30 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i think the little digs at each other need to stop now please as i have already said if you have something to say take it to offline messages .. if you dont like a decision that has been made then use contact us please
Posts: 4,775
23:30 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
its_me said:
poolbiird said:
not me so run along little boy xx

stop with ure insults poolbiird... ive got all of them coppied here. can u not grow up?????

all of what copied where ? i havent said nothing to you what i wouldnt say on here so please, feel free to post it
Posts: 7,164
23:32 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no digs from me im responding to some one who is giving a few low blows bit sad really however, im responding to posts that arnt really constructive

more to the point im not slating being rude or offensive only wish i could say the same about ipotalot
Posts: 3,610
23:34 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i wont stuuuuupppp so low to post wot u said to me? .. i have a heart... lets leave it plzzz.... ure on a computer... its not real????????
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23:34 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
These attacks are ridiculous craig huts posted on your page asking to be released from FBL, blueberry said no and I supported blueberry's decision and asked huts to leave it.
Everything since has been you.

what was it suicide?
Posts: 4,775
23:35 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i'll post it then, i said craig was a tool and i said both of you shouldnt bring your problems to funky
Posts: 7,164
23:36 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no attacks think you should maybe read your posts i dont take kindly to being slated by you

nd still no mods look at your posts

very offensive
Posts: 3,610
23:36 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
lets stay of each others forums then...... simple???????
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23:37 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
You spend your time attacking people for no reason don't cwy when you get it back cwaig
Posts: 3,610
23:38 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i like most of this team..... just 2 a dont??? but im sure we can just get on???
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23:38 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
OK I suggest that before one more person posts in this discussion they ensure they have fully read the forum rules linked to below the text box before clicking the 'Post' button!!

Part of which reads.....

Please can you respect other members. We understand people do not always get on with each other, but please can you have a certain amount of toleration to other members. If you don't agree, try not to launch an attack on them, but answer back constructively. No one wants to read through pages and pages of abuse. Please be polite and tactful, and considerate of others feelings.

Anyone not complying will be reported and risks losing their posting privileges.
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23:39 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
They don't want to stop tratter i've tried being nice and mediating....craig's just desperate for something to argue about.
Don't believe the dog story for a second either else it would have given you some perspective about what's important in life.
Posts: 7,164
23:40 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
and the reason it may have taken a few hours for me to respnd is i have a job a life

then i read through posts and respond ,,, im sorry there is no rules to say i cant ... or is there

more to the point you slate me and others constanlty and get away with it,,, i dont know how

a poor girl posted on our thread and you decided to pull her to pieces and why what did it have to with you, she was a young girl and you pull her english to bits not to clever if you ask me

im sorry i lost my posting rights before ,,, nd i maybe slated some one ,,, here im not slating ,,, your still getting away with it
Posts: 3,610
23:42 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
They don't want to stop tratter i've tried being nice and mediating....craig's just desperate for something to argue about.
Don't believe the dog story for a second either else it would have given you some perspective about what's important in life.

its not the dog story i was on about.. i had a death in family recently and poolbiird said so wot//// that just not right.. why would i lie???
Posts: 7,164
23:44 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
well said chris

so i ask you why is he getting away with his posts read through ,,, but know he is still slating and you still do nothing

ipotalot another low blow about my dog how low will stoop again

and still the mods allow you to be offensive and rude
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23:44 Tue 23 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Capped as nothing constructive, and little 'on topic', is being posted at this time.
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00:45 Wed 24 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thread uncapped.

Please comply with all of the forum rules before posting from now on including....

Please can you respect other members. We understand people do not always get on with each other, but please can you have a certain amount of toleration to other members. If you don't agree, try not to launch an attack on them, but answer back constructively. No one wants to read through pages and pages of abuse. Please be polite and tactful, and considerate of others feelings.

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00:54 Wed 24 Aug 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Team Angry 16 vs 29 Untouchables

welshdragon 3 vs 12 michaelg
no1hustl3r vs wales_lad
badger2 vs _emily_
scott7a vs _aphr0dite_
17_m 4 vs 11 g_b
poolbiird vs dgeneratio
ipotalot 9 vs 6 crazy_greg
mrmtp vs whocares8x8

Crazy 8's 17 vs 13 Team Angry

virtuosomuch 10 vs 5 scott7a
vidic vs warcriminal
zantetsukenz vs woowoo69
strikey vs ipotalot
flash_is_bac vs badger2
9ballsniper1 7 vs 8 poolbiird
ub3rnator vs crazzymadman
murphybhoy vs welshdragon

deadline 4th september

good luck all
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