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Posts: 388
02:10 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thats why we are Shooters Revenge..

hehe get my lil joke there
Posts: 38,097
02:11 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blackjack said:
its just a suggestion for the future that rules shouldnt be bent anymore in pre-season friendlies

League hosts reserve the right to, at any time, make any exception or alteration to the rules they deem necessary, but normally rules will never be changed during seasons.

theres your answer
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02:12 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blackjack said:
Thats why we are Shooters Revenge..

hehe get my lil joke there

well ur little joke gone to far a gd future clan has just folded well done
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02:12 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
right you can end everything to do with fraggles as i have pulled them out of all leagues

as cant be bothered anymore hope you are all happy

Posts: 5,250
02:14 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Eh i thought this was a discussion on if Pool Sharks should be admitted to fcl after failing to meet cut off...

I say allow them entrance as it will make division 2 more competitive.
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02:14 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
death_viper said:
no_surrender said:
I just find it the case that if fraggles had a more experienced captain this wouldn't have happened as they wouldn't have asked as weve been told in the past that we can't do this.

If freindlies are created to prove whether clans should be in the league, surely you'd want the same rules in the freindlies otherwise it somewhat defeats the point

she asked the league runner so whats the problem with that u jjust all ganging up on fraggles u all bang out of order and wrong bored little kids go away

Again I'm trying to have a serious discussion and your making personal attacks at me! And ironically I think you'll find I'm not a 'kid' and in fact I'm probably rather close to your age.

I am trying to have a discussion about the future and wether there should be a rule to stop this. Therefore I ask if you can't add constructive comments to the discussion you do not reply to my posts.
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02:17 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
death_viper said:
fraz_viper said:
hi fraggle i sorry to say this but after all my hand work getting a team together and getting through pre-season friendly fraggles will not be taking any part in any leagues

because of everything that has been said on the League Discussion Thread

im sorry but you are all free to find another team good luck emma

and she has deactivated thanks guys you all out of order

grow up she is a great polite girl and u just kept on and emma and spoonie out of order.

i have my wife in tears over u bunch of bored kids.
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02:18 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no_surrender said:
death_viper said:
no_surrender said:
I just find it the case that if fraggles had a more experienced captain this wouldn't have happened as they wouldn't have asked as weve been told in the past that we can't do this.

If freindlies are created to prove whether clans should be in the league, surely you'd want the same rules in the freindlies otherwise it somewhat defeats the point

she asked the league runner so whats the problem with that u jjust all ganging up on fraggles u all bang out of order and wrong bored little kids go away

emma u stick ur nose in everywhere

Again I'm trying to have a serious discussion and your making personal attacks at me! And ironically I think you'll find I'm not a 'kid' and in fact I'm probably rather close to your age.

I am trying to have a discussion about the future and wether there should be a rule to stop this. Therefore I ask if you can't add constructive comments to the discussion you do not reply to my posts.
Posts: 7,164
02:18 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i dont want fraggles or any clan to fold ,, emma you have 15 players who should be consulted who have put time and effort into this clan as you have

i would take time out, please think , your clan is worthy of league entry, please re-think this and soon

Posts: 388
02:19 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Please can you not insult myself and no_surrender (Emma)

Myself and Emma have done nothing to hurt either your wife's feelings or your feelings.
Posts: 38,097
02:19 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
kenny and spoonie lets leave it please.
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02:21 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Again another personal attack over posts trying to give suggestions how to improve!

It's ironic you apologised to joodles yet continue to attack people.
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02:22 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
But this is unfair on everybody else! Your forgetting the poolsharks players that have been harsh done against, i was a previous captain for 2 seasons and didnt know about this loophole in the rules!

I think emma is correct, fraggles are a friend of the site owner, didnt want to upset the site owner did we?

They would not have made the cut kev!

Come online i want to speak with you, you cannot kick poolsharks out when they could have had rules bent for them too!
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02:22 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no_surrender said:
I'm sorry but it does feel after the fiasco when the site got shut down, that certain individuals have been tiptoed around incase something else happens!

If loopholes are being used surely it should have been displayed so that other clans could have used the same rule if they were struggling?
Posts: 12,419
02:24 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
at this rate the league will not happen. Decisions from down on need to be made behind closed doors so things like this dont happen. This is getting rediculous and should end now.
Posts: 7,164
02:25 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i think there come a time people that enough is enough

people should now agree to disagree.... there is right and wrong but hey its a game time to draw a line please come on ppl
Posts: 388
02:27 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Im going to leave it there and wait for the respectable league runners to make a decision on poolsharks's future.

However i will not be made out to be the bad guy, and neither should no_surrender (Emma).
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02:27 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no_surrender said:
I just find it the case that if fraggles had a more experienced captain this wouldn't have happened as they wouldn't have asked as weve been told in the past that we can't do this.

If freindlies are created to prove whether clans should be in the league, surely you'd want the same rules in the freindlies otherwise it somewhat defeats the point

just a few to say that it was fraz_vipers fault she didnt even do anything wrong all emma did was ask a league runner when she sent in list if they could play in friendlies as in rules it says nothing about pre season friendlies

so i think u guys need to take it up with the league runners


end of it.

OH sorry for defending my wife.

Sorry if i offended or abused anyone.

but now leave fraz_viper and fraggles alone please.
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02:29 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
no_surrender said:
Again another personal attack over posts trying to give suggestions how to improve!

It's ironic you apologised to joodles yet continue to attack people.

sorry emma.

but i will agree to disagree with your comments based on fraz_viper and fraggles.

again sorry.
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02:30 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Again this is nothing about your or your wife, so please stop making yourself out to be a victim and stop talking to people like their views are insignificant.

I stand by my post that something needs to be done to stop these same issues happening again. The fact this has happened is a chance to improve for next time so that the league can be stronger.
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