VIPERS (family with venom)
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05:03 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
we need to give beth super glue to put round her lips and her fingers till the league starts she talks to much HA HA BETH JOKING HUN
05:03 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
lol trust me a new puppy r a nightmare shes now 2 hehr
05:04 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
hahah well u wouldnt want a quiet clan like my snooker team now would u grandad
blackcabman7 said:
we need to give beth super glue to put round her lips and her fingers till the league starts she talks to much HA HA BETH JOKING HUN
hahah well u wouldnt want a quiet clan like my snooker team now would u grandad
05:04 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
Hopefully he gets the whips and chains out
Paddle at a pushOooer fry!
Nicely done smurf
Andthe edit of my words wasnt bad either
cmurphy said:
fry06 said:
thegreatone7 said:
thegreatone7 said:
well frys gonna be raw by the end
Hopefully he gets the whips and chains out
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me
But chains and whips excite me
Paddle at a push
Nicely done smurf
Andthe edit of my words wasnt bad either
05:04 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
Hopefully he gets the whips and chains out
Paddle at a pushOooer fry!
Nicely done smurf
Andthe edit of my words wasnt bad either
Double posted cos im so proud of smurfs edit
cmurphy said:
fry06 said:
thegreatone7 said:
thegreatone7 said:
well frys gonna be raw by the end
Hopefully he gets the whips and chains out
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But chains and whips excite me
But chains and whips excite me
Paddle at a push
Nicely done smurf
Andthe edit of my words wasnt bad either
Double posted cos im so proud of smurfs edit
05:06 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
caps grandad bad boi
blackcabman7 said:
caps grandad bad boi
05:06 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
caps grandad bad boi
Needs to turn hearing aid up
thegreatone7 said:
blackcabman7 said:
caps grandad bad boi
Needs to turn hearing aid up
05:07 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
need more than glue a staple gun my do trick i say may with moter mouth
blackcabman7 said:
we need to give beth super glue to put round her lips and her fingers till the league starts she talks to much HA HA BETH JOKING HUN
need more than glue a staple gun my do trick i say may with moter mouth
05:09 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
Needle and thread sew it in the horror films
05:11 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
OHH HAHA thanks guys me wont talk now ill just go on snooker insterd
05:12 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
need to put beth in
oiii tats mean y u all bully me HAHAHA fantastic kenny
thegreatone7 said:
death_viper said:
blackcabman7 said:
we need to give beth super glue to put round her lips and her fingers till the league starts she talks to much HA HA BETH JOKING HUN
need to put beth in
oiii tats mean y u all bully me HAHAHA
05:13 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
ooooooo fry * hits him with the cast* any1 else wanna try me lol
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05:25 Fri 8 Jul 11 (BST)
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations, you won the 8 Ball Arcade Tournament (Micro), winning 42 TournaPoints
never took a shot lol
never took a shot lol
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VIPERS (family with venom)
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