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fraggles (the clan that rocks)

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14 years ago  [Link]  
WON !!! Micro 8 Ball UK Tournament - nath_willz (0) loses to sr20_mick (1) with 1 ball remaining

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
ipotalot said:
mini_mouse said:
tats good team work ther kick ur best player off but hey i knew u wernt smart

You said you wanted to leave, he says he will release you so how is that him kicking you off? No pleasing some people

who asked ur imput soo but owt and i realli dont care anyway it wont liv anyway
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
The day I need an illiterate little brat's permission to have an opinion i'll let you know mighty-mouth.
If you don't care why not wish them well, finish your games or whatever and leave them to it?
Because all you've done for this clan recently is kick it when it's down from the inside...quicker they got shot of little miss superstar the better for my humble opinion oh great one
Posts: 12,419
14 years ago  [Link]  
mini_mouse said:
ipotalot said:
mini_mouse said:
tats good team work ther kick ur best player off but hey i knew u wernt smart

You said you wanted to leave, he says he will release you so how is that him kicking you off? No pleasing some people

who asked ur imput soo but owt and i realli dont care anyway it wont liv anyway

Lee has tried to help push this clan forward, i can bring the quote forward from you if you want clarification that you said that you wanted to be released. Theses guys doing a fine job in the circumstances.

By the way, dont big yourself up, you arent as good as you think you are!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
1 got kicked out as was gonna play shooters

and u liike a gd argument and i make u wish ud left it
Posts: 12,419
14 years ago  [Link]  
mini_mouse said:
1 got kicked out as was gonna play shooters

for last time, you asked to be released
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
Awww so you get to insult the people running the clan then decide what games you play?
Should have used your brain and played first if you were that keen.

As for the second part can I have that in english please? I think it's supposed to be some sort of threat but i've heard you say that to plenty of people and I think I could rip you to bits in a're really out of your league
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
another idiot wow any1 else to add to the list
Posts: 12,419
14 years ago  [Link]

mini_mouse said:
after ive played my other game im out

Edited at 23:49 Sat 27/08/11 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
and ur point being it is a joke he is a joke
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
just like u and lee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
mini_mouse said:
well i want out after shooters game its a joke

Bearing in mind you had insulted both vices in the previous posts they were right to get rid of their poison apple quick time.
When someone so obviously wants a clan to fail as you do it's not the best idea having you around to disrupt things more
Posts: 12,419
14 years ago  [Link]  
mini_mouse said:
and ur point being it is a joke he is a joke

what on earth are you on about?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
and there both jokes never on and wen they doo its deadline day soo i couldnt care less lee
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
Basically as soon as emma deactivated queen mini posted she wouldn't mind taking over, she got no support add that to the fact she thinks she is too good for the clan and should be playing in the first division for cobras just breeds a bitter brat mate
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
I don't really know her but i can think of a few players in fraggles that i would rather have in a clan and in my opinion are better players. I would be surprised if any clan takes her on after seeing this.
Posts: 12,419
14 years ago  [Link]  
very true run_outt - seems like someone has spat their dummy out
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
awww arnt u all cute realli
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
and on that note cyas
Posts: 8,885
14 years ago  [Link]  
just leave them amy now u had ur say
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fraggles (the clan that rocks)

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