fraggles (the clan that rocks)
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00:15 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
(friendly) shooters (58) v (28) fraggles
justafluke (9) v (6) xtremx
w_hoolahan 11 v 0 killer_no9
ritcho (11) v (4) fraz_viper
its_me (9) v (6) mini_mouse
huts24 (5) v (10) vippooler
relisys v sr20_mick
doubted2 13 v 2 wicked
blueberry v redalert124
deadline 17th june
(friendly) fraggles (14) v (31) mouseketeers
xtremx v cannibals
vippooler (9) v (6) renandstimpy
Ibeezy1 v ryanbelfast
triggy (3) v (12) onevisit
hardy202 (2) v (13) greyhound
deadline 20//06
(friendly) fraggles (51) vs (54) vipers
triggy vs funky_fluke
cke1982 (9) vs (6) lilmisscragg
wicked (7) vs (8) blackcabman7
andy2b (8) vs (7) death_viper
redalert124 (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
welshie (5) vs (10) 07nels07
sr20_mick (11) vs (4) cragd001
solskjaer20 (7) vs (8) cmurphy
deadline 21/6/11
please message your player and gl fraggles.
Edited at 22:09 Thu 16/06/11 (BST)
Edited at 22:44 Thu 16/06/11 (BST)
justafluke (9) v (6) xtremx
w_hoolahan 11 v 0 killer_no9
ritcho (11) v (4) fraz_viper
its_me (9) v (6) mini_mouse
huts24 (5) v (10) vippooler
relisys v sr20_mick
doubted2 13 v 2 wicked
blueberry v redalert124
deadline 17th june
(friendly) fraggles (14) v (31) mouseketeers
xtremx v cannibals
vippooler (9) v (6) renandstimpy
Ibeezy1 v ryanbelfast
triggy (3) v (12) onevisit
hardy202 (2) v (13) greyhound
deadline 20//06
(friendly) fraggles (51) vs (54) vipers
triggy vs funky_fluke
cke1982 (9) vs (6) lilmisscragg
wicked (7) vs (8) blackcabman7
andy2b (8) vs (7) death_viper
redalert124 (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
welshie (5) vs (10) 07nels07
sr20_mick (11) vs (4) cragd001
solskjaer20 (7) vs (8) cmurphy
deadline 21/6/11
please message your player and gl fraggles.
Edited at 22:09 Thu 16/06/11 (BST)
Edited at 22:44 Thu 16/06/11 (BST)
00:56 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
Hardy202 vs Greyhound
8 Ball us 0 - 5
9 Ball 1 - 4
8 Ball uk 1 - 4
overall 13-2 to greyhound i had bad games but came close on winning some of them
8 Ball us 0 - 5
9 Ball 1 - 4
8 Ball uk 1 - 4
overall 13-2 to greyhound i had bad games but came close on winning some of them
01:00 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
a good player and a credit to your clan, played the game in the right spirit good luck for the season
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01:08 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
ul hardy
thank you for your comment greyhound
thank you for your comment greyhound
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02:53 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
8 us me 1-4 funky_fluke
8 uk me 2-3 funky_fluke
9 us me 3-2 funky_fluke
overall me 6-9 funky_fluke
great player,very close matches,great to talk to, cheers m8 look forward to future games
8 uk me 2-3 funky_fluke
9 us me 3-2 funky_fluke
overall me 6-9 funky_fluke
great player,very close matches,great to talk to, cheers m8 look forward to future games
03:08 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
thaxs for friendley match fraz good players u got there and hope u do well in the season but if u want to come to a good clan vipers rule HA HA HA JUST JOKING HUN we settle for your man lol
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(IP Logged)
05:14 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
(friendly) shooters (58) v (28) fraggles
justafluke (9) v (6) xtremx
w_hoolahan 11 v 0 killer_no9
ritcho (11) v (4) fraz_viper
its_me (9) v (6) mini_mouse
huts24 (5) v (10) vippooler
relisys v sr20_mick
doubted2 13 v 2 wicked
blueberry v redalert124
deadline 17th june
(friendly) fraggles (14) v (31) mouseketeers
xtremx v cannibals
vippooler (9) v (6) renandstimpy
Ibeezy1 v ryanbelfast
triggy (3) v (12) onevisit
hardy202 (2) v (13) greyhound
deadline 20//06
(friendly) fraggles (57) vs (63) vipers
triggy (6) vs (9) funky_fluke
cke1982 (9) vs (6) lilmisscragg
wicked (7) vs (8) blackcabman7
andy2b (8) vs (7) death_viper
redalert124 (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
welshie (5) vs (10) 07nels07
sr20_mick (11) vs (4) cragd001
solskjaer20 (7) vs (8) cmurphy
deadline 21/6/11
please message your player and gl fraggles.
justafluke (9) v (6) xtremx
w_hoolahan 11 v 0 killer_no9
ritcho (11) v (4) fraz_viper
its_me (9) v (6) mini_mouse
huts24 (5) v (10) vippooler
relisys v sr20_mick
doubted2 13 v 2 wicked
blueberry v redalert124
deadline 17th june
(friendly) fraggles (14) v (31) mouseketeers
xtremx v cannibals
vippooler (9) v (6) renandstimpy
Ibeezy1 v ryanbelfast
triggy (3) v (12) onevisit
hardy202 (2) v (13) greyhound
deadline 20//06
(friendly) fraggles (57) vs (63) vipers
triggy (6) vs (9) funky_fluke
cke1982 (9) vs (6) lilmisscragg
wicked (7) vs (8) blackcabman7
andy2b (8) vs (7) death_viper
redalert124 (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
welshie (5) vs (10) 07nels07
sr20_mick (11) vs (4) cragd001
solskjaer20 (7) vs (8) cmurphy
deadline 21/6/11
please message your player and gl fraggles.
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05:17 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
i would like to say sorry to the_pun1sh3r and mfc_ss as i did not no that game was arranged but if you would still like to play then please do so
sorry again emma
sorry again emma
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05:25 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
thanks blackcabman i have a great time here and good players
and fraggles rule im the boss of your boss lol
and thats no joke lol
hope viper do well next season
blackcabman7 said:
thaxs for friendley match fraz good players u got there and hope u do well in the season but if u want to come to a good clan vipers rule HA HA HA JUST JOKING HUN we settle for your man lol
thanks blackcabman i have a great time here and good players
and fraggles rule im the boss of your boss lol
and thats no joke lol
hope viper do well next season
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05:26 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
cheeky moo but it is true emma is the boss
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05:31 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
too right lol see he nos where his place is lol
death_viper said:
cheeky moo but it is true emma is the boss
too right lol see he nos where his place is lol
05:36 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
gone all soft kenny boi lol but then again girls rule gl with the new clan xx
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06:25 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
Ibeezy1 v ryanbelfast
is now
Ibeezy1 v mk_lad
is now
Ibeezy1 v mk_lad
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12:36 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
anytime emma,as long as im free to do so,im happy to cover anybody,cheers
fraz_viper said:
ul triggy ty for subbing in for me
anytime emma,as long as im free to do so,im happy to cover anybody,cheers
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15:48 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
(friendly) shooters (62) v (28) fraggles
justafluke (9) v (6) xtremx
w_hoolahan (15) v (0) killer_no9
ritcho (11) v (4) fraz_viper
its_me (9) v (6) mini_mouse
huts24 (5) v (10) vippooler
relisys v sr20_mick
doubted2 13 v 2 wicked
blueberry v redalert124
deadline 17th june
(friendly) fraggles (14) v (31) mouseketeers
xtremx v cannibals
vippooler (9) v (6) renandstimpy
Ibeezy1 v mk_lad
triggy (3) v (12) onevisit
hardy202 (2) v (13) greyhound
deadline 20//06
(friendly) fraggles (57) vs (63) vipers
triggy (6) vs (9) funky_fluke
cke1982 (9) vs (6) lilmisscragg
wicked (7) vs (8) blackcabman7
andy2b (8) vs (7) death_viper
redalert124 (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
welshie (5) vs (10) 07nels07
sr20_mick (11) vs (4) cragd001
solskjaer20 (7) vs (8) cmurphy
deadline 21/6/11
please message your player and gl fraggles.
Edited at 14:51 Fri 17/06/11 (BST)
Edited at 14:51 Fri 17/06/11 (BST)
justafluke (9) v (6) xtremx
w_hoolahan (15) v (0) killer_no9
ritcho (11) v (4) fraz_viper
its_me (9) v (6) mini_mouse
huts24 (5) v (10) vippooler
relisys v sr20_mick
doubted2 13 v 2 wicked
blueberry v redalert124
deadline 17th june
(friendly) fraggles (14) v (31) mouseketeers
xtremx v cannibals
vippooler (9) v (6) renandstimpy
Ibeezy1 v mk_lad
triggy (3) v (12) onevisit
hardy202 (2) v (13) greyhound
deadline 20//06
(friendly) fraggles (57) vs (63) vipers
triggy (6) vs (9) funky_fluke
cke1982 (9) vs (6) lilmisscragg
wicked (7) vs (8) blackcabman7
andy2b (8) vs (7) death_viper
redalert124 (4) vs (11) thegreatone7
welshie (5) vs (10) 07nels07
sr20_mick (11) vs (4) cragd001
solskjaer20 (7) vs (8) cmurphy
deadline 21/6/11
please message your player and gl fraggles.
Edited at 14:51 Fri 17/06/11 (BST)
Edited at 14:51 Fri 17/06/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
16:32 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
new idea for fbl what you think here please.
thanks fbl
thanks fbl
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(IP Logged)
17:43 Fri 17 Jun 11 (BST)
team list for season 14
1) fraz_viper (captain)
2) hardy202 (v-captain)
3) redalert124 (v-captain)
4) solskjaer20
5) welshie
6) triggy
7) andy2b
8) vippooler
9) cke1982
10) sr20_mick
11) lbeezy1
12) wicked
13) xtremx
14) mini_mouse 10/07/11
15) the_pun1sh3r 03/07/11
1) fraz_viper (captain)
2) hardy202 (v-captain)
3) redalert124 (v-captain)
4) solskjaer20
5) welshie
6) triggy
7) andy2b
8) vippooler
9) cke1982
10) sr20_mick
11) lbeezy1
12) wicked
13) xtremx
14) mini_mouse 10/07/11
15) the_pun1sh3r 03/07/11
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fraggles (the clan that rocks)
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