Really sorry it come to this.
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02:21 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
Right hi ppl after a lot of thinking, and loads of arguments.
fcl website and as far as i concerned fcl league will be shut down with immdeate affect due to following.
1) league is corupt
2) had enough of being blamed and shamed for clans folding and const arguments that proceed these.
3) so why should i have to tollerate the constant snide marks and ruining my pool because people cant follow rules,
4) i only ever wanted to have a fair league, but some not naming names believe it ok to suit then, like constant twisting rules to suit,
5) this league fell apart the min a extension was done has never got back its reputatuion,
6) to many people think they god and need to relize it a family game and the leage is just for FUN.
I will bring the league back in the future with new runners not my self untill then.
goodbye fcl.
big shame but needs must.
fcl website and as far as i concerned fcl league will be shut down with immdeate affect due to following.
1) league is corupt
2) had enough of being blamed and shamed for clans folding and const arguments that proceed these.
3) so why should i have to tollerate the constant snide marks and ruining my pool because people cant follow rules,
4) i only ever wanted to have a fair league, but some not naming names believe it ok to suit then, like constant twisting rules to suit,
5) this league fell apart the min a extension was done has never got back its reputatuion,
6) to many people think they god and need to relize it a family game and the leage is just for FUN.
I will bring the league back in the future with new runners not my self untill then.
goodbye fcl.
big shame but needs must.
Deleted User
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02:27 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
What i meant to say was: grrrrrrr (sorry :S)
Kenny dont do this, cmon
Edited at 23:32 Tue 26/04/11 (BST)
Kenny dont do this, cmon
Edited at 23:32 Tue 26/04/11 (BST)
Deleted User
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02:29 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
Pathetic! Honestly.
Grow up!
Remember.....Its just for FUN?
Grow up!
Remember.....Its just for FUN?
02:29 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
Kenny, its just for fun.. stop attention seeking.
02:30 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
exactly but after i argued with him earlier for his behaviour i had a feeling this would happen.
no big loss really and he was a good friend.
ill talk to kev tomorrow and see where we go from here.
no big loss really and he was a good friend.
ill talk to kev tomorrow and see where we go from here.
02:32 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
give it an hour he will probably be back!
i thought he wasn't part of the running anyway? dgen? kev? surely someone can keep it going!
i thought he wasn't part of the running anyway? dgen? kev? surely someone can keep it going!
Deleted User
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02:33 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
I thought you weren't going shut down the site(s) as a mate?
Guess that came to nothing
Guess that came to nothing
Deleted User
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02:33 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
Any way the info could just be transfered to someone else?
Deleted User
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02:35 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
The site was an integral part of the running of the league. Lost all the information that was on there so we'll have to do some digging up. Will take us a couple days but we'll sort something out.
Kenny if you're reading, would be nice if you could stick em back on for a couple hours so we can gather all the important information we need. Ie. Fixtures, results, individual league, rules, defaults, etc... for both leagues. Would be kind of you.
cool_dude said:
give it an hour he will probably be back!
i thought he wasn't part of the running anyway? dgen? kev? surely someone can keep it going!
i thought he wasn't part of the running anyway? dgen? kev? surely someone can keep it going!
The site was an integral part of the running of the league. Lost all the information that was on there so we'll have to do some digging up. Will take us a couple days but we'll sort something out.
Kenny if you're reading, would be nice if you could stick em back on for a couple hours so we can gather all the important information we need. Ie. Fixtures, results, individual league, rules, defaults, etc... for both leagues. Would be kind of you.
Deleted User
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02:37 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
He is reading it!
Kenny...At least give them what they need, its the least you could do.
Kenny...At least give them what they need, its the least you could do.
Deleted User
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02:40 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
The site was an integral part of the running of the league. Lost all the information that was on there so we'll have to do some digging up. Will take us a couple days but we'll sort something out.
Kenny if you're reading, would be nice if you could stick em back on for a couple hours so we can gather all the important information we need. Ie. Fixtures, results, individual league, rules, defaults, etc... for both leagues. Would be kind of you.
That would be the respectable thing to do, thanks kenny
kev04 said:
cool_dude said:
give it an hour he will probably be back!
i thought he wasn't part of the running anyway? dgen? kev? surely someone can keep it going!
i thought he wasn't part of the running anyway? dgen? kev? surely someone can keep it going!
The site was an integral part of the running of the league. Lost all the information that was on there so we'll have to do some digging up. Will take us a couple days but we'll sort something out.
Kenny if you're reading, would be nice if you could stick em back on for a couple hours so we can gather all the important information we need. Ie. Fixtures, results, individual league, rules, defaults, etc... for both leagues. Would be kind of you.
That would be the respectable thing to do, thanks kenny
Deleted User
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02:44 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
Selfish to the extreme, what about your own teams efforts? Step aside if you can't change your behaviour to suit your position but trying to ruin it for everyone out of spite is pathetic, you threaten this every argument you lose and it's not right that you have that much power over the league.
02:44 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
for new host you would need...
24/7 computer turned on
linux computer (virtual Linux)
stable internet connection
onevisit said:
Any way the info could just be transfered to someone else?
for new host you would need...
24/7 computer turned on
linux computer (virtual Linux)
stable internet connection
02:47 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
just create another site (similar to snooker). It won't be nearly as useful, but would hold the information at least.
02:47 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
also can this be moved to Clan League Management
02:48 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
yeah problem is where do activity logs come from?
whocares8x8 said:
just create another site (similar to snooker). It won't be nearly as useful, but would hold the information at least.
yeah problem is where do activity logs come from?
02:48 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
dgeneratio said:
also can this be moved to Clan League Management
Deleted User
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02:48 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
for new host you would need...
24/7 computer turned on
linux computer (virtual Linux)
stable internet connection
why would you need that,
i have a steady internetr connection and i can keep comp on all the time, but will have to turnit off for the odd 10 mins or so now abd then but the linux thingy i dont have
dgeneratio said:
onevisit said:
Any way the info could just be transfered to someone else?
for new host you would need...
24/7 computer turned on
linux computer (virtual Linux)
stable internet connection
why would you need that,
i have a steady internetr connection and i can keep comp on all the time, but will have to turnit off for the odd 10 mins or so now abd then but the linux thingy i dont have
02:49 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
forget logs, we'll do it by vote. Considering the circumstances, I'm sure defaults people will compromise and not fight too much
Deleted User
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(IP Logged)
02:49 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)
for new host you would need...
24/7 computer turned on
linux computer (virtual Linux)
stable internet connection
Would Nick who made the site do it and leave those who run the league to do all the updates etc?
dgeneratio said:
onevisit said:
Any way the info could just be transfered to someone else?
for new host you would need...
24/7 computer turned on
linux computer (virtual Linux)
stable internet connection
Would Nick who made the site do it and leave those who run the league to do all the updates etc?
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Really sorry it come to this.
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