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the server really needs sorting.

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Posts: 4,751
19:08 Tue 19 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I believe this was a server configuration problem, unrelated to any earlier problems. I recently (2 days ago) altered the config to allow funkypool and snooker to be restarted independently, this seems to have caused some problems.

I've just restarted the server to hopefully correct the issue. Apologies for inconvenience caused.
Deleted User
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21:27 Tue 19 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
I believe this was a server configuration problem, unrelated to any earlier problems. I recently (2 days ago) altered the config to allow funkypool and snooker to be restarted independently, this seems to have caused some problems.

I've just restarted the server to hopefully correct the issue. Apologies for inconvenience caused.

ty nick for the update
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22:56 Tue 19 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
This is a free website. The people that pay do it willingly, not by force, so I keep my statement - It's a FREE website. There is nothing that says you HAVE to pay. You do because you want to
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23:03 Tue 19 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
we do it to help well i do lol
Posts: 6,262
23:19 Tue 19 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
psyco05 said:
This is a free website. The people that pay do it willingly, not by force, so I keep my statement - It's a FREE website. There is nothing that says you HAVE to pay. You do because you want to

Not sure if this comment was aimed at me after my post last page. I and no-one claimed they were forced to pay but do so to get rid of the silly and sometimes inappropriate adverts which slow down game play and in cases create lag. Also I'm happy to donate a few quid to a site I enjoy and want to see improve... I also am aware that the adverts and the odd tenner are required to keep the site going and give nick a few well earned pounds for all his hard work. Keep your statement psyco and I'll keep mine..

Like I've said before, thanks Nick for your hard work mate
Posts: 750
00:05 Wed 20 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry physco but that was ownage
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00:09 Wed 20 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
I believe this was a server configuration problem, unrelated to any earlier problems. I recently (2 days ago) altered the config to allow funkypool and snooker to be restarted independently, this seems to have caused some problems.

I've just restarted the server to hopefully correct the issue. Apologies for inconvenience caused.
Thanks for the update Nick, glad to see one
Posts: 6,262
18:13 Sun 24 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
death_viper said:
godisbak carry on your clan hopping and stop the attitude was just pointing out a valid point this never use to happen and it people like u that make this site no where near as good as use to be

kenny posts like that and you call yourself a league runner... isn't that naming and shaming..

sometimes moderators edit what they do correctly, sometimes its just left....
Posts: 5,201
06:34 Mon 25 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the update nick , but there's still seems to be problems , I'm getting logged out a few times a day still .

Micro 8 Ball UK Tournament - chaos_ (0) loses to ibrich (1) (by default, chaos_ left the game)
RANKINGS: ibrich 714.6 (+4.4), chaos_ 777.4 (-4.2)
2 minutes ago

8 Ball Pool UK Ranked - chaos_ (0) loses to ciderman (1) (by default, chaos_ left the game)
RANKINGS: ciderman 766.2 (+1.7), chaos_ 786.4 (-1.7)
about 2 hours ago
Deleted User
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14:40 Sun 1 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
that Chaos_ has nothing to do with funkypool servers, but has alot to do with your router set up, when you get disconnected.. what does it say?
Deleted User
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19:03 Fri 6 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Get Mozilla Firefox Before i got it i got logged out all the time now i don't at all only when server goes down and that's not often anymore ..
Posts: 5,201
03:23 Tue 10 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
9_ball_king said:
that Chaos_ has nothing to do with funkypool servers, but has alot to do with your router set up, when you get disconnected.. what does it say?

Hmmmm im pretty sure it isn't my Internet as im able to access other sites , this is the message i just got a few minutes ago when i was logged out of the straight tourney >>> Sorry, an error has occurred (this has been logged on the server). Please log in and try again.

Oh and that was using Mozilla Firefox not I E this time .
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04:11 Tue 10 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Normally when the servers playing up you just get 'connection failing' and a countdown to 90 seconds.
Haven't seen that one at all
Posts: 5,250
04:40 Tue 10 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I feel that when the server has a small problem and maybe not so stable connections (certain isp's) of members get effected its's alot to do with geo.... some places have fibre connections others are still on copper wiring which cant cope..
Posts: 4,751
21:57 Tue 10 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
9_ball_king said:
that Chaos_ has nothing to do with funkypool servers, but has alot to do with your router set up, when you get disconnected.. what does it say?

Hmmmm im pretty sure it isn't my Internet as im able to access other sites , this is the message i just got a few minutes ago when i was logged out of the straight tourney >>> Sorry, an error has occurred (this has been logged on the server). Please log in and try again.

Oh and that was using Mozilla Firefox not I E this time .

Hi - thanks for reporting it. For some reason a few users, including you, are failing to load the new premium cues. This was logged and is already fixed for next patch - if the custom cue cannot be loaded the default cue will be shown instead. (It's not really a server issue, it's quite a rare error - it's happened only for 3 users in the last 24 hours.)
Posts: 4,195
22:30 Tue 10 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe its the psn hackers come to try and take funkypool
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01:18 Thu 12 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The source of the server problems and a very significant cause of lag during game play


Every 2 or 3 mins a new ad is downloaded either in play or on home page

These ads that take an age to download even with 30mb broadband must be causing server problems. I understand ads are needed to run funky but perhaps the ad providers could reduce the memory they use or increase the time between downloads.
Posts: 4,751
15:35 Fri 13 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Owl, thanks for the report. If it says waiting for "" this means it's waiting for our server to respond. This page is only a few kb, but if our server is at 100% capacity (during peak usage) this can cause the server to get behind and have increased delays. However this shouldn't cause game issues. The adverts themselves are not hosted on funkypool.

Chaos, you should not see be logged out due to this any more - if it fails to load a custom cue it will state such in the chat window and use the default cue. Any problems please let me know.
Deleted User
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16:01 Fri 13 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hi Nick
Thanks for the reply - whilst the advert (that appears in top right of game play / table) is downloading (waiting for server to respond) you cannot play a shot. This occurs every few minutes. The cue marker will virtually not move. This is worse at different stages of the day and may occur more during peak times. I have just about the latest PC and have no problems on any other website (funky is the only game site I ever visit). It stops me playing 5 sec or even 10 sec games as the clock still ticks down, albeit slower, whilst the cue marker becomes stuck in one place. I know many describe this as Lag during game play - just recently it is worse than ever.
Deleted User
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18:24 Fri 13 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I am a premium member and the past 2 days its been lagging and frezzin so much?
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the server really needs sorting.

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