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04:28 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Great job both Kenny and Smurf :) This team is great and friendly so I don't see what the problem would be.
Deleted User
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04:35 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ty toni at least someone appricites what i done,

by the why i could of folded team but i aint i let it to smurf as my choice to keep it going, i will be back one day you see.
Deleted User
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04:57 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Yesterday's TournaPoints Day Event

Not bad for my first attempt
Posts: 5,821
05:03 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
right give master _ice what he want to be removed any body that does not stick by there captain does not deserve to be in the clan so i say vote him out
Deleted User
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05:12 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 said:
right give master _ice what he want to be removed any body that does not stick by there captain does not deserve to be in the clan so i say vote him out

That's just funny (really need to catch up on events lol)
Posts: 5,821
05:33 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
what good is a player that does not stick by captain no matter what hes done i dont know what going on just in from work but i stick by kenny any time but i still say master _ice should get his wish by leaving this good clan
Deleted User
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06:06 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Have no idea what the argument is about and why this is happening, but I can't believe things like this can go on on such a friendly place such as this one.
Deleted User
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07:12 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Kenny to Vice at least? If not, who is? If you need a hand Chris, I'll be here to lend a hand, if you need it. Kenny, in the nicest possible way - Your to good of a person to let anyone get you down. Why don't you want to be captain? People don't like nice guys on here, put on a smile and come back to YOUR clan. OR ELSE! Love ya man!
Deleted User
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07:15 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
People love the clan, hence why we're staying. This weekend, I've played the best I've ever done. Not being big headed, but was Offered to move to 'better clans', I don't think there better, this clan is so friendly. Don't get me wrong, they're probably more skilled overall, but I love this clan. KING KENNY FOR A COMEBACK!
Deleted User
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07:37 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
how can i man after what i done put my team through i love my team you know how much vipers means to me i will never have anything to do with the league again i know that lol.

love vipers
Deleted User
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07:42 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
oh and chris luv ya m8

thanks for the kind essy lol took me ages to read.
Deleted User
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09:06 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
blackcabman7 said:
what good is a player that does not stick by captain no matter what hes done i dont know what going on just in from work but i stick by kenny any time but i still say master _ice should get his wish by leaving this good clan

read what was going on at the time, Kenny was trying to shut down the whole league, every clan including this one because of an argument.
Not carrying it on because he has hopefully done the right thing now and I respect him for doing that just saying don't jump on master_ice, he was totally justified.
Deleted User
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15:19 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I kind of understand where master_ice is coming from. He's only just joined his first clan and first thing he sees is arguements. Who wouldn't be put off by that?

master_ice - If you want to leave I'm not going to stand in your way.
Deleted User
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15:51 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I'm all for staying just like Chris said. Same reasons. Except I'm even more bundled to this clan cuz it's my first.

We'll pull it off, I don't see why we wouldn't :) Love how friendly it is and love playing without pressure...
Though we could use a bit more tactics to win, I don't think I'd like any Vikings discipline or anything

( To hell with me if I know anything about their discipline, they're probably also as friendly as we are in their clan, but hey, needed to put something ).
Deleted User
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15:51 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Now some1 remind me of the Vipers tourny xD
Posts: 5,821
16:31 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
give cphaynes the v captian job as we dont want to loss a good player
Deleted User
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16:33 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
OK If Chris wants the Vice Captains job he can have it
Deleted User
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17:41 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
chris wants me back
Posts: 5,821
17:47 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Deleted User
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17:53 Wed 27 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i am staying on the site and as a viper if that ok with everyone else,

i have nothing to do with league now as i think that was the prob i like to keep everyone happy and running league you cant so if i ok i would like to stay on site but only as a player and captain.

if not ok i understand soley.
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