Double points for killer?

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Deleted User
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05:31 Sun 3 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
good idea would like to see it go through
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:40 Sun 3 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
yeah question is can nick do it as i explained above he can only do 1 v 1 atm.

As this is a new idea (which I like greatly), should we not wait to see if Nick thinks this is possible before counting it out of hand.

Also, I do not enter many tournaments, through my own choice. but feel that half decent players who enter tournys all the time and receive a handsome reward in rank for this benefit more than folk who are majority killer players. This all goes toward your overall rank and feel that either the overall should not include killer (because of the current double points system) or killer players should also have the opportunity of double points. As someone said, if you win a 15 man effort then why should you not deserve double points.

dgeneratio said:

negatives - another game type to play before you can enter random
This could also be run as a micro like tourny, eg quarter past the hour, which would not take away any current tournaments.
Posts: 974
23:20 Tue 5 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
As said before the massive problem with this is that it can not be currently incorperated into the tournament schedule due to the fact the system only caters for 1 v 1 games. No matter which way you look at it, it's not that. Nick has said to do this it would involve a mass amount of work and he would have to completely re-write how tournaments work on this site.

Yes it would be good, but not a chance in the short term, too much work.

Also if you look, no one has said it's not possible. Everything is possible (except foul and miss rule on snooker!!), it's just the difficulty and time scale of producing the product.
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Double points for killer?

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