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14:40 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
kev04 said:
virtuosomuch said:
8 man killer to decide picking order will be held thursday 31st of march at 20:00 GMT, and all captains must be there or face a late picking order... unless they give me a valid reason before hand...

Bare in mind all people in the UK that you are currently on BST and GMT is an hour behind you, so it will be 9pm BST!

Well spoted kev
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16:14 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dextr said:
kev04 said:
virtuosomuch said:
8 man killer to decide picking order will be held thursday 31st of march at 20:00 GMT, and all captains must be there or face a late picking order... unless they give me a valid reason before hand...

Bare in mind all people in the UK that you are currently on BST and GMT is an hour behind you, so it will be 9pm BST!

Well spoted kev

oh crap yeh... captainking1 messaged me saying he couldnt make it for personal reasons, but was happy to have last pick and i dont want to do that to him, but the only nights im free are saturday night and tuesday night.. and everyone probably wants to go out on saturday night.. so i am kind of forced to have it tonight... unless another captain messages me saying he cant make it. sry captainking1 :/ and yeh ok kev, that was a dumb moment.. 9 o clock uk time, 8 man killer unless i say otherwise
Posts: 701
16:17 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Just get it done tonight
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16:23 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
master_pot is representing captainking1 in the killer tonight, thankyou for messaging me captainking1 saying u couldnt make it.
Posts: 2,530
17:33 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Why not just do the teams random then instead of a killer game? Pick names out of a hat or do it so teams are even are on a rank basis?
Posts: 2,800
17:36 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
rubber_duck said:
Why not just do the teams random then instead of a killer game? Pick names out of a hat or do it so teams are even are on a rank basis?

Agreed - start off out of a hat, by the sounds of it every team will be changing every 5 seconds anyway!
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18:00 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Aye, even if one team is super hard and there's one super weak, in less than 5 fixtures it will probably turn the other way, lol xD
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18:44 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cool_dude said:
rubber_duck said:
Why not just do the teams random then instead of a killer game? Pick names out of a hat or do it so teams are even are on a rank basis?

Agreed - start off out of a hat, by the sounds of it every team will be changing every 5 seconds anyway!

2 game transfer ban, cool_dude can u make it? cos that leaves only w_hoolahan... id rather the first pick be decided on skill than luck tbh mate
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18:45 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cajanka said:
Aye, even if one team is super hard and there's one super weak, in less than 5 fixtures it will probably turn the other way, lol xD

if thats the case then its mainly down to good captaincy
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19:31 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
kev04 said:
virtuosomuch said:
alright so heres the deal... 4 options:

5 a side

1) 10 captains, 40 players (3 captains needed and 7 players needed)

2) 8 captains, 32 players (right number of players, but need a player to switch to captain)

6 a side

1) 8 captains, 40 players (1 more captain and 7 players needed)

2) 7 captains, 35 players (2 more players needed)

lets have a vote

No subs? Everyone plays?

if theres no subs and everyone plays how can the 2 game ban be enforced....

read it wrong guessing mean cant move teams for two games
Posts: 1,728
19:36 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The killer for captains only yes??
Posts: 701
19:51 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
diamond_cut said:
The killer for captains only yes??

I am playing for captainking tho
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23:14 Thu 31 Mar 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ok, im adding to the list liam_scfc as ricardo fuller, that mean we have 33, 1 player will remain a free agent. unless we have 1 more join in which case i will switch it to 7 captains and 6 a side. thx
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00:49 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Captains challenge standings

1st onevisit - Wayne Rooney (shooter001)
2nd dextr - David Beckham (_k1rk_)
3rd master_pot - Shola Ameobi (rubber_duck)
4th kev04 - Biscuit McBiccington (bak2biscuits)
5th virtuosomuch - Sergio Aguero (diamond_cut)
6th spoonie - Javier Hernandez (mr_pink_eyes)
7th w_hoolahan - (Mummy had to put him to sleep )
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01:27 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Just for reference George, my picks were

1st round, bak2biscuits
2nd round, mtk
3rd round, cool_dude
4th round, yetti
Posts: 2,601
01:28 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Just for reference my picks were:

1st round - mr_pink_eyes
2nd round - 9onllorrac
3rd round - deejay
4th round - death_viper
Posts: 5,224
01:30 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
so i lost my space george?

i had no access to a computer/laptop
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01:31 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The mighty heart of midlothian team stands as -

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01:32 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
bulldog_oc said:
so i lost my space george?

i had no access to a computer/laptop

jooodles picked for you
Posts: 5,224
01:33 Fri 1 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
who is on my team so i can update
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