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Posts: 124
05:32 Tue 12 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
alxima (TD) vs spoonie (Evolutions ):

8ball US 3:2 to him
9ball US 3:2 to me
8ball UK 4:1 to me

overall score: 9:6 to me
Posts: 40
14:50 Tue 12 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
g_b vs red4ever

sorry lost 7-8, never played so bad before
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01:34 Wed 13 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
V ul g_b, still 7 points though keep your head high, your still a great player, gl with your other fixture

Well done alxima mate, crackin result, gl in your other fixture aswel
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01:38 Wed 13 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 3

Top Dogs 0 vs 0 Unbeatables

g_b vs. berzerk
_niall_ vs. hippesville
__anaconda__ vs. nh425
antione08 vs. krystal2k9
egotistical vs. buzzboxxuk
i_was_awesum vs. o0o_buff_o0o
weirdo_1 vs. chillibeef
andyw1 vs. ashbar90

Top Dogs 33 vs 27 Evolutions

antione08 vs. wales_lad
g_b 7 vs. 8 red4ever
weirdo_1 vs. murphybhoy
egotistical vs. tnsk1988
_niall_ vs. swindonboi
andyw1 5 vs. 10 top_hat_cat
cushion 12 vs. 3 pool_playa
alxima 9 vs. 6 spoonie

Deadline 24th APRIL


Team Angry 11 vs. 19 Top Dogs

ipotalot vs. egotistical
poolbiird 7 vs. 8 antione08
ant vs. _niall_
cool_dude vs. weirdo_1
woowoo69 4 vs. 11 g_b

Deadline 17th APRIL

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort out a sub if need be

Good luck Top Dogs

Edited at 23:30 Tue 12/04/11 (BST)
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02:29 Wed 13 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 vs poolbiird

8us 3-2 to poolbiird
9us 4-1 to antione08
8uk 3-2 to poolbiird

Overall 8-7 to antione08

Great games, v ul in the end, wp though...been a pleasure playin you, could have gone either way that last frame. Very best of luck to your and TA in the rest
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23:53 Wed 13 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  

egotistical v ipotalot

8ball: 4-1
9ball: 4-1
UK: 3-2

Overall: egotistical 11-4 ipotalot
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00:01 Thu 14 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Crackin result ego mate, keep it up gl in your other games
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00:02 Thu 14 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 3

Top Dogs 12 vs 3 Unbeatables

g_b vs. berzerk
_niall_ vs. hippesville
__anaconda__ vs. nh425
antione08 12 vs. 3 krystal2k9
egotistical vs. buzzboxxuk
i_was_awesum vs. o0o_buff_o0o
weirdo_1 vs. chillibeef
andyw1 vs. ashbar90

Top Dogs 33 vs 27 Evolutions

antione08 vs. wales_lad
g_b 7 vs. 8 red4ever
weirdo_1 vs. murphybhoy
egotistical vs. tnsk1988
_niall_ vs. swindonboi
andyw1 5 vs. 10 top_hat_cat
cushion 12 vs. 3 pool_playa
alxima 9 vs. 6 spoonie

Deadline 24th APRIL


Team Angry 15 vs. 30 Top Dogs

ipotalot 4 vs. 11 egotistical
poolbiird 7 vs. 8 antione08
ant vs. _niall_
cool_dude vs. weirdo_1
woowoo69 4 vs. 11 g_b

Deadline 17th APRIL

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort out a sub if need be

Good luck Top Dogs

Edited at 22:43 Wed 13/04/11 (BST)
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01:42 Thu 14 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antiones vs krystal2k9

8us 4-1 to antione08
9us 4-1 to antione08
8uk 4-1 to antione08

Overall 12-3 to antione08

Gg's, v ul, score is well OTT tonight, score should have been alot closer, your a great player...been a pleasure best of luck for the rest of the season
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22:14 Thu 14 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
antiones vs krystal2k9

8us 4-1 to antione08
9us 4-1 to antione08
8uk 4-1 to antione08

Overall 12-3 to antione08

Gg's, v ul, score is well OTT tonight, score should have been alot closer, your a great player...been a pleasure best of luck for the rest of the season
back to your best m8
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23:38 Thu 14 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I wouldnt say that cush mate lol, havin to work hard every game i play just to get somethin, but its comin by the looks of it just dont jynx me lmao
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00:09 Fri 15 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
g_b vs berzerk

8us 3-2 to berzerk
9us 4-1 to berzerk
8uk 5-0 to g_b

Overall 8-7 to g_b

V gg's both, v wp Georgie, only seen 8uk, and what a treat, great stuff to watch and a great comeback vs a damn good player.

Vul berzerk mate, gl for the rest of the season
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00:13 Fri 15 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 3

Top Dogs 31 vs 14 Unbeatables

g_b 8 vs. 7 berzerk
_niall_ 11 vs. 4 hippesville
__anaconda__ vs. nh425
antione08 12 vs. 3 krystal2k9
egotistical vs. buzzboxxuk
i_was_awesum vs. o0o_buff_o0o
weirdo_1 vs. chillibeef
andyw1 vs. ashbar90

Top Dogs 33 vs 27 Evolutions

antione08 vs. wales_lad
g_b 7 vs. 8 red4ever
weirdo_1 vs. murphybhoy
egotistical vs. tnsk1988
_niall_ vs. swindonboi
andyw1 5 vs. 10 top_hat_cat
cushion 12 vs. 3 pool_playa
alxima 9 vs. 6 spoonie

Deadline 24th APRIL


Team Angry 15 vs. 30 Top Dogs

ipotalot 4 vs. 11 egotistical
poolbiird 7 vs. 8 antione08
ant vs. _niall_
cool_dude vs. weirdo_1
woowoo69 4 vs. 11 g_b

Deadline 17th APRIL

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort out a sub if need be

Good luck Top Dogs

Edited at 22:11 Thu 14/04/11 (BST)
Posts: 7,324
01:16 Fri 15 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
_niall_ vs hippesville

us8: 3-2 (some good games in there)
9 ball: 3-2 (I had a bit more luck which probably made the difference)
uk: 5-0 (I played pretty good here to be fair, hippes was ul not to get a game though )

Overall: 11-4...about time I got a win! ggs hippes and gl for the rest of your games!
Posts: 2,601
02:58 Fri 15 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture swap:

antione08 vs wales_lad
is now
antione08 vs murphybhoy

weirdo_1 vs murphybhoy
is now
weirdo_1 vs wales_lad


weirdo_1 vs wales_lad
is now
weirdo_1 vs _k1rk_
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01:35 Sat 16 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
TD vs Evo's

weirdo_1 out, adam_92 in

fixture is now

adam_92 vs _k1rk_

TD vs Unbeatables

weirdo_1 out, cushion in

fixture is now

cushion vs chillibeaf
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(IP Logged)
01:45 Sat 16 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
antione08 said:
Fix set 3

Top Dogs 31 vs 14 Unbeatables

g_b 8 vs. 7 berzerk
_niall_ 11 vs. 4 hippesville
__anaconda__ vs. nh425
antione08 12 vs. 3 krystal2k9
egotistical vs. buzzboxxuk
i_was_awesum vs. o0o_buff_o0o
cushion vs. chillibeef
andyw1 vs. ashbar90

Top Dogs 33 vs 27 Evolutions

antione08 vs. wales_lad
g_b 7 vs. 8 red4ever
adam_92 vs. _k1rk_
egotistical vs. tnsk1988
_niall_ vs. swindonboi
andyw1 5 vs. 10 top_hat_cat
cushion 12 vs. 3 pool_playa
alxima 9 vs. 6 spoonie

Deadline 24th APRIL


Team Angry 26 vs. 34 Top Dogs

ipotalot 4 vs. 11 egotistical
poolbiird 7 vs. 8 antione08
ant vs. _niall_
cool_dude 11 vs. 4 weirdo_1
woowoo69 4 vs. 11 g_b

Deadline 17th APRIL

Please message your opponents to arrange a date and time to play. If there is a problem, let me know asap so i can sort out a sub if need be

Good luck Top Dogs
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01:54 Sat 16 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
messaged chillbeef
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02:13 Sat 16 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nice1 cush mate...good luck
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21:56 Mon 18 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
this is gonna be tough to play he can ONLY do weekends hope i can get it played
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