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20:25 Fri 2 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Edited at 17:37 Fri 02/09/11 (BST)
Posts: 374
22:51 Fri 2 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
andyw1 v 07nils07
4 1 uk
5 0 8us
2 3 9 ball
11 4 overall andy...ggs ul
Posts: 4,762
23:40 Fri 2 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
Fixture set 4:

Untouchables 28 - 27 Top Dogs

dgeneratio 6 - 9 andyw1
rubber_duck 7 - 8 antione08
whocares8x8 12-3 dark_angel
michaelg 3 - 7 horse10000 (TBC?)
mattywellie vs nickh87
_aphr0dite_ vs eemad
ant vs joker86
crazy_greg vs bunrzybhoy

Cobras 45 vs 30 Top Dogs

perfect_play 10 - 5 andyw1
cphaynes 8 - 7 eemad
davybaumers 8 - 7 bunzrybhoy
dvz 10 - 5 ab_rfc
hairwascurly 9 - 6 joker86
vendetta vs slimeball
rapid_pot vs cushion
fire_blazer vs antione08

Deadline Sunday


Fraggles 18 vs 57 Top Dogs

solskjaer20 4 - 11 bunrzybhoy
hardy202 1 - 14 antione08
cke1982 1 - 14 ab_rfc
sr20_mick 8 - 7horse10000
07nels07 4 - 11 andyw1

Make sure to message your opponents and arrange times to get these games played!

Need to get these league games played

Well done Andy mate, good result. Now completed all cup games, now all too focus on FCL. Come on! Quite a few left for some reason.

May need subs for slimeball / cushion / eemad / nickh87 just need to see. If any of yous could post on here giving us a heads up on your situation so we don't sub you out!
Posts: 38,097
23:42 Fri 2 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
posted on FSE thread to damien as hes on snooker right now.

shame emma isnt though.
Posts: 974
00:40 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry I've been really busy sorting out my clan on pool and had no time for anything else. I can only ever make evenings and that's not a cert every day. Can't really plan at the moment as I'm basically running a shop at the moment!
Posts: 4,762
00:44 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Playing clan match at the moment, not often in 9 ball your opponent misses four times and gets a snooker from it everytime! Also left a tap in 4-9. Not going my way tonight, sorry guys.
Deleted User
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00:51 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Don't worry about it James.
Posts: 38,097
00:55 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah its against greg, any other time id feel sympathy
Deleted User
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00:59 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
vendetta vs slimeball

is now

kev04 vs slimeball
Deleted User
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01:02 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture Swap:

kev04 Vs slimeball swaps with rapid_pot Vs cushion

New fixtures:

kev04 Vs cushion and rapid_pot Vs slimeball


Cushion out, me in

Fixture is now kev04 Vs dark_angel

Posts: 4,762
01:08 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Top dogs v UT

bunrzybhoy v crazy_greg

8 Ball US : 2 - 3
9 Ball US : 2 - 3
8 Ball UK : 4 - 1

Overall: 8-7 Top Dogs.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:01 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Ugh, ballsed up sooooo much in these games. Lost 12-3 to Kev, really sorry again, luck wasn't with me and I played like crap.

4-1 in each type, if anyone cares lol.
Posts: 7,940
03:21 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Fixture set 4:

Untouchables 35 - 35 Top Dogs

dgeneratio 6 - 9 andyw1
rubber_duck 7 - 8 antione08
whocares8x8 12-3 dark_angel
crazy_greg 7 - 8 bunrzybhoy
michaelg 3 - 7 horse10000 (TBC?)
mattywellie vs nickh87
_aphr0dite_ vs eemad
ant vs joker86

Cobras 57 vs 33 Top Dogs

perfect_play 10 - 5 andyw1
cphaynes 8 - 7 eemad
davybaumers 8 - 7 bunzrybhoy
dvz 10 - 5 ab_rfc
hairwascurly 9 - 6 joker86
kev04 12 - 3 dark_angel
rapid_pot vs slimeball
fire_blazer vs antione08

Deadline Sunday

Need to get these league games played
Posts: 1,396
06:31 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hmm ....Well I'm back and still loads of games to play, this really ain't what it's normally like and we need to get more played!

No one has even posted to say when they are playing or if any contact has been made ! (apologise if I've missed any)

And I am sorry for being offline for a couple of days but thank you James for keeping on the ball, great job


(thats my angry voice)
Posts: 5,224
06:51 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hi kay
Posts: 5,250
08:02 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
If u wish to participate in season 3 of FBL could Clan Captains post on the link below.


FBL Staff.
Posts: 38,097
12:25 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
quick reminder about league teamlists (and cup if your still in if not it doesn't matter) by tonight if possible (early tomorrow latest).

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
20:25 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
rapid_pot out liam__scfc in

game now liam__scfc vs slimeball
Posts: 4,762
21:33 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ab_rfc said:
Fixture set 4:

Untouchables 39 - 36 Top Dogs

dgeneratio 6 - 9 andyw1
rubber_duck 7 - 8 antione08
whocares8x8 12-3 dark_angel
crazy_greg 7 - 8 bunrzybhoy
michaelg 7 - 8 horse10000
mattywellie vs nickh87
_aphr0dite_ vs eemad
ant vs joker86

Cobras 67 vs 38 Top Dogs

perfect_play 10 - 5 andyw1
cphaynes 8 - 7 eemad
davybaumers 8 - 7 bunzrybhoy
dvz 10 - 5 ab_rfc
hairwascurly 9 - 6 joker86
kev04 12 - 3 dark_angel
liam__scfc 10 - 5 slimeball
fire_blazer vs antione08

Deadline Sunday

Need to get these league games played

Edited at 21:19 Sat 03/09/11 (BST)
Posts: 38,097
22:46 Sat 3 Sept 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
quick reminder about league teamlists (and cup if your still in if not it doesn't matter) by tonight if possible (early tomorrow latest).


just a bump

can ab or jamesy send me a list just in case antione isn't here, cheers
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