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Crazy Eights - The Return

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08:13 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
dextr said:
How we doing pete sorted that machine ???

When it wants to it works the darn thing but good news saturday is shopping , day the kids think we are going to my brothers to cut wood and think they are in for a day of working tail but ole pete will detour to best buy where an already purchase and ordered desktop is waiting for to be picked up hehe. I told them a while ago they keep their grades up to my standards (which believe me is a hard thing to do ) and i would consider purchasing a home computer, well they arent quite there but setting the bar high has definately helped and also win win for me i get my computer back plus become super greatest dad of the year ....... for a day lol
Posts: 1,634
09:16 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well off to bed for this guy been long week paper was released today so tomorrow and friday are pretty laxed so looking forward to reading my weekly comments lol just like here i write and wait always looking for the good replies sometimes they are there other times not but equally interesting time for me but the balance is the same i generally get pretty good public opinion ( i better i grew up with most the people in this charming little town of mine lol) but sometimes people are naturally combative dont matter the case lol i usually got ways of calming them to so yeah always up for review days lol good night brothers .... and chelc hope you change your mind and opinion and realize this is our thread and always been a fun one negativity isnt allowed in the house of crazy so drop that and you are more than welcome to be a part girl you have my word on that ..... pete
Posts: 1,634
09:22 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Tell you what chelc i will be on around 1130pm your time tomorrow if you can be on be on ,and lets talk k just me and you we will sort this out i feel bad you feel we been taking a go at you , i guess from reading back i dont know where it came from but apparently it has and instead of lashing back and forth lets talk and work it out . Going to be kinda family soon i guess ironing out the wrinkles might not be such a bad idea k . If you cant be there message me if i receive no message and you dont show then i want no more posts on this thread cause i been more than understanding with this and so has everyone else .... pete

Now smile damn it
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13:51 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
Tell you what chelc i will be on around 1130pm your time tomorrow if you can be on be on ,and lets talk k just me and you we will sort this out i feel bad you feel we been taking a go at you , i guess from reading back i dont know where it came from but apparently it has and instead of lashing back and forth lets talk and work it out . Going to be kinda family soon i guess ironing out the wrinkles might not be such a bad idea k . If you cant be there message me if i receive no message and you dont show then i want no more posts on this thread cause i been more than understanding with this and so has everyone else .... pete

Now smile damn it

uncle pete will be really gentle, dont worry, you'll hardly feel a thing :D :D :D and remember, mummy wouldnt understand, so dont tell mummy
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20:05 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
Opponent been off for 2 days so not had chance to read my message, will give him a few more days then see whats up on their thread if no response
Asked for a sub for you Zante but looks like they have used them all so hopefully you'll catch him online. If not this will have to go to default.

No fault of ours but hopefully we can pick up full bonus points.
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21:48 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
will i get a fixture next time guys?
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21:49 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
Kkkkkkk last time here ....... no one argued but you , i have never once seen you online NOT ONCE, and now this is the third time you quit lol k what is it you want ????? I told you i would invite you when i play IF you are on i play friday night my match with the mighty junster BE ON!!!! Jay i love you man you know me i aint one to be mean or disrespectful to anyone but wow man your woman is driving me simply mad here there is no relief from it she wants to be invited yet dont want to be , wants to be a cheerleader but from my only experience playing with her in the room if we all remember right she did nothing but heckle everyone including you ,no one has argued with her read all the posts we have tried to pacify her yet she comes into the crazy house only to make us feel bad and accuses us of stuff that simply is ridiculous im at my wits end here man please have you a chat with her and sort this what is growing into a big distraction for the brotherhood and chelc last time smile take a breath and calm yourself please..... pete

im always online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not always ingame but browsing, jus have to message me. pops up on me phone :) coz im that clever i have it linked. and its the 1st time ive quit and never come back,, only argued coz all thats all u lot have done with me. and dont get jay involved its nout to do with him.,,, i dnt wanna smile.. and i dnoo if i will be on at 11.30 coz a aint well. message me if needed
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22:08 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
paulshaw7 said:
will i get a fixture next time guys?
Yes bud definately. We should have three matches i think so games galore!!!!
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22:44 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hi 8s please remeber to send me death_viper your 5 ppl team list for cup by friday.

thanks kenny.
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23:33 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Teams sent in of cup peeps. First match is against sharpshooters. These are our first games against this Div 1 lot so lets give them a scare ahead of next season.

Tough run all the way through the cup however far we get but i'm thinking we win it and drop it under our open top bus.
up the 's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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23:45 Thu 21 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Evening 8's hope you are all well
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02:40 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
i was on buttt u didnt show.. i goinn bed... message me if u wanna talk .. im ill soo i not stayin on late
Posts: 1,634
03:16 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
xx_chelc_xx said:
i was on buttt u didnt show.. i goinn bed... message me if u wanna talk .. im ill soo i not stayin on late
Stuck at work a little late and had to pick the boys up from baseball practice sorry dont tell me i didnt show you couldnt wait one hour its evening time for me here i do have family and responsibilities
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03:30 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
It's all good, Chelc's got better things to do anyway, think we should end it here. Stop taking petty digs for nae reason what so ever and you's can concentrate on playing pool. She's better off without you's and half your team appear to have went against her so end off.

Nobody's gonna even know who they're playing, or game times etc cause it's just gonna be yous taking pointless digs at someone that's done nothing wrong.

Quit it.


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03:35 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Its all worked out well then sandman. Gl to Chelc in the future. Ill be happy to get this thread back to clan chat.
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03:37 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
lol lol lol lol lol lol .. that was clan chat.. coz like i was part of ya clan if yaa didnt notice.. oh no cozzz ya didnt want mee .......

w.e im gonee. dnt even bother replyin cozz im not evenn gunna looook at it
Posts: 1,634
03:39 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
We are cheerleader free brothers and im sorry to do that but there is no reasoning with her, i tried to exxplain but got told we are a load of .... welll wont say it and its hard not to im steaming mad and that dont happen often but she is no longer welcome in the crazy house .... and jay im sorry man i dont want to affect anything between us but she crossed the line and for zero reason so please chelc stay away now you said your peace and we got ZERO time for that kind of talk and behavior on our thread soooooooooooo ssssseeeeeeeeeee yyyyyaaaaaaa
Posts: 1,634
03:42 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
sandman2009 said:
It's all good, Chelc's got better things to do anyway, think we should end it here. Stop taking petty digs for nae reason what so ever and you's can concentrate on playing pool. She's better off without you's and half your team appear to have went against her so end off.

Nobody's gonna even know who they're playing, or game times etc cause it's just gonna be yous taking pointless digs at someone that's done nothing wrong.

Quit it. oooooh but we did something wrong didnt we, read back partner before you open that hole between your nose and chin , i tried being nice through the whole deal and still been nice so you leave to you definately arent wanted whoever you are lol


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03:43 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
noopee u put me on ignore ,, b4 i retyped what a ment,, i didnt sayy 8's were a load of //// sooo gett it right............

sayy what ya want about me,, but anoe what i said. and what my reasons were for saying it.. u jus dnt have the reasoning to listen and understand,, all u care about is ure players... well sorry im not a player..... and why doo u keep sayin sorry to jay.. its not as if he owns me,, im only his fiance
Posts: 1,634
03:44 Fri 22 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
xx_chelc_xx said:
lol lol lol lol lol lol .. that was clan chat.. coz like i was part of ya clan if yaa didnt notice.. oh no cozzz ya didnt want mee .......

w.e im gonee. dnt even bother replyin cozz im not evenn gunna looook at it

You gave us no chance to make you a part you ripped off at us on our thread for not inviting you when no one even knows who you are but enough said im sorry it came to this and hope you find acceptance elsewhere ps tell jay hi lol
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