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Crazy Eights - The Return

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18:36 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
seriousblack said:
Eights Vs Vikings

Seriousblack vs davybaumers

8us 2 - 3
Disconnected during first frame but davy never worried about it and accepted my apology and played as normal, thanks davy

9ball 2 - 3
Davy pulled off an awesome shot on the 3 ball and the 9 after i had him snookered

8uk 3 - 2
Very good games here, i got lucky in last frame after hit and hope.

over all 7 - 8 to him

Very nice guy and great player

Was a pleasure

Thanks Ross!

You're disconnected game in 8 ball billiards was not a really deserved win for me, you earned a new chance there!

Maybe you got luck in last frame of 8 ball uk, but you played your shots and luck or not, it counts and it was a deserved win for you!

You are a very good player!

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18:38 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Started my game with crazy_greg

8us 5-0 me

9us 3-1 me

he wants play rest another time, hes had no luck so will try catch him another time
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22:26 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
yin and yang vs crazy 8s

fraz_viper vs pen_16

8us 0 - 5
9us 1 - 4
8uk 1-4

total 2-13 to pen_16

ggs very gd player.
Posts: 1,634
22:26 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
On fast to catch up on things our first spring like weekend so got the kids camping ( kids crabby running everywhere hands are full believe that lol). First things first i want to apologize for my poor attitude the other day usually that dont happen just one of those days and i am truely sorry you will not see that again . Jay has a few concerns about the releasing of dextr and jon cause the season is in progress which i am under the understanding that you both know you must finish out this season and the move is for next season right? I want to say great job on our second set of fixtures a success indeed against two up and coming very good teams thank you everyone Ross , liam what can i say you guys are definately a cut above for sure . Davy is like in the top ten on this site so scoring 7 points against that is more than a feat and something to be very proud of thank you for subbing in and playing like the master you are! And liam crazy greg is one of my first friends on here i got hours of game play against him he is one of snookers shining stars so to take it to him like you are only shows the level a greatness you have acheived awesome job bud you definately pull your weight round here thank you ! And pen_16 lol brutal shallacking my man lol Great season so far brothers lets keep er lit ( hipp) .... pete
Posts: 1,634
22:38 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I want everyone to know i know this has been a slow start to the season for me but as some of you know i am a funkypooler and on more than i should be most the time just got lots of responsibilities with being single parent of 5 now and career blah blah but you will definately be getting your fill of ole viking here real soon you have my word So PLEASE.. everyone bare with me wasnt expecting jay to get the boot but going to redo my schedule and will be on everyday from now on maybe not my normal eight hour days like i would like but ill be here . Our mighty vice ONEVISIT is about as weathered at this game as they come i have full faith and trust in him as i expect all of you to have also so ONE if you feel a decision needs to be made and im not on you do what you feel is right my man, like me onevisit bleeds the brotherhood and wouldnt let anything run astray you all have my word and one last thing i want to say thank you man for having my back here i know you didnt expect this as i didnt but we'll make er work wouldnt be the first , second or third time we been through this lol Jays return will be soon and after the beating we all put in him should assure we arent cap free again lol . So come on eights our job isnt done yet we are at the peak of the season and definately the team in division two everyone hates to have to play so lets keep the hatred flowing and lets show no mercy ..... pete

UP THE sssssssssssssssssss!!
Posts: 1,634
22:41 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
The battles rage with only domination in sight
we came into to this only for the fight
so ball up your fists and roar loudly
cause we are the crazy eights and we hold that very proudly!
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22:42 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Well Said Pete
Posts: 1,634
22:44 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
liam__scfc said:
Well Said Pete

Thanks man
Posts: 1,634
22:51 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
messaged bulldog to set up our match so the ball is rolling and for those of you who are to play your matches i want to say good luck lets have us some fun and show zero mercy lets run the gauntlet and sweep through division two cause im itching to put division two champions of the wizzzzzorld on the thread heading lol and you better believe WHEN that happens ill have a post ready that will make you all look like gods ( which you all are anyways) . So come on brothers lets take no breaks lets get this set stomped into the ground and send fear into our remaining opponents cause its always funner being feared then revered my friends lol . Well off got some fishing to do the kids are all giving me the get off the computer or its stomp time and ill admit im little skeert tbh lol Have fun my friends and always remember ..... if you shake it more than twice your playing with it lol ..... pete
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22:51 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Vipers 44 vs 76 Crazy Eights

funky_fluke (3) vs (12) virtuosomuch
cajanka (8) vs (7) viking4life
mk_lad (5) vs (10) liam__scfc
anoneeemouse (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_
renandstimpy (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz
death_viper (6) vs (9) pen_16
blackcabman7 (4) vs (11) onevisit
mfc_ss (8) vs (7) dextr

Crazy Eights 61 vs 44 The Vikings

_mewtwo_ (12) vs (3) thorstein
onevisit (10) vs (5) horse10000

paulshaw7 vs destroyer_16
pen_16 (8) vs (7) rockhopper
liam__scfc (8) vs (7) chris
zantetsukenz (7) vs (8) mdj
virtuosomuch (9) vs (6) __robdut__
seriousblack (7) vs (8) davybaumers

Still 1 game to be played, anyone available to play this game before tonight???

Fixture Set 3

Yin & Yang (3) vs (21) Crazy 8s

bulldog_oc vs viking4life
_player87_ vs onevisit
punkpoet vs _mewtwo_
crazy_greg (1) vs (8) liam__scfc
fraz_viper (2) vs (13) pen_16
scarface88 vs rodrigo
solskjaer20 vs virtuosomuch
strikeone vs zantetsukenz

deadline the 24th of april midnight gmt
Posts: 1,634
23:06 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
One last thing to rally the troops i was just looking and figured you all would like to see our progress so far

set 1

crazys 78 pool sharks 42
crazys 82 team angry 38

set 2

crazys 76 vipers 44
crazys 61 vikings44

Total domination everyone i couldnt be any prouder of any team as i am of this one i been on some great eights teams but this one here , this mighty band might be the best one yet the heart of this team only beats loudly with the loss of our mighty cap and being a new team that never played together before to show this kind of dominance only strengthens the tradition known as The crazy eights thank you all for not giving up on this there is only good things a coming my friends our future glows brightly and i for one am very honored to be a part of the best damn team in this league and i mean that with all that is me ...... pete
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23:15 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Hello the mighty man pete and his band of 8s with some of the nicest guys on fp land, with jay, pete, jon topping the list of great friends a nd players really good to see you whipping some div 2 booty lol

oooh hang on that me getting a whipping too

but hey it by the great people of 8 land.
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23:16 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
still nothing from destroyer
Posts: 9,926
23:18 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
paulshaw7 said:
still nothing from destroyer

This is the funniest post ever, destroyer is online just now and you post this while browsing. Complete joke, why not come on and play him or are you scared and trying for a default.
Deleted User
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23:19 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
now now play nice
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23:21 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
paul just play him mate get done and dusted
Posts: 9,926
23:22 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
death_viper said:
now now play nice

Deleted User
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23:23 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks for the nice words Pete.
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23:27 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
just to let you all know paul vs destroy is happen now they playing so sub not needed ty.
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23:58 Sun 10 Apr 11 (BST)  [Link]  
liam__scfc said:
Started my game with crazy_greg

8us 5-0 me

9us 3-1 me

he wants play rest another time, hes had no luck so will try catch him another time

yes my son!!
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Crazy Eights - The Return

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