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Crazy Eights - The Return

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22:05 Fri 18 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Who are you trying to kid here m8? you need to shrink that head of yours a bit ,thats what i was trying to say to the whole room last night every one of you had something smart to say, it must be very importan to win like that, because this is suppose to be fun but how can it be when you have a room full of people against ya? a bit unfair but ill tell you like i told the rest will play as many games as you want u will not runoff with the win. but will only play just me and whoever else im playing only anyways gl and most of all start havin fun quit the baby stuff

message from united_state. As I asked him last night, what did i say apart from ul and wd to him directly. I would also like to ask anyone ive EVER played if i have been big headed in our match. Again I know im not the best player on here but im happy to play any player that puts me down. can't believe ive let such a wally get to me but he has! wouldn't mind if i did anything wrong but i said nothing lol.

United_state. If you message me with any nonsense in the future. I WILL POST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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22:12 Fri 18 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
onevisit said:
Who are you trying to kid here m8? you need to shrink that head of yours a bit ,thats what i was trying to say to the whole room last night every one of you had something smart to say, it must be very importan to win like that, because this is suppose to be fun but how can it be when you have a room full of people against ya? a bit unfair but ill tell you like i told the rest will play as many games as you want u will not runoff with the win. but will only play just me and whoever else im playing only anyways gl and most of all start havin fun quit the baby stuff

message from united_state. As I asked him last night, what did i say apart from ul and wd to him directly. I would also like to ask anyone ive EVER played if i have been big headed in our match. Again I know im not the best player on here but im happy to play any player that puts me down. can't believe ive let such a wally get to me but he has! wouldn't mind if i did anything wrong but i said nothing lol.

United_state. If you message me with any nonsense in the future. I WILL POST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. this is coming from the ADULT who called matty homophobic names for playing safety!
Posts: 1,028
22:53 Fri 18 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
There was me thinking i was the only one that got a message haha

To be honest united mate you went mental at me because i defended my player in the way he played the game, just because he played a few safety shots, you then stated after refusing to play the final 8US games that i talk too much, i said one sentace throughout that match in the one game i watched because i had to go and do something, but you said i was still in game room running my mouth. You then played the remainder of these games but if anyone else noticed he stopped running his mouth when his vice captain came in the room.

And for the message sent to me - matty asked you if you wanted anyone to watch and you said no, you also had the right to say you didnt want anyone watching but game room was public so the whole of funkypool who was online could have watched anyway.

In future dont send me stupid messages your ment to be what 46? and you act like my 19 month old daughter for gods sake.

Enough of my rant now, the games was played, matty got a deserved win end of story in my book.
Posts: 1,028
23:55 Fri 18 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
fleetwood vs cheeky

fleetwood won 8 -7 overall

nice little 7 points there well done hun.
Posts: 1,028
23:57 Fri 18 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
[U]FCL League Games[/U]

[B][U]Pool Sharks 42 vs 78 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]rustybmf (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_[/B]
[B]united_state (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[B]bien_agiter (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[B]fleetwood (8) vs (7) _cheeky_bum_[/B]
[B]d_mc1 (5) vs (10) virtuosomuch[/B]
[B]gordo (7) vs (8) zantetsukenz[/B]
[B]sundancekid (3) vs (12) paulshaw7[/B]
[B]bluevalium (4) vs (11) onevisit[/B]

[B][U]Team Angry 30 vs 45 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]poolbiird (6) vs (9) onevisit[/B]
[B]_kgb797_ (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]swg[/MEMBER] vs paulshaw7
[B]cool_dude (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[MEMBER]igor[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]woowoo69 (7) vs (8) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]mofro[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]yetti (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz[/B]

[U]Deadline[/U]: 27/03/11

Thanks for the games Pool Sharks, and thanks for playing so quickly good luck for the remainder of the season [:)] now to focus on the Team Angry fixture guy's any updates would be helpful thank you. [:)]
Deleted User
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00:07 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey crazy's! thanks for getting those games done and sorry if you had any problems i apologies on behalf of the players and would like to wish you guys good luck with the rest of the season
Deleted User
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00:40 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
9 Ball Billiards Friendly - _cheeky_bum_ (3) loses to onevisit (4) who ran the rack!
9 Ball Billiards Friendly - _cheeky_bum_ (2) loses to onevisit (3) who ran the rack!
9 Ball Billiards Friendly - _cheeky_bum_ (1) loses to onevisit (2) who ran the rack!

Three in a row woop woop. Btw is a quality player so I know that its a one off loss.
Deleted User
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01:25 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Unlucky in your game Cheeky, Very Nice One

Im never playing a 20 second killer game ever again, they take ages lol, but i won it

RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - liam__scfc wins! (2 lives, potted 20 of 22, safe 3 of 18)
RANKINGS: liam__scfc 857.6 (+24.7), cool_dude 768.3 (-1.9), kered276 765.4 (-1.9), davybaumers 907.6 (-4.7), colpepper 896.1 (-4.6), 2hot2pot 709.0 (-1.4), steg88 655.9 (-1.0), sdoc 747.3 (-1.8), eaglestrike 880.2 (-4.5), dinobb 662.1 (-1.1), sloth92 620.4 (-0.8), sundancekid 823.2 (-3.3)
Deleted User
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02:52 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ok, im not playing igor at 8 oclock on saturday anymore as i cant make that time cos my sisters havin a party
Posts: 1,028
10:14 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
virtuosomuch said:
ok, im not playing igor at 8 oclock on saturday anymore as i cant make that time cos my sisters havin a party

Ok mate if you catch eachother before the party and have time to play that would be great, if not then just let me know when you guys arrange another time, ill do my best to come watch you if i am on of course, onevisit and our cheerleader liek to watch so invite them if you cant play the game then just message me and ill arrange a sub incase you need it
Posts: 1,028
10:20 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Right well 3 games left to go guys with 8 days left to play, thats 13 games out of 16 played in 8 days very nice work

Outstanding games as far as i know are to be played. (UK Time)

George's game = 8pm tonight but may not be possible.
Rodrigo's game = 1pm today maybe a little later.
Paul's game = Im not sure if he told me he had arranged a time, but as far as i know paul has his kids over the weekend so i dont think he will have it played over weekend.

Im off to do some erm snooker probably haha

Over and out from you Captaino!
Deleted User
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14:06 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
im on until 4 now, hopefully he comes on before then
Deleted User
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14:07 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
btw jay, im called v_is_4_virt on snooker, add me, im pretty good at arcade :D
Deleted User
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14:20 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hiya everyone and well done on win against pool sharks... Welcome aboard liam
Deleted User
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15:35 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: Micro 8 Ball Tournament - grandad1949 (0) loses to virtuosomuch (1) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: virtuosomuch 804.3 (+2.7), grandad1949 737.8 (-2.6)
TOURNAMENT: virtuosomuch knocks out grandad1949
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations, you won the 8 Ball Billiards Tournament (Micro), winning 56 TournaPoints
Deleted User
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16:11 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
rods has won 14-1 :P
Posts: 1,028
16:22 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Killer Snooker Ranked - bring_it_on wins! (2 lives, potted 15 of 17, safe 5 of 13)
RANKINGS: bring_it_on 803.5 (+8.7), pottyballs 793.6 (-2.0), maxthemillio 791.5 (-2.0), der_neue 706.0 (-1.1)

Well i did it on snooker my main target i wanted i got killer newbie pro with 8 more newbie games to be played
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
16:26 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
tks to virtuosomuch, he was watching the games. so lets go:

9 ball rodrigo 5 - 0 mofro
8 ball rodrigo 4 - 1 mofro
8 ball uk rodrigo 5 - 0 mofro

Posts: 1,028
16:27 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
rodrigo said:
tks to virtuosomuch, he was watching the games. so lets go:

9 ball rodrigo 5 - 0 mofro
8 ball rodrigo 4 - 1 mofro
8 ball uk rodrigo 5 - 0 mofro


Awesome result mate, very well done
Posts: 1,028
16:29 Sat 19 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
[QUOTE=_ghost_][U]FCL League Games[/U]

[B][U]Pool Sharks 42 vs 78 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]rustybmf (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_[/B]
[B]united_state (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[B]bien_agiter (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[B]fleetwood (8) vs (7) _cheeky_bum_[/B]
[B]d_mc1 (5) vs (10) virtuosomuch[/B]
[B]gordo (7) vs (8) zantetsukenz[/B]
[B]sundancekid (3) vs (12) paulshaw7[/B]
[B]bluevalium (4) vs (11) onevisit[/B]

[B][U]Team Angry 31 vs 59 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]poolbiird (6) vs (9) onevisit[/B]
[B]_kgb797_ (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]swg[/MEMBER] vs paulshaw7
[B]cool_dude (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[MEMBER]igor[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]woowoo69 (7) vs (8) _mewtwo_[/B]
[B]mofro (1) vs (14) rodrigo[/B]
[B]yetti (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz[/B]

[U]Deadline[/U]: 27/03/11

Thanks for the games Pool Sharks, and thanks for playing so quickly good luck for the remainder of the season [:)] now to focus on the Team Angry fixture guy's any updates would be helpful thank you. [:)][/QUOTE]
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Crazy Eights - The Return

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