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Crazy Eights - The Return

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14:46 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
quality jon
Posts: 1,028
17:22 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
[QUOTE=_ghost_][U]FCL League Games[/U]

[B][U]Pool Sharks 13 vs 32 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]rustybmf (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]united_state[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]bien_agiter (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]fleetwood[/MEMBER] vs _cheeky_bum_
[MEMBER]d_mc1[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[MEMBER]gordo[/MEMBER] vs zantetsukenz
[B]sundancekid (3) vs (12) paulshaw7[/B]
[MEMBER]fattmikee[/MEMBER] vs __uk__

[B][U]Team Angry 24 vs 36 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]poolbiird (6) vs (9) onevisit[/B]
[MEMBER]_kgb797_[/MEMBER] vs _ghost_
[MEMBER]ant[/MEMBER] vs paulshaw7
[B]cool_dude (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[MEMBER]igor[/MEMBER] vs __uk__
[B]woowoo69 (7) vs (8) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]mofro[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]yetti (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz[/B]

[U]Deadline[/U]: 27/03/11

First set of fixture's guys lets get off to a good start, everyone just do your best [:D][/QUOTE]
Posts: 19,967
22:10 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
zante vs gordo

8 uk

9 ball

8 us

just about managed to turn tide in 8us
probably all should have been 4-1 not 3-2, but doesn't always happen like that

nice guy too, good player so a win is enough
Posts: 1,028
22:12 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nice zante mate, and still we are unbeaten the streak is alive
Posts: 1,028
22:19 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
[U]FCL League Games[/U]

[B][U]Pool Sharks 20 vs 40 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]rustybmf (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]united_state[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]bien_agiter (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]fleetwood[/MEMBER] vs _cheeky_bum_
[MEMBER]d_mc1[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]gordo (7) vs (8) zantetsukenz[/B]
[B]sundancekid (3) vs (12) paulshaw7[/B]
[MEMBER]fattmikee[/MEMBER] vs __uk__

[B][U]Team Angry 24 vs 36 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]poolbiird (6) vs (9) onevisit[/B]
[MEMBER]_kgb797_[/MEMBER] vs _ghost_
[MEMBER]ant[/MEMBER] vs paulshaw7
[B]cool_dude (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[MEMBER]igor[/MEMBER] vs __uk__
[B]woowoo69 (7) vs (8) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]mofro[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]yetti (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz[/B]

[U]Deadline[/U]: 27/03/11

First set of fixture's guys lets get off to a good start, everyone just do your best [:D]
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
22:19 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
well done zante mate crazy 8's juggernaught of destructon is still rampaging on :D
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:53 Tue 15 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
any ideas why uk has deactivated ??
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:08 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
He does it on a daily basis lol
Deleted User
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01:22 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
ahhh ok liam lol :P
Deleted User
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01:49 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
3rd micro 9ball to everyone here
Posts: 1,028
02:37 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
[QUOTE=_ghost_][U]FCL League Games[/U]

[B][U]Pool Sharks 20 vs 40 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]rustybmf (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]united_state[/MEMBER] vs mattywellie
[B]bien_agiter (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]fleetwood[/MEMBER] vs _cheeky_bum_
[MEMBER]d_mc1[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]gordo (7) vs (8) zantetsukenz[/B]
[B]sundancekid (3) vs (12) paulshaw7[/B]
[MEMBER]fattmikee[/MEMBER] vs onevisit

[B][U]Team Angry 24 vs 36 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]poolbiird (6) vs (9) onevisit[/B]
[MEMBER]_kgb797_[/MEMBER] vs _ghost_
[MEMBER]ant[/MEMBER] vs paulshaw7
[B]cool_dude (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[MEMBER]igor[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]woowoo69 (7) vs (8) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]mofro[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]yetti (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz[/B]

[U]Deadline[/U]: 27/03/11

First set of fixture's guys lets get off to a good start, everyone just do your best [:D][/QUOTE]
Posts: 1,028
02:38 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Relevent subs have been made.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
03:11 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey all started clan game with united_state ... played 5 frames of 9 bal it ended 3-2 to me .. in all honesty it should of been 5-0 the first frame he won he got a bit lucky to get 9 ball in when he went for 4 ball and the second one he won was a bad misjudgement by me to foul on the 7 ball but hey so far so good keep it up 8's :D
Posts: 5,250
06:03 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Till my clan pic is done i borrow your one jay ok.
Posts: 5,250
07:13 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi I also want to say a few things about he major disaster that is happening in Japan.....Firstly ...My thoughts of me and my family are with any member of this site that are from that region and hope that International Help will be with you soon..Its such a Disaster that would normally be a Hollywood Movie ....To have to put up with initially the Quake .....A Tsunami....and now Nuclear Reactors are unstable....I Remember the russian meltdown and it is to this day causing problems.....we dont need another and i ask fellow members to take a bit of their time to say GL to all invoved in rescue etc......I Thank you....Dex...

Posts: 5,250
07:16 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well as usual we aint going to get real video as the majority is now under control of the major networks so sorry people for now .....Once again we can hope and pray for victims of this natural disaster.....

Edited at 05:24 Wed 16/03/11 (GMT)
Posts: 1,028
08:12 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I dont think i could bare to watch it again to be honest mate

I send all my familys love and support to the familys of Japan and also the Crazy Eights thoughts are all with them.
Posts: 1,028
11:29 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
_ghost_ vs _kgb797_

9 - 6 ghost overall.

8US 2 - 3 - was very good games at times both had very bad luck and some good luck.

9US 4 - 1 - just wasnt his day at all, sunk cue ball a few times that led to me winning the frame i also ran out on 4th game.

8UK 3 - 2 - both played very well at times, kgb finished it off with a very nice run out nearly fouled black in the process though but was still nice.

Good games mate, very nice guy even waited on me to finish 8UK Mararthon final from the start and i lost that 5 - 4
Posts: 1,028
11:36 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
[U]FCL League Games[/U]

[B][U]Pool Sharks 20 vs 40 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]rustybmf (4) vs (11) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]united_state[/MEMBER] vs mattywellie
[B]bien_agiter (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]fleetwood[/MEMBER] vs _cheeky_bum_
[MEMBER]d_mc1[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]gordo (7) vs (8) zantetsukenz[/B]
[B]sundancekid (3) vs (12) paulshaw7[/B]
[MEMBER]fattmikee[/MEMBER] vs onevisit

[B][U]Team Angry 30 vs 45 Crazy Eights[/B][/U]

[B]poolbiird (6) vs (9) onevisit[/B]
[B]_kgb797_ (6) vs (9) _ghost_[/B]
[MEMBER]ant[/MEMBER] vs paulshaw7
[B]cool_dude (5) vs (10) mattywellie[/B]
[MEMBER]igor[/MEMBER] vs virtuosomuch
[B]woowoo69 (7) vs (8) _mewtwo_[/B]
[MEMBER]mofro[/MEMBER] vs rodrigo
[B]yetti (6) vs (9) zantetsukenz[/B]

[U]Deadline[/U]: 27/03/11

First set of fixture's guys lets get off to a good start, everyone just do your best [:D]
Posts: 1,028
11:38 Wed 16 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well our undeafeted streak is still going lads 9 games and counting even though Vikings have lost a match they are 2 points clear at the top of the Division 2 League. Come on Crazy

Up The 's!!!
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Crazy Eights - The Return

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