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Crazy Eights - The Return

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00:34 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 1,028
00:37 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Crazy Eights Team. (unfinished)

1._ghost_ Captain
2.viking4life Vice Captain
9. seriousblack

Nice to see you just add yourself in mate please welcome another old Crazy to the clan onevisit & a new Crazy seriousblack.

Also Pete has messaged me he has a couple of busy days at work and all that so may not be on much but maybe be back in time for the annitiation game

If you have not registered to the new website then please feel free to do so it is not just for Captains & Vice Captains.
Link for it is in Funkypool Clan League Forum or just use this link to go to the forum page.

Right im off for a bit lads be on later probably!
Deleted User
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00:40 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
off to a good start

TOURNAMENT: seriousblack knocks out a_j
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations, you won the 8 Ball Billiards Tournament (Micro), winning 112 TournaPoints

been playing sooo bad recently. hopefully this is the turning point
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00:44 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Im just going to use this pic just now until we agree on a clan pic.
Posts: 38,097
00:48 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
dont forget to contact me or death_viper when you sign up so we can activate your account
Deleted User
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01:28 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i also like the first three pics as well also ike the one deah viper did
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03:41 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
we'll have a team at this rate...
Posts: 1,634
04:53 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Never was our intention when we decided to start up the crazy eights team to yank players from other teams our sole intention was to re unite a team of players and friends to play pool and have fun but none the less it i see has happened and for that i am truely sorry to the teams and captains that this has affected . When i was offline this last fall was like it will be every fall i coach football and with my job and kids plus with that i get very little online time which i will be the first to say it sucks but just like all of you i got a life and responsibilities that must come first , i look at it like everyone does i wish i could flow this site 24/7 but unfortunately i have times of the year when i just dont get on as much none the less before my accident and before this last fall i think i proved my loyalty and if intentions were to just up and dissappear i wouldnt of ever started this i have made it a point to be very sincere player and few will ever have anything bad to say about me i would never do anything to change the publics outlook on me . I want to apologize to everyone for the problems this has aroused definately it was never my or jays intention to do anything other than try to reassemble the eights and bring back the brotherhood to this fine league...... pete
Posts: 701
04:57 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Wow you are a good guy pete.
Deleted User
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04:58 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
nicely said pete :D
Deleted User
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04:58 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats all fair enough mate, but tbh, other than you and Jay you only have onevisit who is one of the true 8s. This is what frustrates me. I feel TFS have taken the fall because you guys are in a rush to put a team together before Friday when the team sheets have to be handed in. There's nothing crazy 8 about this, and you know it.
Deleted User
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04:59 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoken like a true gent
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05:01 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
listen mtk i am sorry for the way i left and it will leave a bad taste in your mouth about me and for that im sorry.
Posts: 1,634
05:02 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sam and mike i want you both to know i have full respect for the firing squad how couldnt i look at that team of masters you guys have assembled , i understand your feelings and 100% know your frustration but you must know never did the thought of pulling players from any team was on our agenda when this started i had talked to a handful of fellow teamates from the eights prior to the original announcement and thought i kinda had an understanding that if it got started the team was assembled already but i guess i misunderstood and things changed . If i had known prior to this that this would be the status to this point surely things would of went different but i cant change it now all i can say is i am truely sorry everyone.
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05:06 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
Sam and mike i want you both to know i have full respect for the firing squad how couldnt i look at that team of masters you guys have assembled , i understand your feelings and 100% know your frustration but you must know never did the thought of pulling players from any team was on our agenda when this started i had talked to a handful of fellow teamates from the eights prior to the original announcement and thought i kinda had an understanding that if it got started the team was assembled already but i guess i misunderstood and things changed . If i had known prior to this that this would be the status to this point surely things would of went different but i cant change it now all i can say is i am truely sorry everyone.

Good to know someone has respect for the firing squad. I don't get why you couldn't have been patient and waited until the old 8's were available before you entered the league? I don't think this can even be called crazy 8s, it isn't the crazy 8s and it doesn't follow your original idea. Like I said, to me it seems Jay has just started grabbing players from wherever he can because he wants a team together before Friday.
Deleted User
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05:09 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Vik, stop apologising bud. It does seem harsh that all the players are coming from mike the mans clan but its you and jay that have to put a clan together, you can only ask folk to join. Its everyone prerogative to join any clan in the transfer window. I feel bad that mike has been put in his situation but unfortunately every team has to take these hits in these windows.
Posts: 1,634
05:09 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
mtk said:
Thats all fair enough mate, but tbh, other than you and Jay you only have onevisit who is one of the true 8s. This is what frustrates me. I feel TFS have taken the fall because you guys are in a rush to put a team together before Friday when the team sheets have to be handed in. There's nothing crazy 8 about this, and you know it.

You are absolutely right mike i agree fully but you must believe our intentions were to get the eights together to come after the firing squad and have a great match never anything else what point would it be to start a team if there is no one to play ??? Man i dont even know what to say to you guys other than i only want to keep this fun for all involved you guys should know that about me by now i dont have a resentful bone in me i wouldnt intentionally try to sabotage any team or definately try to make my friends angry at me .... im sorry everyone
Posts: 1,634
05:10 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
onevisit said:
Vik, stop apologising bud. It does seem harsh that all the players are coming from mike the mans clan but its you and jay that have to put a clan together, you can only ask folk to join. Its everyone prerogative to join any clan in the transfer window. I feel bad that mike has been put in his situation but unfortunately every team has to take these hits in these windows.

I knew i could count on you man thank you !!!!!
Deleted User
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05:10 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
onevisit said:
Vik, stop apologising bud. It does seem harsh that all the players are coming from mike the mans clan but its you and jay that have to put a clan together, you can only ask folk to join. Its everyone prerogative to join any clan in the transfer window. I feel bad that mike has been put in his situation but unfortunately every team has to take these hits in these windows.

Again this is the frustrating thing, it is the guys from the original crazy 8s who are the ones with understanding, sportsmanship, loyalty and grace. You and Pete are 2 of the good guys mate, thanks for a bit of understanding. Hopefully your new team mates will follow suit.
Deleted User
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05:12 Thu 17 Feb 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
viking4life said:
mtk said:
Thats all fair enough mate, but tbh, other than you and Jay you only have onevisit who is one of the true 8s. This is what frustrates me. I feel TFS have taken the fall because you guys are in a rush to put a team together before Friday when the team sheets have to be handed in. There's nothing crazy 8 about this, and you know it.

You are absolutely right mike i agree fully but you must believe our intentions were to get the eights together to come after the firing squad and have a great match never anything else what point would it be to start a team if there is no one to play ??? Man i dont even know what to say to you guys other than i only want to keep this fun for all involved you guys should know that about me by now i dont have a resentful bone in me i wouldnt intentionally try to sabotage any team or definately try to make my friends angry at me .... im sorry everyone

I'm not angry at you whatsoever mate. I fully understood why you had to go back to the 8s, it's your clan, and I wouldn't expect you to do anything else. It's the people who have no ties with this clan that frustrate me.
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