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COD: Black Ops

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05:22 Sat 17 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
fry06 said:
My favourite weapon is the water pistol

Think thats why i die alot

Paaha! Soiled myself.

Urm, if theres anyone I know on here.. my addy is - Capt1n Chaos

But yeah, I dont really want randomers adding me. Just if you no me Lol.

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Posts: 1,381
12:31 Sat 17 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
tinie said:
You need silencer's like, my favourite game mode is probs demolition on summit love spawn killing on that map

Second that haha

My 100 kill game was on Firing Range last kill was so epic, game was coming to and end liek the bomb was about to explode so i threw a random frag across the middle of the map haha bomb blew up and last kill on feed was a frag kill by me was so funny i had host through it too so my chopper and gunship got like 20 - 30 kills each
Posts: 1,170
17:48 Sat 17 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
ps3 or 360 thou jay?

Tbh i no longer play now adays i used to average a 3.14 KD ratio over 1000 odd games was fairly pleased, stopped and no longer able to play it lol.

AK74U + rapid fire +modded controler

or commando + supressor usually keep me going at 2.00 each game.

play almost anything my best must have been S&D nuketown 4vs 4, i won being 13/0 good times
Posts: 1,381
18:34 Sat 17 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
PS3 mate.

Im the same though i no longer play, PS3 is knackered! I have played on my brother in laws 360 though played a game of TDM and got dogs was fair chuffed as i never played it on 360 before haha
Posts: 1,170
18:37 Sun 18 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
haha i struggle like hell now, not bothered about it a 1:1 2:1 is best i can get these days so it seems - but i only log on for friends so makes no odds haha
Posts: 38,097
00:31 Sun 25 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
people who use modders suck imo.

i once got 37-13 only using a pistol with extended mags, at times i can shoot it about half of fully auto.
Posts: 38,097
22:39 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
got all pro perks so add PRO to end of perks i add

classes i have now -

Search -

Commando (Gold, Silencer)
China Lake


Sleight of Hand

Hardline -

Galil (Gold, Silencer)
Makarov (Upgraded Iron Sights)


Sleight of Hand

Sprint -

Galil (Gold, Silencer)
Makarov (Upgraded Iron Sights)

Tactical Insertion

Sleight of Hand

Sniper -

M16 (Gold, Infrared Scope)
Makarov (Upgraded Iron Sights)


Sleight of Hand
Tactical Mask

Challenges -

M16 (Gold, Silencer, Dual Mag)
Makarov (Upgraded Iron Sights)


Second Chance

Deleted User
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22:55 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
How can you people still play this game?

Ghost and Second Chance are everywhere, makes it so the score limit is barely reached half the time, I stopped playing Black Ops in February, I don't know how anyone can enjoy it
Posts: 38,097
23:04 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
only game in COD series i enjoy more than BO is MW2
Deleted User
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23:08 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
If you can get a non-hacked lobby on COD4 it's still a pretty good game.

MW2 is the same really, get a lobby without One Man Army, Danger Close and it can be fun, it's also fun to actually use OMA and DC too

You can't take MW2 seriously if you want to have fun though, you'll just get annoyed.
Posts: 38,097
23:09 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
world at war hacked lobbys seems to have been fixed, so might not be long before COD 4 is either.
Deleted User
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23:12 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Infinity Ward/Activision have no real reason to go back and fix it though, it's made all the money it's ever going to make, they'd be essentially using their time and money to fix a 4(?) year old game that is just going to get less and less popular.

Just like they're never going to go and fix issues in MW2, there's nothing in it for them..

MW3 is going to break world-records for sales, just like the other COD games have in past years, so they don't need to worry about their old games, as sad as it is.
Posts: 12,419
23:23 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
cod 4 still the best in my opinion. They just got it right
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23:28 Mon 26 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
COD4 was the simplest, most fundamental of the 'newer' call of duty games, the reason why I think it was better was that there was just less gimmicky stuff in the game that could be abused.

MW2 has it's explosives and killstreaks, Black Ops has it's arguably overpowered stealth perks and only 2 or 3 guns that are worth using.

MW3 is looking like it could go either way right now too, it has a lot of stuff that's looking a little worrying to me, but it could also be the best one yet.

Sorry for the long posts btw
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00:05 Tue 27 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
That why I like zombie mode instead. Even though you may be a master at it, there's still a chance to foul up and lose through your own accord.

Plus, zombies don't cheat.
Posts: 4,762
00:05 Tue 27 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I agree, COD4 best call of duty hands down. All of my friends played Call of Duty 4 ALOT! Now we all play Fifa.The newer call of duty game modes get played for 2-3 weeks then just get very boring.
Deleted User
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02:49 Tue 27 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
They're just catered too much to new players with things that annoy the better players.

Death streaks? - Rewarding people for doing badly? How will that make them any better at the game?

I genuinely don't understand that logic.

Why should chap A who has been killed 6 times in a row be able to end chap B's killstreak with something like Painkiller or Martyrdom?
Posts: 2,742
03:07 Tue 27 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Because then it gives the losing player confidence to go on a 50 killstreak
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04:27 Tue 27 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
rogan said:
Infinity Ward/Activision have no real reason to go back and fix it though, it's made all the money it's ever going to make, they'd be essentially using their time and money to fix a 4(?) year old game that is just going to get less and less popular.

Just like they're never going to go and fix issues in MW2, there's nothing in it for them..

MW3 is going to break world-records for sales, just like the other COD games have in past years, so they don't need to worry about their old games, as sad as it is.

they are looking to fix mw2 due to mw3 using the same engines and that went gamefest and had a bit of info and had a quick go of mw3
Deleted User
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22:00 Tue 27 Sep 11 (BST)  [Link]  
If they are thinking about fixing MW2, great, that shows that they might be a bit more responsive fixing issues in MW3 when that (inevitably) has some problems.
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COD: Black Ops

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