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Overlap of Tournaments

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Deleted User
(IP Logged)
05:55 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this or not yet but something did come to my attention today...

I was in the 8 US Marathon tournament and progressed to the Quarter Finals, and also entered the 8 UK Tournament as a safeguard in case I was knocked out of the marathon tournament, so I still had a tournament to play in if I was knocked out.

However, I won my Quarter Final and went into the Semi Final round. While I was waiting for my semi final invite, the UK tournament started so I had to accept that invite.

During the first frame of the UK tournament, I get my Semi Final invite, so had to withdraw from the UK to try and win the Marathon tournament. I lost ranking points to withdraw from the UK so I could play my semi final

Because I had to withdraw from the UK tournament, I lost ranking points because I had to choose between my first round UK tournament and the US semi final (which one would you choose?).

So would there be anyway (or any support on this issue) where players who are in overlapping tournaments do not get penalised because of other tournament commitments?

The simple answer is don't enter both tournaments, but many do enter the overlapping tournament as an insurance policy in case they lose in the first one, but then commonly lose out on ranking points overall when they are knocked out of one because hey lost and out of the other one because they were forced to withdraw.
Posts: 8,149
06:07 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Agree with your thoughts there flumpy, would be great if we can have that safeguard there to fall back on without losing any ranking points.

Not sure how this could happen, maybe a choice to leave the tournament between rounds?
Posts: 12,185
09:05 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The ranked tournaments have been up and running now for nearly two months or so, There is an option for the member to withdraw before the tournament commences, in which case would alleviate the member losing ranked points.

In your case flumps, knowing that you were still expecting a semi final invite, would have made sense to utilise the leave tournament option. (Obviously too good a player to reach semis and compete in two tournaments at once)

Extract from

warney7I am now an annoyed person, I entered a ranked tournament BUT was unable to play as I was in another tournament, and now I have LOST 5.5 and PRO status because of a NO Show.

This is an absolute shocking update, I may leave the site for this absurd decision. You don't play, you lose, what a JOKE


Moral of the story!!

Dont enter two tournaments at the same time, then you wont lose points

I dont think that an option like you are requesting will happen here.

If on the other hand you were awarded a default win by an opponent logging out or non attendance, this thread may not have arisen.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
13:30 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
joker86 said:
Not sure how this could happen, maybe a choice to leave the tournament between rounds?

I've thought of this before and I think it would be a great addition because often you'll be playing a tournament and something unexepected comes up that you need to attend to which is out of your control and you are forced to lose points when withdrawing would be more beneficial
Posts: 11,057
13:32 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
this was raised before. the problem is that it will be abused.
if some people see onua coming up in the 8UK final, they will withdraw to avoid losing ranking points...
Posts: 38,097
14:01 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
before quarters perhaps?
Posts: 8,149
14:19 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
whocares8x8 said:
this was raised before. the problem is that it will be abused.
if some people see onua coming up in the 8UK final, they will withdraw to avoid losing ranking points...

dgeneratio said:
before quarters perhaps?

Maybe the option to leave before the semi finals? This way you have tournapoints in your reach, surely then there would be no reason for you to leave(Unless something at home needs more attention )

If the option to leave from the semi onwards this would be abused if you care more about tournapoints rather than rank, so have the option before the semi's

Edited at 12:23 Thu 13/01/11 (GMT)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:09 Thu 13 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Only if you are in another tournament at the same time
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Overlap of Tournaments

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