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Posts: 38,097
21:36 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
why not just ask sarah? shes been here since nearly the get go.

anyway who cares when the rule was put in place, its in there.

no problems toluca but as i had spectators make me feel uneasy during clan games so i don't really want people watching in future.
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21:37 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
This rule has been in FBL from the start dextr and FCL ever since I joined and probably a long time before.
As the FCL rules were adapted for FBL this obviously just got moved over.
I even remember fatmikee having a paddy about it because he was asked to leave an FBL game season before last but hey don't let the facts get in the way of your argument
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21:39 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i dread saying this but when kev first started fbl this rule came over from fcl well i was in on the old sites.
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21:40 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
its in case spectators put you off, i hate spectators as i can't play as well as i normally can so if it was me and someone asked if they could watch i would say no.

league runners in my opinion should be allowed to watch (especially if abuse or accusations are going off)

dgeneratio said:
why not just ask sarah? shes been here since nearly the get go.

anyway who cares when the rule was put in place, its in there.

no problems toluca but as i had spectators make me feel uneasy during clan games so i don't really want people watching in future.

one quote says you dont have them, the next says you wont allow them in future need to make your mind up james
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21:41 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
All games must be played as friendly games, not ranked. Game rooms should be private. Spectators may be invited subject to mutual consent between both players.

Taken from the original document Lee so you are wrong
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21:42 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Subject to mutual consent means if someone doesn't want spectators they arent allowed in dextr lol so sorry you're wrong and just proved yourself wrong
Posts: 38,097
21:43 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
therev said:
dgeneratio said:
its in case spectators put you off, i hate spectators as i can't play as well as i normally can so if it was me and someone asked if they could watch i would say no.

league runners in my opinion should be allowed to watch (especially if abuse or accusations are going off)

dgeneratio said:
why not just ask sarah? shes been here since nearly the get go.

anyway who cares when the rule was put in place, its in there.

no problems toluca but as i had spectators make me feel uneasy during clan games so i don't really want people watching in future.

one quote says you dont have them, the next says you wont allow them in future need to make your mind up james

i admit ive had spectators in the past but now i seen what im like mentally i chose to act
Posts: 11,061
21:43 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
lollll dextr, you should've read that more carefully. Mutual consent means both have to agree.
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21:44 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
I got a copy of the rules from dgen when the site was made and changes were made to it by me at the start of the season.
Posts: 12,419
21:44 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
why dont you all make it easier for yourselves and say that people have to have a seasons experience under their current username.

Here's why:

Say for example we took someone like killer_no9. Known to create clans but never stuck to it and often left. Even when given a chance with Pythons he walks away. He could read previous threads and find someone and come back saying (for example) that he is __skillz__ (creator of yin and yang: There is no way him or runners can prove it. This is what the argument was about for big_mouse as no one knew who he actually was.

I'm not gonna comment if it was the right decision or not but surely some of you can see where i am coming from. It takes away endless pages of rubbish of people saying 'i played for x,y and z', but has no proof etc.

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21:46 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yes Mutual consent...nothing to do with what is up there now.

No one can be invited to watch the games,only if the 2 players in the game agree,exceptions to this are FBL league staff on official duties or Funky Pool staff or moderators.

God give me strength.
Deleted User
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21:47 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
q_tip said:
I got a copy of the rules from dgen when the site was made and changes were made to it by me at the start of the season.

Just admit you're wrong lol
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21:47 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
If the Rule stays then, how can you prove that a player asked or didn't ask? cos people can photoshop screenshots(not that i know how to do them) and people can also edit the copy and paste to a league runner or on to this site?

So how do we know whose telling the truth or whose the one that is lying?
Posts: 38,097
21:47 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
i partly agree but if the runners know for sure who they are and they feel this person can run the clan correctly then it should be approved.

while ive always argued that we should have more clans not less its good as well to have the season experience (if on previous name or not) so runners can weed the good captains from the newbies.
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21:48 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
No you are wrong Lee
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21:49 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]

This is where the rules were taken from.
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21:49 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
q_tip said:
Yes Mutual consent...nothing to do with what is up there now.

No one can be invited to watch the games,only if the 2 players in the game agree,exceptions to this are FBL league staff on official duties or Funky Pool staff or moderators.

God give me strength.

Give you a brain would be more appropriate. You've been arguing for the last 2 pages that spectators were previously allowed. Now you're trying to change the argument totally because you can't accept being wrong it's ridiculous.
Posts: 38,097
21:50 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
therev said:
If the Rule stays then, how can you prove that a player asked or didn't ask? cos people can photoshop screenshots(not that i know how to do them) and people can also edit the copy and paste to a league runner or on to this site?

So how do we know whose telling the truth or whose the one that is lying?

its easy to spot, take the x person ages ago posted a fake screenshot as a laugh and banter where i didn't know and i saw the writing and knew it was an edited one.

Screen recorders are also good as its harder to edit.

theres no definate proof as anything can be edited but most of them you can see from a mile.
Deleted User
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21:52 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
There has never been a problem with this rule dan everyone is quite happy with it except you.
Deleted User
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21:52 Sat 11 Feb 12 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spectators were allowed by mutual consent are u that dumb that means they are allowed by mutual consent of the two players involved.

The rule that is on the site now states NO spectators FULL STOP.

Stop trying to be clever Lee and admit for once YOU ARE WRONG.
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