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The Untouchables.....Return - Cup Champions!!

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Posts: 11,062
04:23 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Of course snooker is harder. There are a lot more people who can beat the top players here than on snooker- because it is easier. Reduces the gap between players. I didn't think it was going to be easy, but once you're 7-3 up, you definitely don't feel like you should lose, especially with 2 carries.
Anyway, that's the end for me. I'm off...
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04:25 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
100% agreed.

You had one very good chance in UK and blew it, but you should have taken it and won the game. Exactly my point in the game and largely through this thread.

Finally, we've come to an agreement.
Posts: 11,062
04:28 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  

Untouchables 41 vs 34 Top Dogs

lmc_shark 11 vs. 4 antione08
whocares8x8 7 vs. 8 egotistical
rubber_duck 10 vs. 5 adam_92
vendetta 6 vs. 9 andyw1
mich 7 vs. 8 g_b
Posts: 11,062
04:28 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Get them played people!

Unbeatables 21 vs 24 Untouchables

_redherring_ vs. ul_son
ashbar90 vs. ste_c07
berzerk vs. lmc_shark
hippesville vs. whocares8x8
joker86 8 vs. 7 dgeneratio
sabracadabra vs. mr_pink_eyes
nh425 6 vs. 9 no_surrender
chillibeef 7 vs. 8 vendetta

Top Dogs 17 vs 13 Untouchables

egotistical vs. ste_c07
antione08 6 vs. 9 dgeneratio
_niall_ vs. whocares8x8
cushion vs. rubber_duck
g_b 11 vs. 4 vendetta
alxima vs. no_surrender
adam_92 vs. lmc_shark
andyw1 vs. mr_pink_eyes

Edited at 02:00 Mon 02/05/11 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:53 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  

_redherring_ vs ul_son is now

im_crap_adam vs ul_son
Deleted User
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16:06 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  

berzerk vs lmc_shark is now

krystal2k9 vs lmc_shark
Posts: 38,097
16:47 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
im_crap _adam vs ul_son

is now

gentle_giant vs im_crap_adam

its my only sub as jan is on vacation and cant use eagle until next fixture
Posts: 5,702
16:48 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
hey people is there any chance someone can contact ul_son and see if he is able to play the games as he's been offline for 12days. Alternatively could you arrange a sub, thank you, Adam!
Posts: 38,097
16:49 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
read above mate ^^
Posts: 5,702
16:52 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
aha sorry, you obv sorted that as i was typing :$, thanks
Posts: 38,097
16:54 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
nps ive only just realised how long he was off for.

gentle has +12 GMT i think so maybe tough but at least a chance is better than no chance at all
Posts: 5,702
17:05 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
indeed, we've got till the 8th so i will try sacrifice my sleep and stay up till 3am one night for him
Posts: 11,062
21:02 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
I heard sleep is overrated anyway
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22:56 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Top Dogs vs Untouchables

[B]egotistical[/B] vs. [B]ste_c07 [/B]

[B]8 Ball US[/B]

3-2 to [B]ste_c07[/B]

[B]9Ball US[/B]

3-2 to egotistical

[B]8 Ball UK[/B]

3-2 to ste_c07

[U][B]Overall Score:

8-7 to ste_[/U]c07[/B]
Posts: 11,062
23:21 Mon 2 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Get them played people!

Unbeatables 21 vs 24 Untouchables

_redherring_ vs. ul_son
ashbar90 vs. ste_c07
berzerk vs. lmc_shark
hippesville vs. whocares8x8
joker86 8 vs. 7 dgeneratio
sabracadabra vs. mr_pink_eyes
nh425 6 vs. 9 no_surrender
chillibeef 7 vs. 8 vendetta

Top Dogs 24 vs 21 Untouchables

egotistical 7 vs. 8 ste_c07
antione08 6 vs. 9 dgeneratio
_niall_ vs. whocares8x8
cushion vs. rubber_duck
g_b 11 vs. 4 vendetta
alxima vs. no_surrender
adam_92 vs. lmc_shark
andyw1 vs. mr_pink_eyes
Deleted User
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01:39 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
RESULT: Killer Pool Ranked - ste_c07 wins! (1 life, potted 39 of 42, safe 10 of 37)
RANKINGS: ste_c07 819.4 (+16.1), _mortice_ 880.6 (-4.9), ace7 768.8 (-2.6), mos5 775.5 (-2.8), woowoo69 759.8 (-2.6), veedub 771.1 (-2.8), darkstar 673.6 (-1.4), lawyer4 666.4 (-1.4)

Posts: 11,062
02:36 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
lol what's funny. You winning in killer?
Deleted User
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13:28 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  

sabracadabra vs mr_pink_eyes

is now

killerblue vs mr_pink_eyes
Posts: 2,106
13:51 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
Thx nh425, was going to post today on here but you sorted it.

Posts: 5,702
20:37 Tue 3 May 11 (BST)  [Link]  
lol 'whocares' many people have told me that sleep is overated too

dgen, i got this message back from gentle_giant 'games to play? i'm not in any clans mate (unless someone has signed me up to one without my knowledge or consent lol)' idk if he was joking or what lol? message me if there are any changes, thanks
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The Untouchables.....Return - Cup Champions!!

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