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Posts: 6,262
23:35 Mon 17 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
He's probably just upset at losing mate, but theres plenty of time to finish we've all been there.. sorry ..
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23:35 Mon 17 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Na, upset at getting beat is no excuse.
Posts: 9,456
23:42 Mon 17 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Id never show my face again if i was losing to Col
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23:47 Mon 17 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Haha true.

Site would be empty
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23:52 Mon 17 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lol colin you still make me laugh...

Edited at 23:35 Mon 17/01/11 (GMT)
Posts: 6,262
00:03 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
egotistical said:
Na, upset at getting beat is no excuse.

you're clearly emotional atm, I suggest a hot coca and teddy bear, things will look better in the morning...
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00:23 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You know it's just sheer rudeness, a little I'll catch you another time would have been fine. I don't think many folk would be like that, but you get some i guess.
Posts: 6,262
00:27 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
master_p00l said:

Edited at 22:15 Mon 17/01/11 (GMT)

why bother posting only to delete ummm says it all I guess

Ok we get the drift ego, what more can I say ?
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00:33 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You kept responding, even attempting to make me look like the childish one. When it's one of your players who has "got upset at losing" and I'm the one in the wrong for being slightly ticked off about it. And I was only slightly ticked off till your attitude about it.
Posts: 6,262
00:37 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
You're funny you can post pointless posts but I respond and I'm the one with the attitude. I said sorry, commented he was upset and would return.. lets leave it there ..
Posts: 7,164
00:56 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
top dogs v shooters

werido v doubted2

4-1 8ball
0-5 9 ball
0-5 uk

11 - 4 win shooters

Kay asusual is a top player, and a true lady
i enjoyed the games totally outclassed in 8 ball ,, nd a got lucky in a couple of 9 ball,,, uk differant story i pulled it well back

unfortunately the game was marred not by Kay but by there captain and his contstant barricking and slanderous remarks , not to good from someone who should set the example as team captain,,,,,,,,

iv copied the whole log if anyones cares to look mmmm

shame really because the game was between 2 players who happen to like each other and have been friends for a long time... good luck kay and keep up the good work ur truly are a star amongst stars
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01:00 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
lmao mate are u serious? i said games should have been other way round easily and u took offence even after i said "not takin anythin away from u"..maybe u should re-read the chat and think about ur over the top actions sayin i was tryna put u off...i was simply sharin my opinion that kay got really unlucky and should have been the opposite scoreline lol mate seriously

Oh and i think ull find this is the first time ive actually opened my mouth lol not like everyone hates me for speakin my mind lol
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01:01 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
The whole emotional bit, that's attitude. What have I posted that is pointless? I haven't said anything with attitude. I can understand if times are set to be on and then people don't make it, but organising to play after a tourney while both players are on and to just run off is unacceptable in my view. That's not having attitude. I was good enough to stop the game so he could play tourney on the understanding we'd complete after it, and he's done that.
Posts: 9,456
01:09 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Come on all none of my business but i dont like to read this crap, aint this all for fun so why worry about a game! We all want to win for sure but this seems to be serious..... We are all here for fun/games so lets drop it before someone gets banned or says something they didnt mean. And this coming from a clan friend to all
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01:14 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Ah, it's more about being courteous in my opinion than the game. Rudeness just irritates me no end. And then to be slated for pointing it out!

Starting to wonder if this doesn't played do i get the remaining frames for this as he's effectively abandoned a game i was willing to play? Almost seems worth it to make a point.
Posts: 1,396
01:15 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Craig, good games , I just need to get a bit tactical on uk and try harder not to pot white

Thanks for kind remarks above and I wish you as always good luck in the rest

K~A~Y x
Posts: 9,456
01:19 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
egotistical said:
Ah, it's more about being courteous in my opinion than the game. Rudeness just irritates me no end. And then to be slated for pointing it out!

Starting to wonder if this doesn't played do i get the remaining frames for this as he's effectively abandoned a game i was willing to play? Almost seems worth it to make a point.

True mate but leave that too the team to decide I know what you are saying but ignore posts as its easier to bite than leave it for the bigger picture!
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01:25 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
egotistical said:
Ah, it's more about being courteous in my opinion than the game. Rudeness just irritates me no end. And then to be slated for pointing it out!

Starting to wonder if this doesn't played do i get the remaining frames for this as he's effectively abandoned a game i was willing to play? Almost seems worth it to make a point.

it only a game what is all the big fuss about iv had done to me a few times people leaving between a game. he might be at work or someone call him away so why dont you just wait untill you comes back on
Deleted User
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01:29 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Blueberry vs _mewtwo_

US8 was won by blueberry 4-1
US9 was won by _mewtwo_ 3-2
UK8 was won by _mewtwo_ 3-2

Overall blueberry won 8-7

He was a good player and a great guy, Good luck with the rest of season sharpshooters
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01:30 Tue 18 Jan 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
tratters: "Sorry mate, I'm at work"
egotistical: "nps pal, catch you another time"

Bit of courtesy, problem solved.

tratters: "i'll catch you after uk tourney"
your friend tratters logs out

rude as hell
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