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Posts: 2,601
01:51 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cutting_edge said:
no you return to YOUR clan (as you keep telling me most of the time)

your forgetting who made the clan, put alot of effort into getting players and very good players.. who got you all into the leagues you are in and the positions you are in..
Posts: 4,195
01:52 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
if you come back sam hit me up and if you want a actual decent player in the team il join
Posts: 2,601
01:52 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
diamond_cut said:
Oh and another thing. Danny imo you've ruined this clan. And you ruin any clan you touch. Which is the reason i removed you from it way back at start of season! You shouldn't even have been involved in it. Ryan i think you've done a stand up job tbh. Danny is a weight pulling you down. Even when i returned, there was never a plan to keep you Danny, you were going to be removed instantly. This clan would do so much better without you.

here here
Posts: 1,728
01:52 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie said:
completely wrong there reddy boii .. he told a few people who he was.. people who he could trust.. and thats besides the point, your creating a new clan to drag existing tfs members over there .. when all you have to do is ask kindly that d_c doesnt return.

Exactly right. I'm willing to accept consequences. You want to keep the clan just ask! Stop dragging it out.
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01:52 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie said:
completely wrong there reddy boii .. he told a few people who he was.. people who he could trust.. and thats besides the point, your creating a new clan to drag existing tfs members over there .. when all you have to do is ask kindly that d_c doesnt return.

he aint rong at all spoonie

sam told me that he quit pool cos mods where going to report him for racism, then he told me to over throw red4evet as capt, since same deacted hes told nothing but LIES get that into your head spoonie
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01:53 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just so you know TFS, what D_C is saying isn't rubbish atall. I was approached to join this new clan being created by 2 of our players. Imo if you aint in it for the long haul, leave now.
Posts: 2,601
01:55 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cutting_edge said:
sam told me that he quit pool cos mods where going to report him for racism, then he told me to over throw red4evet as capt, since same deacted hes told nothing but LIES get that into your head spoonie

you get this into your head edgeyy.. sam is ace lol

(had no reply in my head lemme think please)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:55 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
good luck you lot for rest of season

im out
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01:56 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
if you come back sam hit me up and if you want a actual decent player in the team il join

if he comes im out!
Posts: 4,195
01:58 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thats gonna be a hard decision lol. Guess im in then if he has to choose on ability
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01:59 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i see i have logged in at a good time, i will make a couple of points..

1) i have nothing against sam coming back but not as captain as he deactivated and left..

2) if there are players here who are planning a new clan then hurry up and do it as this is getting ridiculous...

and thirdly all non TFS players posting in this dispute please stop posting on our thread, thanks
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01:59 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
Thats gonna be a hard decision lol. Guess im in then if he has to choose on ability

matt everytime
Posts: 2,601
02:00 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i count as a tfs player cos im nice
Posts: 4,195
02:01 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
welshdragon said:
_k1rk_ said:
Thats gonna be a hard decision lol. Guess im in then if he has to choose on ability

matt everytime

Yes but your welsh, that says it all
Posts: 2,601
02:01 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
urrm.. howdy heyy
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02:02 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
_k1rk_ said:
welshdragon said:
_k1rk_ said:
Thats gonna be a hard decision lol. Guess im in then if he has to choose on ability

matt everytime

Yes but your welsh, that says it all

very mature
Deleted User
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02:03 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie got nothin to do with you m8 so in abit...and any clan who'd have kirk in would be fools wonder how long he'd last
Posts: 2,601
02:03 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i love welshdragon .. dont be mean..

anyways can we get back to the arguement ive got some comebacks now
Posts: 2,601
02:04 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
red4ever said:
spoonie got nothin to do with you m8 so in abit...and any clan who'd have kirk in would be fools wonder how long he'd last

it has something to do with me!
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
02:04 Mon 20 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cheers spoonie
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