Light hearted banter or abuse

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Deleted User
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11:50 Sat 4 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
First of all let me say I enjoy light hearted is what makes this site so enjoyable some days.... sledging is a part of 'sport' as is seen in the current Ashes series......

In recent times tho I have received considerable abuse from around half a dozen players on this site - each of those players is now on permanent ignore and hopefully Funky will take appropriate action. Fortunately I'm big enough and ugly enough to cope. However I am v aware that many other players are also victims of various forms of abuse from the minority.

Whilst I have no intention of a name and shame policy please remember this is a family site - kids are often watching mum or dad playing and they read the chat boxes or pm's that pop up from time to time.

Yes I have the ignore and the send complaint functions available but wouldn't it be great if they weren't needed.....
Posts: 5,224
05:57 Mon 6 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
to be fair al it should be a family site and i like a good challange so to be fair no1 should be abusing you for wat eva reason
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
15:23 Mon 6 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
al_ said:

Yes I have the ignore and the send complaint functions available but wouldn't it be great if they weren't needed.....

Here here!

It would be great if moderators didn't require bootings of players either - but unfortunatley this is the internet; the great place where anyone can be whoever they want to be.

The best advice I can give to people is not to worry about people that may bug you. In 999,999 cases out of a million, the person who is bugging you or threatening you can not do any actual harm to you; unless you give them your name, address, email or another piece of personal information...which you simply wouldn't do.

At the same time, people must also remember that some prefer to use a bit of banter and try to spice up the competition a bit more (as al has said) - there is nothing wrong with that as long as the person does not break the chat room rules.

But all you can do when someone is really bugging you is ignore the person and send a complaint. All complaints are reviewed and adequetly dealt with.
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Light hearted banter or abuse

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