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ranking points are to low on normal games

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Posts: 521
20:00 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hi to all players i have noticed the ranking points are to low now on normal games why is this do you think this fair?? because it makes it harder for people who are not pro's to get the title of pro do yous all agree it should be more higher??

its to low it waz higher than that 2 months ago then say if a player waz 750 and the pro waz 800 then say the person with 750 wins then they would least get 4.0 that what it waz 2 months ago but ever since the new tourny points have come in the normal ranking points have been reduced i think thats unfair because say if u are a newbie it will take you forever to get into the tornyments and also say if the person is adapt it be even harder to get to pro i thonk they points should gp back to what they waz.. its ok for the pro they already got to 800 odd if they get beat only lose 1.5 its not right for us adapt's or newbies
Posts: 4,751
20:02 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
To quote answer over on snooker:

nick said:
Ranking should not be seen as something you can continually and indefinitely gain. It's just an approximate numeric rating of your current form.

As such it's not meant as a punishment to people who play in ranked games only, just that a fairer approximation of your current form is made from random opponents rather than (what is often) selected opponents.
Posts: 521
20:15 Tue 30 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
yeah but think of it the pro's should be working harder to say at a pro level not the other way round the newbies or the adapts
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05:43 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Edited at 04:01 Wed 01/12/10 (GMT)
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08:56 Wed 1 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
EDIT: Removed, duplicate post from

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 15:11 Wed 01/12/10 (GMT)
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ranking points are to low on normal games

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