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Posts: 1,325
01:51 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
kev04 said:
It's called the FBL

I've got you down for it, just stuck with the same team as FCL, so if you want some guys just let me know

Alright kev, cheers m8.
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09:08 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Kev & Cobras

Apologies to have to announce such a thing, but I cannot continue with Funkypool and have to leave the site. The reasons are a little long winded but in short its a move on in life moment, and there was no option for me in the end.

I wont be able to do the game with Funkyskunk, so need a replacement.

Its that magical 'Deactivate' button from here, so that in future I would never consider returning.

Many thanks to Cobras for having me in, your a top notch clan

Take care everyone

Edited at 07:12 Wed 02/03/11 (GMT)
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09:17 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
strobe said:
Kev & Cobras

Apologies to have to announce such a thing, but I cannot continue with Funkypool and have to leave the site. The reasons are a little long winded but in short its a move on in life moment, and there was no option for me in the end.

I wont be able to do the game with Funkyskunk, so need a replacement.

Its that magical 'Deactivate' button from here, so that in future I would never consider returning.

Many thanks to Cobras for having me in, your a top notch clan

Take care everyone

Edited at 07:12 Wed 02/03/11 (GMT)

Class player here too bad he had to go good luck cobras not that you guys really need it

Only kidding of course
Posts: 1,028
09:22 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
strobe said:
Kev & Cobras

Apologies to have to announce such a thing, but I cannot continue with Funkypool and have to leave the site. The reasons are a little long winded but in short its a move on in life moment, and there was no option for me in the end.

I wont be able to do the game with Funkyskunk, so need a replacement.

Its that magical 'Deactivate' button from here, so that in future I would never consider returning.

Many thanks to Cobras for having me in, your a top notch clan

Take care everyone

Edited at 07:12 Wed 02/03/11 (GMT)


Take care mate, top class player and a top class guy have suffered and dealt out beatings with you since my time on FP, you will be missed mate, and may return one day
Posts: 8,780
19:27 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Have you got a player to replace strobe to play funkyskunk? please and what's happening with fire_blazer, he hasn't been on for seven days, any chance of him making an appearance before the deadline to play davy?

Thank you
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19:31 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
i can get him to come on off snooker when he logs in if you like?
Posts: 8,780
19:44 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
If you can get him to message davy with the times he is available so they can arrange a day and time please, that would be good
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21:56 Wed 2 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
As you are deactivated Martyn i cannot reply to your message so ill post here.
Thanks for taking the time to let me know, a class player and a great fella, the 15-0 thrashing you gave me in the clan game that time was even bearable as you were gratious and quick to acknowledge that they were very weird games in terms of luck. Good luck to you and all the best mate.
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11:38 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Martyn if you're reading this it's been a pleasure having you. One of the great funky players and real nice guy! Take care in your future endeavours and come say hi should you ever pop back

Good luck in the future mate!

@jooodles I'll start sorting subs now
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11:43 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  

Sharpshooters 22 vs 38 Cobras

blueberry vs rapid_pot
bazzacu vs ucyforit
2hot2pot 4 vs 11 ccfc1927
teamplayer 4 vs 11 strobe
no_talking 6 vs 9 pedrera
cannibals 8 vs 7 shooter001

justafluke vs fire_blazer
lexy91 vs me_again

Cobras 37 vs 23 The Vikings

rapid_pot 9 vs 6 horse10000
podgoricanin 6 vs 9 ab_rfc

9onllorrac vs thorstein
kev04 vs funkyskunk
pedrera 12 vs 3 destroyer_16
shooter001 10 vs 5 master_p00l

fire_blazer vs davybaumers
me_again vs mighty_zeus

Deadline: 6th March

Right guys, breaks over
Pre-season friendlies are here, thought we'd enter them to get some games in. Please send a message to your opponent
Deleted User
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11:46 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Cobras 6 vs 0 Yin&Yang

US8 (6 frames)

me_again vs redalert124
9onllorac vs pool_beast

US9 (6 frames)

podgoricanin 5 vs 1 the_machine
ccfc1927 vs junster333

UK8 (6 frames)

strobe 5 vs 1 bulldog_oc
pedrera vs keysersoze

Straight (3 frames)

rapid_pot vs crazy_greg
shooter001 3 vs 0 strikeone

Let get this friendlies done, clan mates!!!
Deleted User
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14:53 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
HI All,

Cobras vs Sharpshooters
Ucyforit vs Bazzacu
8 Ball US 4-1 Ucy
8 Ball UK 4-1 Ucy
9 Ball US

We will get the 9 ball in to finish.

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22:43 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thanks Ucy
Posts: 5,224
22:44 Thu 3 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
oi kev

ang3l cant sign up to the site
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00:33 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Why not?
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00:42 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
we need to decide clan teams on snooker by monday kev so lets get cracking
Posts: 6,262
01:25 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
fire_blazer has been offline 8 days now, any chance of a sub ?
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01:58 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Strobe, was a pleasure being in a few of the same clans mate, hope you find it right for you to come back on one day!

Just played Thorstein, nice guy and a good player!

8ball 3-2
9ball 3-2
8ball uk 4-1

overall 10-5 to me, a few touches of bad luck for Thor won this match for me, good luck in the coming season mate!
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02:00 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hey Craig nice to see you got your posting rights

And nice result as well
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02:01 Fri 4 Mar 11 (GMT)  [Link]  
pedrera vs keysersoze

is now

onua0767 vs keysersoze
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Cobras Clan - Div 2 Champs + Cup Champions

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