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Dedications 10

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04:16 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ty mate, was due a decent one tonight
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14:32 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedicate my 8 ball pool marathon tournament win to:

(Vikings clan)

13:04 Mon 27/12/10 Won the 8 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 210 TournaPoints!

8 Ball Marathon Tournament - ucyforit (3) loses to davybaumers (5) with 3 balls remaining
RANKINGS: davybaumers 837.6 (+5.5), ucyforit 884.4 (-5.3)

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14:38 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well Done Davy!
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15:05 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Thank you Rob!

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17:39 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: 8 Ball Speed Tournament - swindonboi (0) loses to liam__scfc (2) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: liam__scfc 823.2 (+3.3), swindonboi 782.7 (-3.2)
TOURNAMENT: liam__scfc knocks out swindonboi
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to liam__scfc (Professional) who won their 5th ever 8 Ball Tournament, winning 406 TournaPoints!

to the usuals sam, kev, steph, vi, brit, gareth, pinky, smurf, jimmy, lee, kirk, zak, yoda, adam, kimbo, the others i forgot and all the nutters
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17:48 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done Liam, thanks for the mention

Well done everyone else
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20:39 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: 9 Ball Marathon Tournament - billmore (2) loses to liam__scfc (5)
RANKINGS: liam__scfc 838.0 (+3.6), billmore 811.3 (-3.5)
TOURNAMENT: liam__scfc knocks out billmore
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to liam__scfc (Professional) who won their 5th ever 9 Ball Tournament, winning 644 TournaPoints!

to the usuals sam, kev, steph, vi, brit, gareth, pinky, smurf, jimmy, lee, kirk, zak, yoda, adam, kimbo, the others i forgot and all the nutters
Posts: 19,967
20:55 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
nice one!
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22:54 Mon 27 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
liam__scfc said:
RESULT: 8 Ball Speed Tournament - swindonboi (0) loses to liam__scfc (2) with 1 ball remaining
RANKINGS: liam__scfc 823.2 (+3.3), swindonboi 782.7 (-3.2)
TOURNAMENT: liam__scfc knocks out swindonboi
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to liam__scfc (Professional) who won their 5th ever 8 Ball Tournament, winning 406 TournaPoints!

to the usuals sam, kev, steph, vi, brit, gareth, pinky, smurf, jimmy, lee, kirk, zak, yoda, adam, kimbo, the others i forgot and all the nutters

Well done thanks for dedi
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00:17 Tue 28 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
liam__scfc said:
RESULT: 9 Ball Marathon Tournament - billmore (2) loses to liam__scfc (5)
RANKINGS: liam__scfc 838.0 (+3.6), billmore 811.3 (-3.5)
TOURNAMENT: liam__scfc knocks out billmore
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to liam__scfc (Professional) who won their 5th ever 9 Ball Tournament, winning 644 TournaPoints!

to the usuals sam, kev, steph, vi, brit, gareth, pinky, smurf, jimmy, lee, kirk, zak, yoda, adam, kimbo, the others i forgot and all the nutters

Thanks for dedi .. well done
Deleted User
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02:24 Tue 28 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Dedicate my 3rd UK Golden break to opponent mannlich, and to all my mates:

Also to: mieow, cutting_edge, bamwaffen, simon1990, aflumpire, chaos_, poolbiird, __robdut__, _jamie_15_, _k1rk_, _niall_, _summer_, adidas, agrovasion, alexander, antoine08, bazzacu, chrisirwin, clooneman, colio, cphaynes, crazzymadman, dark_angel, dgeneratio, diamond_cut, familyguy0, hippesville, im_crap_adam, j_a_m_e_s_, jackbauer, joker86, justsumgirl, keoghz, madmiketyson, master_p00l, mattywellie, mich, midgett, player87, poolmaster79, pot_the_lot, pro_i_am, robski, shaunbing, sm_rat, splashcitrus, tozzie, veedub, warney and zantetsukenz, and whoever else I've missed (I'll update this list soon probs).
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04:41 Tue 28 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT: ladybritch knocks out hippesville
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to ladybritch (Novice) who won their 2nd ever Random Tournament, winning 406 TournaPoints!

Too Liam, Hippes, k_pow, Ant, and anyone else im forgettin.
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11:52 Tue 28 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Random Multi-Discipline (8 Ball Pool) - ethan1 (0) loses to davybaumers (1) on the black
RANKINGS: davybaumers 780.8 (+3.6), ethan1 795.4 (-3.4)

10:37 Tue 28/12/10 Won the Random Multi-Discipline, winning 238 TournaPoints!

Dedicate it to (Vikings clan)!

Posts: 38,097
12:03 Wed 29 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
list of achievements which i couldn't post:

17:35 Thu 23/12/10 9 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio ran the rack!
11:36 Thu 23/12/10 Won the 8 Ball Speed Tournament, winning 322 TournaPoints!
00:00 Thu 23/12/10 Came 2nd in the Day TournaPoints Event
23:56 Wed 22/12/10 8 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
23:43 Wed 22/12/10 8 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
22:48 Wed 22/12/10 Won the 8 Ball Speed Tournament, winning 770 TournaPoints!
22:34 Wed 22/12/10 8 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!
21:35 Wed 22/12/10 8 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio potted the 8 ball off the break!
20:06 Wed 22/12/10 8 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio potted the 8 ball off the break!
01:15 Wed 22/12/10 Received 192 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the 9 Ball Tournament
14:26 Tue 21/12/10 8 Ball Billiards - dgeneratio broke and cleared up!

to all my mates on here
Posts: 204
12:25 Wed 29 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
10:22 Wed 29/12/10 9 Ball Billiards - muff2011 ran the rack!

i dedicate this to kate (xangeleyesx) for are first game of the morning
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16:43 Wed 29 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
08:01 Wed 29/12/10 Won the Straight Pool Tournament, winning 98 TournaPoints!

Final: diamond_cut 0 - 1 davybaumers

10:44 Wed 29/12/10 Received 64 TournaPoints for reaching the Final in the 8 Ball UK Speed Tournament

Final: sporting DQ - DQ davybaumers

11:40 Wed 29/12/10 Won the Random Multi-Discipline, winning 266 TournaPoints!

Final: davybaumers 1 - 0 lvmjay

15:23 Wed 29/12/10 Won the 8 Ball Marathon Tournament, winning 280 TournaPoints!

Final: davybaumers 5 - 1 nh425

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18:42 Wed 29 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I would like to dedicate my 10th random tournament win (490 tourna points) too:

Cannibals - unlucky finalist
Jooodles - Was lucky she random timed or wouldn't have won
Steph and Ruby
Nathan aka nh425
Paula aka justsumgirl
Kev aka kev04

And to all of the unbeatables clan side and anyone else i have forgotton
Posts: 1,728
01:46 Thu 30 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Well done everyone on your achievements
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03:35 Thu 30 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
RESULT: 8 Ball Tournament - ucyforit (0) loses to antione08 (3) who ran the rack!
RANKINGS: antione08 864.4 (+5.1), ucyforit 895.1 (-5.0)
TOURNAMENT: antione08 knocks out ucyforit
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to antione08 (Professional) who won their 47th ever 8 Ball Billiards Tournament

Dedicated to supersummers, ladybritch and TD
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06:35 Thu 30 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
TOURNAMENT: ladybritch knocks out 17_m
TOURNAMENT: Congratulations to ladybritch (Novice) who won their 3rd ever Random Tournament, winning 224 TournaPoints!

Too Gamer and diamond_cut
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