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02:58 Fri 15 Oct 10 (BST)
Attitude era was best for me hands down, WWE now to me is just watered down stuff and i enjoy it a lot less when i actually watch it which has been about a year since today lol.
TNA looks pretty ace though just watched mick foley vs ric flair today in a last man standing match, took me back to the old days that did was mint.
TNA looks pretty ace though just watched mick foley vs ric flair today in a last man standing match, took me back to the old days that did was mint.
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16:45 Fri 15 Oct 10 (BST)
I like TNA's factions better, I haven't seen in a while but main event mafia, motor city machine guns and bringing back the ecw originals, hopefully there doing ecw more justice then wwe did, it "the band" still about?
21:48 Fri 15 Oct 10 (BST)
Mafia and "the Band" are long gone, and indeed this was Kevin Nash's last week with TNA.
The just did the big angle where Bischoff, Hogan and Jarrett are now in full control of TNA, aligned with Ric Flairs new group, Fourtune. (named so they can use the four fingered Four Horsemen salute)
Over the past year or so, TNA has been disjointed as they simply had too many wrestlers to fit in their TV time, and were trying to give everybody a chance, but I suspect it will settle down a bit now and the natural fan favourites (old school TNA stars like Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, Sabu etc) and the ECW lot (Dreamer, RVD, Foley, Sabu - yes, sabu fits both!) match up well with the new heels to bring us some fresh matches.
As I said before, its hardly fair now to compare the two as, although they have wrestling at the core, the aim of the two companies and target audience is entirely different.
The just did the big angle where Bischoff, Hogan and Jarrett are now in full control of TNA, aligned with Ric Flairs new group, Fourtune. (named so they can use the four fingered Four Horsemen salute)
Over the past year or so, TNA has been disjointed as they simply had too many wrestlers to fit in their TV time, and were trying to give everybody a chance, but I suspect it will settle down a bit now and the natural fan favourites (old school TNA stars like Samoa Joe, Jay Lethal, Sabu etc) and the ECW lot (Dreamer, RVD, Foley, Sabu - yes, sabu fits both!) match up well with the new heels to bring us some fresh matches.
As I said before, its hardly fair now to compare the two as, although they have wrestling at the core, the aim of the two companies and target audience is entirely different.
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23:07 Fri 15 Oct 10 (BST)
I think wwF was in its prime back in the days of the monday night wars (though I'd rather watch ECW) the attitude era was wonderfull, heres an interesting question for ya, ecw, tna or wwf/e?
00:19 Sat 16 Oct 10 (BST)
I just enjoy Wrestling when its done right!
The original ECW around the mid 90's was fantastic. The storytelling was excellent and the wrestling was first class. With HBK as champ and in his prime, WWE were putting on some fantastic matches then too, but the booking was rubbish, apart from the WWF vs ECW feud (many people forget that ECW and WWF worked together almost all of ECW's "lifetime").
WCW became the show to watch, though watching it in the UK meant having a movable sattalite dish and putting up with german commentary (I did that for about a year till it was broadcast in english) - and yes, once things kicked off during the early days of the Monday Night Wars, both WWE and WCW were brilliant, it was the best time to be a fan, possibly untill now.
See, before the attitude era, we were still hanging on to the same old stuff from Macho Man, Hogan, Warrior etc, and the "new guys" in 1996 were "The Ringmaster" Steve Austin, who rarely got more than a few minutes per match, and "Rocky Maivia", the golden boy who everybody hated, Triple H was "Hunter Hearst Helmsley the blueblood, Kurt Angle was a goofy all american who always got boo'd. etc..
To me, WWE is in a similar position now, with Swagger, Macintyre, Shaemus, Miz, Danielson, Barrett etc all just waiting for us to get to know them that bit more that we need to do so we care what they are doing every week.
Those were just a few names, as there are many more hungry second and third generation born and bred wrestlers in WWE who haven't "clicked" yet. So while TNA has the dependability of proven star power and much better booking just now - WWE is just one "Austin 316" speech away from ruling the world again for a few years!
They're being clever too. TNA's top guys are Jeff Hardy and RVD just now - both known to be less than relaible when it comes to drug testing to say the least. In WWE the top spot, in a year or so, may well be with Danielson and Punk - One a Vegan, both teetotal. Which is safest to be the face of your company AND which are dependable enough for us fans so we know we can enjoy watching every week, and get to see live.
Oh yeah - Which one? Well, i'm off to watch the worlds greatest tag team debut in ROH
The original ECW around the mid 90's was fantastic. The storytelling was excellent and the wrestling was first class. With HBK as champ and in his prime, WWE were putting on some fantastic matches then too, but the booking was rubbish, apart from the WWF vs ECW feud (many people forget that ECW and WWF worked together almost all of ECW's "lifetime").
WCW became the show to watch, though watching it in the UK meant having a movable sattalite dish and putting up with german commentary (I did that for about a year till it was broadcast in english) - and yes, once things kicked off during the early days of the Monday Night Wars, both WWE and WCW were brilliant, it was the best time to be a fan, possibly untill now.
See, before the attitude era, we were still hanging on to the same old stuff from Macho Man, Hogan, Warrior etc, and the "new guys" in 1996 were "The Ringmaster" Steve Austin, who rarely got more than a few minutes per match, and "Rocky Maivia", the golden boy who everybody hated, Triple H was "Hunter Hearst Helmsley the blueblood, Kurt Angle was a goofy all american who always got boo'd. etc..
To me, WWE is in a similar position now, with Swagger, Macintyre, Shaemus, Miz, Danielson, Barrett etc all just waiting for us to get to know them that bit more that we need to do so we care what they are doing every week.
Those were just a few names, as there are many more hungry second and third generation born and bred wrestlers in WWE who haven't "clicked" yet. So while TNA has the dependability of proven star power and much better booking just now - WWE is just one "Austin 316" speech away from ruling the world again for a few years!
They're being clever too. TNA's top guys are Jeff Hardy and RVD just now - both known to be less than relaible when it comes to drug testing to say the least. In WWE the top spot, in a year or so, may well be with Danielson and Punk - One a Vegan, both teetotal. Which is safest to be the face of your company AND which are dependable enough for us fans so we know we can enjoy watching every week, and get to see live.
Oh yeah - Which one? Well, i'm off to watch the worlds greatest tag team debut in ROH
00:35 Sat 16 Oct 10 (BST)
You are right in what you say spinner but for me now i just have to say TNA is the one for me, got more or less the wrestlers i grew up to and the wrestling for me is a lot better than WWE.
Im quite sad that WWE has sold out as far as im concerned, i get what they are doing but it just doesnt suit me and it worked before so it surely can work again? Maybe their stars will become legends but the only person i did like recently but aint watched in a while bear in mind lol was cm punk and kofi kingston. I love cryme tyme aswel haha. I will still watch it if i can but TNA is the one im interested in at the moment.
Im quite sad that WWE has sold out as far as im concerned, i get what they are doing but it just doesnt suit me and it worked before so it surely can work again? Maybe their stars will become legends but the only person i did like recently but aint watched in a while bear in mind lol was cm punk and kofi kingston. I love cryme tyme aswel haha. I will still watch it if i can but TNA is the one im interested in at the moment.
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00:39 Sat 16 Oct 10 (BST)
haha you know what your talking about man, I loved the original ecw (not this umm neutered version wwe made into a weekly show) nothing against current wwe but they mussed up bringing it back, they gotta worry about injurys but the crazy stuff was what made ecw great in its prime, and what tag team is that?
01:38 Sat 16 Oct 10 (BST)
Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, "the worlds greatest tag team" was their WWE name, they were aligned with Kurt Angle.
ECW was brought back to be exactly what it was back in the 90's, which was a WWF developmental area. Sure, it made some money off the originals at the start, but it very quickly became clear, as one by one they left or were sacked, that they can no longer wrestle a WWE schedule.
The fact is, nobody can wrestle an independant style in a WWE schedule for any lenght of time.
A few have tried, but are now either so banged up they can barely move (Nash, Hall), or dead.
Something that can be quite a shock is looking back at some of the attitude era matches. Rock v Austin, for example, really wasn't much of a match. But they were master storytellers so you didnt care if they just exchanged punches for 10 minutes then pulled out the few signature moves, then celebrated for another 10!
Watch back the original ECW however, for example the tag title match at Barely Legal 97, the first PPV, and you see big men (Kronus/Saturn and the Dudleys) flying around like cruiserweights. Amazing. But again, in ECW they wrestled once or twice a month.
Here's a glimpse of the future of WWE, IMO anyway :
Edit - Thats Matt Hsrdy eventually released from WWE - should be fun to see what the Hardy's do when he gets to TNA. What a damn shame the Dudleys will be retired before then..
Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 14:03 Sat 16/10/10 (BST)
ECW was brought back to be exactly what it was back in the 90's, which was a WWF developmental area. Sure, it made some money off the originals at the start, but it very quickly became clear, as one by one they left or were sacked, that they can no longer wrestle a WWE schedule.
The fact is, nobody can wrestle an independant style in a WWE schedule for any lenght of time.
A few have tried, but are now either so banged up they can barely move (Nash, Hall), or dead.
Something that can be quite a shock is looking back at some of the attitude era matches. Rock v Austin, for example, really wasn't much of a match. But they were master storytellers so you didnt care if they just exchanged punches for 10 minutes then pulled out the few signature moves, then celebrated for another 10!
Watch back the original ECW however, for example the tag title match at Barely Legal 97, the first PPV, and you see big men (Kronus/Saturn and the Dudleys) flying around like cruiserweights. Amazing. But again, in ECW they wrestled once or twice a month.
Here's a glimpse of the future of WWE, IMO anyway :
Edit - Thats Matt Hsrdy eventually released from WWE - should be fun to see what the Hardy's do when he gets to TNA. What a damn shame the Dudleys will be retired before then..
Edited by forum moderator spinner, at 14:03 Sat 16/10/10 (BST)
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03:50 Mon 22 Nov 10 (GMT)
any links for survivor series lads ? any good ones
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20:44 Tue 22 Feb 11 (GMT)
Wrestlemania coming up soon and looks like a pretty decent event already.
Edge vs Del Rio... Should be a rough contest as Del Rio is very aggresive and we all know Edge can adept to that style.
The Miz vs John Cena... Going to be very good match, Miz seems to be coming into his own now and is starting to deserve being champion, But after Raw last night Cena will be out for revenge but both competitors especially John Cena needs to remember The Rock wants to "lay the smackdown" on them both.
Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole (potential match)... If this goes ahead it will be very emotion for Jerry Lawler after comments made by Michael Cole about his mothers passing and then throwing water in his face.
Triple H vs The Undertaker (potential match)... After the confrontation of both superstars last night it looks like it will go ahead and if anyone can end the 18-0 streak then The Game is the man for the job.
Edge vs Del Rio... Should be a rough contest as Del Rio is very aggresive and we all know Edge can adept to that style.
The Miz vs John Cena... Going to be very good match, Miz seems to be coming into his own now and is starting to deserve being champion, But after Raw last night Cena will be out for revenge but both competitors especially John Cena needs to remember The Rock wants to "lay the smackdown" on them both.
Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole (potential match)... If this goes ahead it will be very emotion for Jerry Lawler after comments made by Michael Cole about his mothers passing and then throwing water in his face.
Triple H vs The Undertaker (potential match)... After the confrontation of both superstars last night it looks like it will go ahead and if anyone can end the 18-0 streak then The Game is the man for the job.
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03:03 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
i havent watched wwe since eddie passed away, really was a miss to the wrestling world, i watched it for the first time in years the other night and watched the elimination chamber.. and no blood ? whats going on here ?
also another subject, tna is better, ric flair and hogan have just raised the bar, i was looking forward to main event mafia coming back, but nash and booker went to wwe, now you only got kurt, steiner, and sting, turning fortune as the 'they' last minute, hasnt worked for me
and one little thing, what the hell have they done with mark henry... let me see. 2006, destroyed batista, undertaker, now he get beat by cody rhodes and taps out... seriously ?
Edited at 01:10 Sun 27/02/11 (GMT)
also another subject, tna is better, ric flair and hogan have just raised the bar, i was looking forward to main event mafia coming back, but nash and booker went to wwe, now you only got kurt, steiner, and sting, turning fortune as the 'they' last minute, hasnt worked for me
and one little thing, what the hell have they done with mark henry... let me see. 2006, destroyed batista, undertaker, now he get beat by cody rhodes and taps out... seriously ?
Edited at 01:10 Sun 27/02/11 (GMT)
13:44 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
yeah i watched TNA on challenge last night and like it better than WWE.
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14:08 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
why have wwe made mark henry a jobber, he was destroying everyone, now he gets beat by light weights
14:19 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
i dont watch it anymore, not for few years although i get glimpses sometimes, im mostly watching the old videos (e.g. evolution/corporate ministry)
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17:08 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
evolution was great, i started watching it when the ministry was around, triple h was a great heel
17:21 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
yeah hhh is my favourite wrestler and liked him in evolution even though he was doing all that bad stuff
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17:35 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
yeah, im tna now, the storyline is good, sting came back at the tapings of this weeks show... not going to say what happened just in case some people dont want to find out yet
17:47 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
i watched it on challenge last night on freeview (if that is the channel) anyone know what days and time its on as i only watched it for 1st time yesterday.
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19:53 Sun 27 Feb 11 (GMT)
the actual show is on mondays i think, they dont air them until thursdays
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02:02 Thu 10 Mar 11 (GMT)
RAW lately has been good i have to say ,i do enjoy seeing all these hotshots coming back like HHH, UNDERTAKER,ETC,
but has undertaker forgotten about his feud with his brother or wat lol,HHH bashed sheamus for 1 minute and thats that over with its ridiculous ,anyway WM looks to be heading for a good night ,cant wait to see wat happens in jerry lawlors match lol ,stone cold as referee shud be fun ,,any comments post them them lol
but has undertaker forgotten about his feud with his brother or wat lol,HHH bashed sheamus for 1 minute and thats that over with its ridiculous ,anyway WM looks to be heading for a good night ,cant wait to see wat happens in jerry lawlors match lol ,stone cold as referee shud be fun ,,any comments post them them lol
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