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Posts: 4,751
17:31 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
There is now a new option to get a premium account for free.

You need collect a number of coins by completing particular offers, watching videos, or signing up to websites. In addition there are some offers that return high number of coins for purchases. Some of you may be familiar with this structure from other online games. I have used it successfully myself on facebook games.

This is aimed at those who want a larger window but don't wish to directly pay for it.

Q. I have just bought premium, can I use this instead?
A. Yes, but only if you have paid for the premium account in the last 60 days and when you have already collected sufficient coins.

Q. 1600 coins is too difficult a target, can I do partial amounts?
A. I will monitor this and look into doing a 3 or 6 month option.

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 12:34 Tue 05/10/10 (BST)
Posts: 6,262
17:48 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Can I pay extra and get add free forum use as its crippling my game play if I don't close all forum windows before starting games ?
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:02 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Just done a survey and got screened out Guess I don't get any coins for that
Posts: 4,751
18:05 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have been considering possibilities for this after reading the following thread:

I will answer information about complete forum free / website free adverts in that thread and leave this for answering questions regarding offers.

cmurphy said:
Just done a survey and got screened out Guess I don't get any coins for that

Screened out?

I tried some of the surveys and depending on your answers you may not be eligible.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:17 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
"Screened out" basically means not eligible. I.e. They 'screen out' people who don't qualify.

I do a lot of surveys for cash and get it all the time, so I'm used to it. Perhaps I'm being too honest

Great addition Nick. I love these sort of schemes. (Trying to get an iPad on iPoints lol)
Posts: 504
18:40 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Great idea nick - just dont forget not all of them, well majority of them younger kids aren't able to do!

My brother wanted to get some points but nothing there he can do without parents go ahead. What about adding some games onto it and aiming for highscores etc etc?
Posts: 4,751
18:53 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The adverts do change over time and are different for each country but certainly some are unsuitable for under 18. However, I am hoping there is still sufficient adverts for even under 18s to get a good amount of points. I will keep an eye on this over some time.

Having games for high scores can't really work. These offers are basically incentive based procedures which still give money to the site, high scores could not work this way.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
18:58 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have never liked this sort of system in order to gain something at the end, I have seen it on various websites and as it brings income to the site that is fine.

However, this is only my opinion as I have often found troubles with a few of the sites advertised through this.

EDIT: Removed - if there is a specific problem with a particular offer please give exact details.

Edited by forum moderator nick, at 19:14 Fri 01/10/10 (BST)
Posts: 4,751
19:11 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
If you have problems with receiving points please click "missing coins" on the offer page and follow the procedure. Please give sufficient time though.

There should be no site passes on information to 3rd parties without permission and certainly no site with viruses. Please give full detail of site name and problem when making a complaint.
Posts: 2,106
19:20 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
nick said:
The adverts do change over time and are different for each country but certainly some are unsuitable for under 18. However, I am hoping there is still sufficient adverts for even under 18s to get a good amount of points. I will keep an eye on this over some time.

Having games for high scores can't really work. These offers are basically incentive based procedures which still give money to the site, high scores could not work this way.

Couldn't you do something like the player who wins the most tournaments in a calender month or 3 month period gets awarded a free premium account or an amount of points, or so many points (like 10 say) for a tournament win to add more incentive to people to play which would mean more players online which might mean more revenue from ads on the site? I understand you don't want to be handing out lots of free premium accounts but sure something could be done so a few a year get awarded as prizes or points towards an account as prizes.
Posts: 4,751
19:25 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yes, introducing a competition with prizes is a possibility, I may have misunderstood unknown_id but I believe they meant something a bit different though (eg an amount of additional points available for each member).
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
19:32 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
1600 coins is a little high dont you think,

I've done the math and the possible coin maximum with the available surveys; you can receive is 1418 coins. With all the work done with the surveys taking hours to do if you had a job you could of already paid the 10 pound a year, I think this is not fair for the people under 18 who dont have a paypal account or can not patricipate in certain surveys.
Posts: 4,751
19:56 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Paying the £9.99 directly is certainly quicker, this is an aditional option after all.

If a lot of people are stuck on a high number of points (eg 1418) I will look to additionally have a lower amount for a smaller subscription period. However over time some other offers will occur.

This is aimed to be inclusive for under 18 year olds, but whether this is realistic will become clear over the next few days. I do not know of any better process for funding premium for this age group.
Posts: 504
20:11 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Surely there must be some other game websites that you could link into this? for example - maybe you could contact jagex and sort something along side them.

This could improve both games by adding more members onto each site. Would also allow under 18s more acceptable ways of getting coins. From my understanding at this minute in time there are no coin ways for people younger then 15 depending on the parents. Some of the just download ones are okay but the parents may not want them nor know who to remove them from their own pc.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:12 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have a little idea which I believe could work.

We could have Daily and/or Weekly Polls, which earns you points when you complete them.

I am a member of iPoints (now called Maximiles) and they have these Polls where you get points to exchange for CD's, DVD's ect.

The Polls are short and basic and only ask about your daily habits and things you own, like Games Consoles, Mobile Phones and other electrical goods.

Last one I done asked me what games consoles I owned, what types of game I prefered and how many hours a week I played them. Got 5 points for 3 questions. Simple!

These are available for anyone to answer regardless of age.

Don't know how viable this would be to set up, but I think it would work as it would provide more chances for younger members to gain points to exchange for Premium Accounts.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
23:23 Tue 28 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Maybe we can incorporate some fun into point winning?

i.e like cmurphy say a weekly poll that rewards you with points or can host a game every week like Funkypool Quiz and ask a question and who ever gets answer right first gets a prize depending on how hard of the question

Posts: 2,106
02:53 Wed 29 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Another idea I had is maybe have a Funkypool sponsered comp on here run by an admin or mod or someone elected by the fp team, like the other comps on here but have a few points for prizes, say 300 coins for 1st place, 100 runner up, 50 for semi losers, something like that, ran once a month, any idea's to extend on this?

I would go something along the lines of have a 3 day entry time, depending on amount of players say 64 for example, run a knockout comp (different format every month) over the month, so award like 50 coins for losing quarter finalists, 75 semi, 100 losing finalist, 300 winner, which amount to 9000 coins given away as prize fund over a year, could this be feasible?

Edited at 00:03 Wed 29/09/10 (BST)
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
04:26 Wed 29 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sounds like a good idea, and it would certainly get more people playing.

A little thing to add on top of this, if possible.

Each week a certain amount of ranked games would be randomly picked to be awarded coins.

The winner of that game would recieve 40 coins and the loser gets 10 coins (Amounts are just examples)

Edited at 01:32 Wed 29/09/10 (BST)
Posts: 2,106
07:17 Wed 29 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
Sounds like a good idea, and it would certainly get more people playing.

A little thing to add on top of this, if possible.

Each week a certain amount of ranked games would be randomly picked to be awarded coins.

The winner of that game would recieve 40 coins and the loser gets 10 coins (Amounts are just examples)

Edited at 01:32 Wed 29/09/10 (BST)

How would the random games be picked?, would be nice to have lot's of coins up for offer but then I can see from nick's point of view these are what bring the pennies in to fund the site, so trying to think of something to play for but keeps the cost down & also keeps nick happy
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
08:36 Wed 29 Sept 10 (BST)  [Link]  
They would be picked by the server, if that's at all possible.

Or by having sponsored games, where a sponsor would have their ad on the game window, to be displayed x number of times a week. If the ad appears during your game then you win coins.

Sponsors would obviously pay for ad space and part or all of the cost of the coins.
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Premium accounts for completing offers

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