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Posts: 2,601
23:13 Wed 15 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
come on guys, get these remaining games played
Posts: 2,601
23:19 Wed 15 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL Fixtures

Evolutions (22) vs (23) Snipers

tnsk1988 vs jordanwake
_underscore_ vs shaunbing
fattmikee vs 9ballsniper1
kimbo_xx (3) vs (12) pool_beast
murphybhoy vs mikeybboy
1991thereds (8) vs (7) blackcabman7
spoonie vs cmurphy
poolbiird (11) vs (4) knockout

Deadline - Sunday 19th December

The Vikings (38) vs (52) Evolutions

cymberline (8) vs (7) tnsk1988
crazzymadman vs pool_god123
death_viper (8) vs (7) 1991thereds
a_j vs fattmikee
funky_mark (8) vs (7) spoonie
jooodles (4) vs (11) murphybhoy
destroyer_16 (7) vs (8) friendy
funkyskunk (3) vs (12) poolbiird

Deadline - Sunday 19th December

Website for Table:
Posts: 2,601
23:21 Wed 15 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
sub: coolhandct vs mikeybboy
is now
murphybhoy vs mikeybboy

Also.. due to the folding of FBI.. next fixture release we will have only 1 game for the fortnight.. to prevent people having to sit out i am going to try and arrange a friendly with a clan with the same format..

Thankyou guys and get them games played

Edited at 21:26 Wed 15/12/10 (GMT)
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23:35 Wed 15 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
come on spoonie you know it makes sense
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04:19 Thu 16 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
sorry, but me an 9ballsniper1 played uk8 4-0 me he quit an said he had to go get smokes.He was on earlier an ask me to wait 2 hours to play,i did wait why didnt he get his smokes then.He also said he would only be gone about 15 min.its over a half hour now im tired a waiting he's on US time also so i see no reason to wait any longer.
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16:35 Thu 16 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Me an a_j will play sun. eve. I hope atleast thats what she said,sory again.But not sure wt to do about sniper.
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20:09 Thu 16 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
i do apologise but i had been on but cant get the other guy available.

ive not been this week as my gran was taken to hospital on sunday and i have been working in day then going to hospital when finished but if you have that kind of attitude without even checking with me first its prob best not to be in your clan anyway

thanks for the support captain
Posts: 2,601
21:35 Thu 16 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I am sorry coolhand, but i made the sub in everyones best interest, you had 6 days offline and i had to act, sorry man, hope you continue to stay in the clan.
Posts: 8,780
02:04 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
vikings v evolutions

crazzymadman v pool_god123 is now chris v pool_god123
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03:25 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
well i just logged in an 9ballsniper1 was on an he logged out as soon as i came on,im trying to get this match played but getting a little upset over his behavior.
Posts: 4,195
03:42 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Yeah my bro had a match with him but he had to walk his dog :S which then made him impossible to catch as he comes on at ridiculous ours as he is from the USA or somewhere.
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14:17 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
I'm still waiting on jordanwake to message me back left him 6 messages now, did get 9ball played the other day, 4--1 to me, but then he had to go and no response since, that was on Tuseday, hoping to get the game played tonight or tomorrow if he responds to my messages or logs in but so far no sign off that.
Posts: 38,097
14:33 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Teamlists for all 3rd set of fixtures for division 2 clans to janmb by Saturday please.

Division 1 has Xmas break, allowing div 2 to catch up.
Posts: 2,601
17:21 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Okay guys, keep trying to get these games played.. post on their thread if you have too..

we have 1 game over the christmas period so im choosing players i think will get the game done as quickly as possible so we can all have a nice break over the christmas period
Posts: 8,780
17:29 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Just to let you know chris and pool_god123 started to play last night 5-0 to chris so far, pool_ god123 logged out or got logged out not sure which, so we have no idea when he wants to finish the games off
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17:38 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Spoonie if you can come online now we can get this game played
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17:53 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie i have left chriss 2 post on there thread an no reply.I just ask if he would have a chat with sniper an find out when we can play.Getting a little fed up now.Sorry an CYA
Posts: 2,601
22:02 Fri 17 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
No problem, i will have a chat with chris .. but your winning and the default is definately in your favour.. subs will get made.. send me messages if youve arranged ur game or played abit of it or need to request a sub.
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04:47 Sat 18 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
hey spoonie im on more oftern than mikee he just doesnt get on in evenings i want to play him to but he isnt on now and isnt gonna be. ive told him my time zone and time i can play but hes not matchin up. everytime im on i wait but he doesnt show then he comes on and im not on here. so sorry for taking time maybe i can play somebody else in your clan, i asked chris bout that he hasnt replied yet... or mikee can play somebody else. you and chris can discuss that. thanks spoonie. ;)
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04:56 Sat 18 Dec 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
Spoonie if you can come online now we can get this game played

Thanks for ignoring my messages yesterday spoonie. You were browsing for at least 20 minutes after I sent them, so why didn't you see/reply to them?
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