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Posts: 2,601
21:27 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey man, will depend on whether this game vs Fugitives count.
Posts: 2,601
22:43 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Evolutions welcome tozzie who will be joining us for the FPL only

He is very good player who plays for Vikings in the FCL and CPL.
Posts: 2,601
22:44 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Team: (8v8) (Min 8 and Max 14)

Format: 5 x 8 ball, 5 x 9 ball, 5 x 8 ball uk

1) spoonie - Captain
2) jimiano7 - Vice Captain
3) thorpaldino - Vice Captain
4) thanatos
5) the_cobra
6) pool_god123
7) thevandal88
8) fire_sword
9) the_kid
10) poolbiird
11) jordi10
12) _trueblue_
13) friendy
14) tnsk1988

If anyone would like to be removed or added (which will mean adding to the clan) please message me, jimiano7 or thorpaldino or post on this thread
Posts: 2,601
22:45 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
CPL Team - (7v7)(Min 7 and Max 14)

Format - 4 x 8 ball, 4 x 9 ball, 4 x 8 ball uk, with 2 bonus points for winning.

1) spoonie - Captain
2) jimiano7 - Vice Captain
3) thorpaldino - Vice Captain
4) poolbiird
5) the_kid
6) pool_god123
7) the_cobra
8) jordi10
9) thanatos
10) tnsk1988

If you want to be added to the CPL Team, then message me or jimiano7 or thorpaldino or post on this thread

Edited at 19:58 Mon 11/10/10 (BST)
Posts: 2,601
22:45 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
FPL Team - (6v6) (Min 9 and Max 12)

Format - First to 3 in: 8 ball, 9 ball & 8 ball uk and 1 game of Straight.

1) spoonie - Captain
2) jimiano7 - Vice Captain
3) thorpaldino - Vice Captain
4) the_kid
5) pool_god123
6) the_cobra
7) tnsk1988
8) thanatos
9) tozzie

Anyone who wants to be added to this team for the FPL... message me, jimiano7 or thorpaldino or just message on this thread.. Thankyou
Deleted User
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22:49 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
glad to be joining you for the fpl
Deleted User
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23:57 Mon 11 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Thanks everyone, and hi to all in Evolutions clan.

Kirk played really well and deserved to win, although I should have had a few more games! Good practise anyway and i'll get the losses out of the way in a friendly!
Posts: 4,775
12:58 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Have you all died ? lol

gl with the games all
Deleted User
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12:59 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
tozzie said:
glad to be joining you for the fpl

Best of luck mate
Deleted User
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13:11 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hey Evolutions,

Were schedualed to have the, "Entrance Friendly" start tomorrow, Can I have all of the team sheets in by 10pm tonight, lastest 12am!!!! (

Also could you send through, the Entrance Friendly 7 players, who you've selected to play in the friendly.

If possible, could you try and send the ^^^ 7 players, at the same time as the team sheet, if not then you have until Midday tomorrow(12pm).

Fixtures will be released at 6pm tomorrow evening(13th),
lasting for 1 week, deadline is 20th at Midnight(12am)

Deleted User
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14:38 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Good luck everyone in upcoming friendlies, let's get this clan off to a good start!
Posts: 2,601
18:54 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay guys, this is going to be a busy few weeks, i need all of you to work together best possible, there will be another friendly tommorow ^^^ and also be another friendly in FPL format, as the game with fugitives doesn't count ... keep playing Fugitives though guys
Posts: 2,601
18:55 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Also Anyone of the 4 people not in the CPL to date for us... You have until 8pm tonight to put your name down, or i will start finding people to help us out for the CPL Only.
Posts: 2,601
22:54 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  

Evolutions (13) Vs (13) Fugitives

pool_god123 Vs mmmmmmm
jimiano7 Vs the_machine
thorpaldino Vs evil_warrior
friendy Vs cue_ball
_trueblue_ Vs 1991thereds
the_cobra Vs pafcjames
spoonie (12) Vs (2) kimbo_xx
tnsk1988 (1) Vs (11) _k1rk_

Deadline 2 weeks (21st october)

FORMAT: (FPL Style):

First to 3 Frames of 8 ball
First to 3 Frames of 9 ball
First to 3 Frames of 8 ball UK
1 Frame of Straight

All Results to be posted on your Clan Thread.
Any trouble with the format please message me or a vice captain (this is good practice for FPL),this is a very difficult format.
If you find you opponent hasnt logged on for 4 + days message me or a vice captain and we shall request a sub.
If you find you cannot play your game, once again, message me or a vice captain and we shall sub you out.

Good Luck Evolutions!!
Posts: 2,601
22:55 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Guys, get this game done please, because more important games are on the way, i will be making subs when needed.

Also if i aint on at the time, the vice captains will be checking for Fugitive players online... to try and make subs..

Edited at 20:05 Tue 12/10/10 (BST)
Deleted User
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23:57 Tue 12 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Spoonie,Im tired a waiting on chris.If u still want me let me no Thx apples_back highly recamented u guys.

But im not that good i lose as many as i win.
Posts: 2,601
00:11 Wed 13 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Okay, fattmikee is replacing fire_sword in the FCL...

fattmikee will also be playing in the CPL for Evolutions.

fire_sword will be playing in the FPL and CPL...

then later on in the season, or if there is an unexpected departure, fire_sword will be taking back a role in the FCL.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
00:12 Wed 13 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
fattmikee said:
Spoonie,Im tired a waiting on chris.If u still want me let me no Thx apples_back highly recamented u guys.

But im not that good i lose as many as i win.

As I said in message waiting just 3 hours n jumping ship is a bit pathetic!
Posts: 2,601
00:12 Wed 13 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
FCL Team: (8v8) (Min 8 and Max 14)

Format: 5 x 8 ball, 5 x 9 ball, 5 x 8 ball uk

1) spoonie - Captain
2) jimiano7 - Vice Captain
3) thorpaldino - Vice Captain
4) thanatos
5) the_cobra
6) pool_god123
7) thevandal88
8) fattmikee
9) the_kid
10) poolbiird
11) jordi10
12) _trueblue_
13) friendy
14) tnsk1988

If anyone would like to be removed or added (which will mean adding to the clan) please message me, jimiano7 or thorpaldino or post on this thread
Posts: 2,601
00:14 Wed 13 Oct 10 (BST)  [Link]  
CPL Team - (7v7)(Min 7 and Max 14)

Format - 4 x 8 ball, 4 x 9 ball, 4 x 8 ball uk, with 2 bonus points for winning.

1) spoonie - Captain
2) jimiano7 - Vice Captain
3) thorpaldino - Vice Captain
4) poolbiird
5) the_kid
6) pool_god123
7) the_cobra
8) jordi10
9) thanatos
10) tnsk1988
11) fire_sword
12) fattmikee

If you want to be added to the CPL Team, then message me or jimiano7 or thorpaldino or post on this thread
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