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MVP (Most Valuable Poolers) - 5 Times in a row Division 1 Champions

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Posts: 9,456
14 years ago  [Link]  
Ul lads - still a few games left over to win this league
Posts: 7,940
14 years ago  [Link]  
Wipeout 43 - 27 MVP

unknown_id 9-6 __robdut__
whocares8x8 8-7 shooter001
strobe 6-9 ab_rfc
zantetsukenz 10-5 horse10000
janmb 10-0 mich (tbc)
daan v destiny
crazy_greg v alexander
dgeneratio v ginomanx3

MVP 6 - 24 Bulldogs

mich 3-12 paulshaw7
phased 3-12 mikejen88
crazzymadman v no_talking
destiny v cannibals
flash_is_bac v greyhound
best_pooler v buzznuttly
bunrzybhoy v roxdude
daveygee v yetti

Deadline: 17/10/2010
Posts: 7,940
14 years ago  [Link]  
MVP v Wipeout

us8 3-2
us9 2-3
uk8 4-1

ab_rfc 9 - 6 strobe

good games mate, very unlucky.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
Wp Alan, Good luck MVP
Posts: 38,097
14 years ago  [Link]  
cant believe im bumping this, wheres owen
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
gino vs dgen

US 3-2
9 2-3
UK 3-2

Overall 8-7 ggs very tight games a win is a win
Posts: 38,097
14 years ago  [Link]  
well done mate, although i got very frustrated, a fouled black on runout chance in UK, lagged on black in US.

hope your heel gets better soon
Posts: 7,940
14 years ago  [Link]  
well done mate
Posts: 7,940
14 years ago  [Link]  
Wipeout 50 - 35 MVP

unknown_id 9-6 __robdut__
whocares8x8 8-7 shooter001
strobe 6-9 ab_rfc
zantetsukenz 10-5 horse10000
janmb 10-0 mich (tbc)
dgeneratio 7-8 ginomanx3
daan v destiny
crazy_greg v alexander

MVP 6 - 24 Bulldogs

mich 3-12 paulshaw7
phased 3-12 mikejen88
crazzymadman v no_talking
destiny v cannibals
flash_is_bac v greyhound
best_pooler v buzznuttly
bunrzybhoy v roxdude
daveygee v yetti

Deadline: 17/10/2010
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
cannibals v destiny

8 ball 2-3
9 ball 1-4
8 uk 2-3

overall 5-10

very good player never misses a shot
Posts: 9,926
14 years ago  [Link]  
Well done destiny
Posts: 9,926
14 years ago  [Link]  
It is with deep regret that we announce that the MVP clan will finish at the end of this season. MVP was created by ab_rfc and I, and at the time people questioned what we were doing, we had both just finished winning a second league title with the crazzy clan so why not stay there? We both wanted the challenge of winning the title with a team put together and managed by ourselves. We started in division 2 and won the title in our first season, we then got promotion into division 1 where we ended up runners up on the next 2 seasons (1 of these seasons we were unbeaten yet still lost the league as there was no bonus points for winning games back then and the rule was introduced to prevent this happening again). We have since gone on an unpresidented 5 division 1 league titles in a row (Hopefully barring a major disaster!!). Unfortunately neither Ab or I have got the time needed to run the clan in the way it deserves and we feel only right that we do not pass it onto anyone else as it wouldn't seem right to either of us, MVP was going to finish at the end of last season but we made the decision before this season started that win or lose this season we had to call it a day at the end of this season. Hopefully the clan league will go on from strength to strength in our absence and i am sure all competing clans will relish the thought of trying to take our place at the top. I have to take this oppurtunity to thank every single player that has played for us with MVP, without all of you we wouldn't have had the success and fun we have had. I hope all current members can appreciate why we have done it like this and hopefully we can continue to be the close friends that i think we have become. (I know the two of us are probably the most annoying people ever, constantly chasing for updates on when games are getting played and ensuring that you are messaging and posting to chase your opponents)

Rest In Peace MVP it has been a great 8 seasons and thanks again to all who have played for us
Posts: 38,097
14 years ago  [Link]  
sad to hear that guys
Posts: 7,940
14 years ago  [Link]  
I would just like to add my thanks to all the players that have played for MVP during the last 8 seasons, its been a great 8 seasons but unfortunately as keith said, we just dont have the time now to keep it going, I wish the league and all the other clans all the best for future seasons.

results are not too good this fortnight but that doesn't matter, lets just get this league won and go out on a high with our 5th league title in a row.

Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14 years ago  [Link]  
I second that dgen, very sad indeed to see MVP go
Posts: 5,373
14 years ago  [Link]  
Just scared of the challenge you know is incoming for next season imo

All kidding aside tho, sucks that the consistently best clan for a number of seasons is folding, but what needs to be needs to be.
Posts: 1,325
14 years ago  [Link]  
Cheers alan and keith R.I.P MVP I will never forget the 9th season I have played in with you guys!
Posts: 1,325
14 years ago  [Link]  
Even though I kinda am lol
Posts: 1,325
14 years ago  [Link]  
Double post.
Posts: 7,940
14 years ago  [Link]  
Wipeout 50 - 35 MVP

unknown_id 9-6 __robdut__
whocares8x8 8-7 shooter001
strobe 6-9 ab_rfc
zantetsukenz 10-5 horse10000
dgeneratio 7-8 ginomanx3
janmb 10-0 mich (tbc)
daan v destiny
crazy_greg v alexander

MVP 16 - 29 Bulldogs

mich 3-12 paulshaw7
phased 3-12 mikejen88
destiny 10-5 cannibals
crazzymadman v no_talking
flash_is_bac v greyhound
best_pooler v buzznuttly
bunrzybhoy v roxdude
daveygee v yetti

Deadline: 17/10/2010

Edited at 20:09 Thu 07/10/10 (BST)
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MVP (Most Valuable Poolers) - 5 Times in a row Division 1 Champions

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