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Pool Sharks New Clan

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Posts: 11,489
22:12 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
CPL Qwerty Quick Cup

Team Name Pts Group Three Pts Team Name
Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 The Vikings
rustybmf Vs. a_j
ben_dins91 Vs. crazzymadman
craig_afc Vs. thorstein

The Sharpshooters 0 Versus 0 Pool Sharks
17_m Vs. cke1982
bumble37 Vs. dextr
doyley Vs. fallani

Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 The Firing Squad
niomi 92 Vs. red4ever
ron_jon_surf Vs. teamplayer
vippooler Vs. fade41texas

Deadline Monday 3rd December, at Middnight!

Please Post Here............

Table here.............
Each match between Clans, will be 3 Vs. 3.

which will be played 2 of each 8 US, 8 UK, 9 Ball. If there is a tie at the end, an extra game of 8 US will need to take place to find a winner!

The same 3 players can't be used in all games, limited to 1 game, apart from group 3, where your allowed to ues them but not exactly the same line up


Team 1 vs. Team 2
player 1 vs. player 1
player 2 vs. player 2
player 3 vs. player 3

Any Line-up

Team 1 vs. Team 3
player 4 vs. player 1
player 5 vs. player 2
player 6 vs. player 3

Have to use a different line-up

Group 3 Only
Team 1 vs.
Posts: 11,489
22:16 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Played Remaining Match W-L-T Game/Set Wins Total Points in Games
The Firing Squad 0 3 0 - 0 - 0 0 -9
Sharpshooters 0 3 0 - 0 - 0 0 -9
The Vikings 0 3 0 - 0 - 0 0 -9
Pool Sharks 0 3 0 - 0 - 0 0 -9
Posts: 8,780
22:35 Fri 26 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
jooodles said:
CPL cup, pool sharks v vikings

ben_dins91 Vs. crazzymadman is now ben_dins91 v funkyskunk

You missed my post from the other page
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00:23 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
fallani vs kimbo_xx
well done me lool
Posts: 11,489
00:25 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
CPL Qwerty Quick Cup

Team Name Pts Group Three Pts Team Name
Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 The Vikings
rustybmf Vs. a_j
ben_dins91 Vs. subbed in Funkyskunk
craig_afc Vs. thorstein

The Sharpshooters 0 Versus 0 Pool Sharks
17_m Vs. cke1982
bumble37 Vs. dextr
doyley Vs. fallani

Pool Sharks 0 Versus 0 The Firing Squad
niomi 92 Vs. red4ever
ron_jon_surf Vs. teamplayer
vippooler Vs. fade41texas

Deadline Monday 3rd December, at Middnight!

Please Post Here............

Table here.............
Each match between Clans, will be 3 Vs. 3.

which will be played 2 of each 8 US, 8 UK, 9 Ball. If there is a tie at the end, an extra game of 8 US will need to take place to find a winner!

The same 3 players can't be used in all games, limited to 1 game, apart from group 3, where your allowed to ues them but not exactly the same line up


Team 1 vs. Team 2
player 1 vs. player 1
player 2 vs. player 2
player 3 vs. player 3

Any Line-up

Team 1 vs. Team 3
player 4 vs. player 1
player 5 vs. player 2
player 6 vs. player 3

Have to use a different line-up

Group 3 Only
Team 1 vs.
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01:13 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Fixtures

Evolutions (33) vs (12) Poolsharks

friendy vs cke1982
thanatos 6 vs 7 rustybmf
fattmike vs ron_jon_surf
poolbiird 11 vs 4 dextr
_underscore_ 15 vs 0 niomi92
spoonie (7) vs (8) craig_afc
kimbo_xx vs fallani
tnsk1988 vs partyboy

Game length Each game consists of exactly 5 frames of each game type:
5 frames of 8 Ball US
5 frames of 8 Ball UK
5 frames of 9 Ball
please message opponents for time that is suitable for u both to play this match thanks (Deadline: Sunday 5th December

rustybmf vs thanatos

8ball us 3-2
9ball 3-1
8ball uk 0-3
straight 1-0 (36-25)

7-6 rustybmf
ggs very close
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01:19 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
rustybmf said:
FCL League Fixtures

Evolutions (33) vs (12) Poolsharks

friendy vs cke1982
thanatos 6 vs 7 rustybmf
fattmike vs ron_jon_surf
poolbiird 11 vs 4 dextr
_underscore_ 15 vs 0 niomi92
spoonie (7) vs (8) craig_afc
kimbo_xx vs fallani
tnsk1988 vs partyboy

Game length Each game consists of exactly 5 frames of each game type:
5 frames of 8 Ball US
5 frames of 8 Ball UK
5 frames of 9 Ball
please message opponents for time that is suitable for u both to play this match thanks (Deadline: Sunday 5th December

rustybmf vs thanatos

8ball us 3-2
9ball 3-1
8ball uk 0-3
straight 1-0 (36-25)

7-6 rustybmf
ggs very close

More confusion over the formats here, this is my fault. Should be FCL and we played FPL. rusty do you want to continue these another time? Sorry for my farcical oversight
Posts: 11,489
01:21 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
rustybmf vs thanatos

8ball us 3-2
9ball 3-1
8ball uk 0-3
to be cont

rustybmf need to play 1 more 9 ball
2 more 8 ball uk
Posts: 11,489
01:23 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Fixtures

Evolutions (33) vs (12) Poolsharks

friendy vs cke1982
thanatos vs rustybmf
fattmike vs ron_jon_surf
poolbiird (11) vs (4) dextr
_underscore_ (15) vs (0) niomi92
spoonie (7) vs (8) craig_afc
kimbo_xx vs fallani
tnsk1988 vs vippooler

Deadline - Sunday 5th December
Posts: 11,489
01:28 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

Pool Sharks 16 vs 74 Untouchables

cke1982 2 vs. 13 unknown_id
rustybmf 3 vs. 12 whocares8x8
ron_jon_surf vs. destiny
dextr 3 vs. 12 vendetta
niomi92 2 vs. 13 gentle_giant
craig_afc 2 vs. 13 janmb
fallani 4 vs. 11 _emily_
deano vs. _aphrodite_

Deadline - Sunday 5th December

Game length Each game consists of exactly 5 frames of each game type:
5 frames of 8 Ball US
5 frames of 8 Ball UK
5 frames of 9 Ball
please message opponents for time that is suitable for u both to play this match thanks (Deadline: Sunday 5th December
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
01:45 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
rustybmf vs thanatos

8ball us 3-2
9ball 4-1
8ball uk 0-5

8-7 thanatos
ggs very close

we had a mix up, finished it up gg thanatos
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(IP Logged)
01:46 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Fixtures

Evolutions (33) vs (12) Poolsharks

friendy vs cke1982
thanatos 8 vs 7 rustybmf
fattmike vs ron_jon_surf
poolbiird 11 vs 4 dextr
_underscore_ 15 vs 0 niomi92
spoonie (7) vs (8) craig_afc
kimbo_xx vs fallani
tnsk1988 vs partyboy

Game length Each game consists of exactly 5 frames of each game type:
5 frames of 8 Ball US
5 frames of 8 Ball UK
5 frames of 9 Ball
please message opponents for time that is suitable for u both to play this match thanks (Deadline: Sunday 5th December
Deleted User
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01:47 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Evolutions (41) vs (19) Poolsharks
Posts: 5,250
02:35 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Nutters Vs Pool Sharks

joker86 vs dextr (FPL)

8US: 3-0 (+1 7balling - joker86)
9US: 3-0
8UK: 3-0
Straight: 36-23

Overall: 11-0 joker86

VWP mate class act.
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03:10 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ron_jon_surf has quit am i right?? ,,if so i need a sub please for querty match ty
Posts: 388
05:17 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Hi guys how are we all doing ?
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07:12 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Posts: 11,489
11:55 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
FCL League Fixtures

Evolutions (41) vs (19) Poolsharks

friendy vs cke1982

thanatos 8 vs 7 rustybmf
fattmike vs ron_jon_surf
poolbiird 11 vs 4 dextr
_underscore_ 15 vs 0 niomi92
spoonie (7) vs (8) craig_afc
kimbo_xx vs fallani
tnsk1988 vs Vippooler

Game length Each game consists of exactly 5 frames of each game type:
5 frames of 8 Ball US
5 frames of 8 Ball UK
5 frames of 9 Ball
please message opponents for time that is suitable for u both to play this match thanks (Deadline: Sunday 5th December
Posts: 11,489
12:24 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  

the captains taking the night off as its my birthday rusty bmf is in charge get ur games played please and post ur results on our thread
Posts: 2,601
14:52 Sat 27 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
ron jon surf is leaving, so can we get a sub for him in FCL please. Thanks
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Pool Sharks New Clan

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