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Posts: 38,097
20:06 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
where to mate?
Posts: 2,601
20:43 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Any chance of a sub for cmurphy seeing as he can only come online when hes at the library is pretty limiting time for _underscore_
Posts: 38,097
20:50 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
cphaynes said:
Thanks, like the profile?

Very nice mate.

I'm not sure what's happening with my match against _underscore_, I've contacted him on a number of occasions to arrange a time, but from looking at his recent results, he seems to only come online about 1 o'clock in the morning.

judging by that many people would be in bed at this time.
Posts: 2,601
20:54 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
underscore is on now mate, also a library is pretty limiting time anyway, cmurphy isnt turning up and can only play what 1 hour - 2 hours a day when my guy has been online consistently and not just a midnight.
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22:06 Sat 20 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Sorry, but I have been watching his profile closely since the fixtures were released, through my mobile, to check if he's online. I only live around the corner from the library, so if I did see him online I would be on there in 5-10 minutes.
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04:47 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
how is everybody doing this evening...?
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08:46 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie said:
Any chance of a sub for cmurphy seeing as he can only come online when hes at the library is pretty limiting time for _underscore_
Seriously, check you thread, I asked yesterday for a sub, cmurphy, was on all day, and on all day most days, why should i sub him when your player comes on at a silly time! no sub from me, i think its pretty checky you asking. if you want it to go to default thats fine by me, we'll win. hands down!
Deleted User
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08:51 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie said:
underscore is on now mate, also a library is pretty limiting time anyway, cmurphy isnt turning up and can only play what 1 hour - 2 hours a day when my guy has been online consistently and not just a midnight.
I sometimes have to run the CPL from the library, and have played a few clan matches there
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08:57 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
where to mate?
I have a new flat with everything all ready in it. washing machine, dishwasher. my own En-Suit :-) good times and i only pay 10 quid a week rent, so all you have to do is become homeless for a while, stay in a hostel with drug users, and drinkers, being kicked out at 8.20 every morning not allowed back til 6 and then once you get out of there, go into a 10 by 10 bedsit with shared living room with a drug dealer!
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09:10 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
9ballsniper1 said:
how is everybody doing this evening...?
Good morning, i was in bed by 7, i haven't been getting any sleep.
Posts: 6,262
10:57 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
cphaynes said:
dgeneratio said:
where to mate?
I have a new flat with everything all ready in it. washing machine, dishwasher. my own En-Suit :-) good times and i only pay 10 quid a week rent, so all you have to do is become homeless for a while, stay in a hostel with drug users, and drinkers, being kicked out at 8.20 every morning not allowed back til 6 and then once you get out of there, go into a 10 by 10 bedsit with shared living room with a drug dealer!

I've been there Chris, shared a flat in Holland with a heroin addict who in turn drowned in a canal. No money for 2 weeks for food till I got paid for sorting tulips so I ate out of date crisps and stale bread....I even spent a few nights sleeping in a combine harverster, (it had a working radio so not too bad) this was in December and -20 Celcuis

Enjoy your mod cons mate, some people don't realize how easy they have it Libary's have heat and light thats luxury to some
Posts: 38,097
11:09 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
rather stay with my parents thanks lol

will try that tutorial later Chris, not sure how good/bad it will be as it will be my 1st.

morning all
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11:42 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
So true blue, when I was in the hostel, we all went to the library for the days, 10 weeks in there. thankfully I was on homeless for a few nights, and i didn't even sleep, to dangerous really, just kept walking. lol
Posts: 2,601
11:48 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Your guy is only online because he uses his phone to keep himself on browsing.
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11:50 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Morning James, you ok
Posts: 38,097
13:39 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
fine thanks and you?
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14:26 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
spoonie said:
Your guy is only online because he uses his phone to keep himself on browsing.

And thats the erhah erhah we like it erhah erhah!!!!!! (8)
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14:27 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
dgeneratio said:
fine thanks and you?

Yeah, managed to sleep for 11 hours Good times, then just had a drink with that Lib Dem counciler again.
Posts: 38,097
14:32 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
glad you got some sleep
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14:34 Sun 21 Nov 10 (GMT)  [Link]  
Lol, I haven't been sleeping well at all, though I was turning into a new person!
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