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What is it with players today???

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Posts: 1,410
19:55 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I went in to a game of straight and started playing the guy in question had break so he split them, i said to him what risky pot i was taking incase i fluked ( I hate fluking haha ) so i took the shot and missed but it shot up the table and went in so indeed as you do i said sorry about fluke, every shot after that even if it was right at pocket and very hard not to miss he called me a fluke, 5 minutes later i was and idiot, then a clown and then he continued with constant spam of chat.

3 games after he fluked a shot and i asked was that a fluke and he said "you actually kidding me here, it was skillful and it was meant you idiot" i said ok wa only asking as did not look like you went for it, i took a mouthful of abuse throughout as my ignore button is not working? ended up 4 - 0 to me and he did get better and congradulated meon the wins, until he left room and sent pm saying your still an idiot.

So as heading says what is with players today?
Posts: 2,601
19:58 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i always say pure skill when i fluke
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20:08 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
im actually laughing at the fact he said ggs then pm'd you saying your an idiot what a ledgend
Posts: 1,410
20:11 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
agrovasion said:
im actually laughing at the fact he said ggs then pm'd you saying your an idiot what a ledgend

I laughed to haha but seriously mate what the hell im thinking sore loser
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20:17 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  

You aint beat anyone 4-0 today in straight
Posts: 1,410
20:31 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao sorry was 3 - 0
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20:35 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
if we start mentioning peoples name on here that have been terrorising us can u ban them ill quite happy write a little list

all of mvp
all of crazy 8's
any other good pl.ayer that i can never beat really
Posts: 1,410
21:15 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Lmao agro
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21:17 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
LMAO doesn't include me then Agro
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21:18 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
peachs dont even start
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21:24 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_flawless_ said:
I went in to a game of straight and started playing the guy in question had break so he split them, i said to him what risky pot i was taking incase i fluked ( I hate fluking haha ) so i took the shot and missed but it shot up the table and went in so indeed as you do i said sorry about fluke, every shot after that even if it was right at pocket and very hard not to miss he called me a fluke, 5 minutes later i was and idiot, then a clown and then he continued with constant spam of chat.

3 games after he fluked a shot and i asked was that a fluke and he said "you actually kidding me here, it was skillful and it was meant you idiot" i said ok wa only asking as did not look like you went for it, i took a mouthful of abuse throughout as my ignore button is not working? ended up 4 - 0 to me and he did get better and congradulated meon the wins, until he left room and sent pm saying your still an idiot.

So as heading says what is with players today?

Did you happen to sen a complaint so the matter can be dealt with? Don't know why your ignore button wouldn't have worked though.

With 35,000-odd users of funkypool there's bound to be a few people who are less than sporting, just need to learn to ignore them and not play them again

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21:35 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
It only seems to be within the last few months that I've started to encounter this more often. Mostly people typing random letters in chat box to try and put me off.

But the funniest one happened while playing a guest a few days ago. They kept calling me a crap player, then left as soon as I went 2-1 up!
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21:43 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
It only seems to be within the last few months that I've started to encounter this more often. Mostly people typing random letters in chat box to try and put me off.

But the funniest one happened while playing a guest a few days ago. They kept calling me a crap player, then left as soon as I went 2-1 up!

a guest won a game against you
your rubbish

*runs and hides*
Posts: 4,195
21:43 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I dont see the problem he is obviously correct

Haha only joking mate, there are always gonna be haters out there and so on, just take no notice lol it's just a online game at the end of the day i dont even bother with anyone on here really anymore lol.

If he is abusive report him although it aint exactly hard to get back on after a ban anyway these days.
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21:53 Sat 28 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
haha my stats are deceptive (Just ask hippesville )

I never take any notice of them, just stick them on ignore...

except if they call me crap. Then I go for doubles, plants/combo's ect and when I nail 'em I say "is that crap?"

Edited at 02:57 Sun 29/08/10 (BST)
Posts: 8,149
14:46 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hothead_bob said:
_flawless_ said:
I went in to a game of straight and started playing the guy in question had break so he split them, i said to him what risky pot i was taking incase i fluked ( I hate fluking haha ) so i took the shot and missed but it shot up the table and went in so indeed as you do i said sorry about fluke, every shot after that even if it was right at pocket and very hard not to miss he called me a fluke, 5 minutes later i was and idiot, then a clown and then he continued with constant spam of chat.

3 games after he fluked a shot and i asked was that a fluke and he said "you actually kidding me here, it was skillful and it was meant you idiot" i said ok wa only asking as did not look like you went for it, i took a mouthful of abuse throughout as my ignore button is not working? ended up 4 - 0 to me and he did get better and congradulated meon the wins, until he left room and sent pm saying your still an idiot.

So as heading says what is with players today?

Did you happen to sen a complaint so the matter can be dealt with? Don't know why your ignore button wouldn't have worked though.

With 35,000-odd users of funkypool there's bound to be a few people who are less than sporting, just need to learn to ignore them and not play them again

100% Agree with hothead_bob here.

Put them on ignore or simply send a complaint or both

This is the exact reason why those options are available to all of us

Posts: 31,220
21:58 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hothead_bob said:
Did you happen to sen a complaint so the matter can be dealt with?

...otherwise there's nothing we can do. But as Bob said, there's always gonna be a few unsporting players around, and all you can do is try to avoid them. And, of course, report any unsavoury behaviour.
Posts: 19,967
22:04 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The best one i've had is being accused of using an aimbot - i dont even know if thats a real thing, i took it as a compliment

although nothings as funny as someone using the pushout to deliberately snooker me, then me forcing them to take the shot instead
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22:24 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
haha hilarious when that happens

This idea may sound silly, but here goes... How about the ability to rate players on their sportsmanship after you've played them?

Then each person could see what others thought of that player, allowing them to have a slightly better idea of what to expect when they play them?
Posts: 5,373
22:32 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Would been a splendid idea in MY opinion, but I am very very very certain that would not be compatible with the Goody Two-shoes, "lets all hold hands" dogma generally applied here on Funkypool

In short, I'm sure they would fear such a feature being used more or less for shaming players - a fear I'm sure is at least partially warranted too. Now I for one wouldn't mind that a bit, but as I said I'm sure many would, including the FP staff.
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What is it with players today???

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