What is it with players today???

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22:47 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
My thinking behind it was that it might be a bit more of a deterent for people misbehaving during games, as it may make them think "I risk having people refuse to play me because I'm starting to get bad ratings, better start behaving"
Posts: 1,410
22:57 Sun 29 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Obviously you know what player i am talking about if you read my results as im not naming and shaming but after i posted that i got at least 6 other members private message me just saying players name and they all got same thing, i will report next time if we cross paths again. I may fluke my way in to his game room
Posts: 8,939
08:22 Mon 30 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
cmurphy said:
This idea may sound silly, but here goes... How about the ability to rate players on their sportsmanship after you've played them?

Then each person could see what others thought of that player, allowing them to have a slightly better idea of what to expect when they play them?

Sounds great in practice, but the irony often overlooked with this idea is that you're dealing with exactly the kind of person who may decide to give you a rubbish rating just for the fun of it.

The fact is that so long as you remember to report any such actions, these people are never around long
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What is it with players today???

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