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FPB (Funky Pool Buddies) III

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Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
Hey guys : )


welsh boy is going to sub in for yetti to get the games out of the way , i'll play him in an hours time .
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15 years ago  [Link]  
Bulldogs vs FPB

was= yetti vs chaos_

now= jimiano7 vs chaos_
Posts: 2,106
15 years ago  [Link]  
FPL update

I was on tonight from 8pm as arranged with paulshaw7 but hung around till 10pm and no show, hopefully we shall catch each other later this week
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15 years ago  [Link]  
mr_pink_eyes said:
FPL update

I was on tonight from 8pm as arranged with paulshaw7 but hung around till 10pm and no show, hopefully we shall catch each other later this week

cheers mate
Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
Boooozers V Dullbogs

jimiano v chaos_

3 - 2 8 ball

2 - 3 9 ball lotto

1 - 4 uk with 1 bonus point added

35 - 16 in straight

7 - 9 to me

they were good games , nice guy to play , gl in your future clan games jim
Posts: 13,570
15 years ago  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Boooozers V Dullbogs

jimiano v chaos_

3 - 2 8 ball

2 - 3 9 ball lotto

1 - 4 uk with 1 bonus point added

35 - 16 in straight

7 - 9 to me

they were good games , nice guy to play , gl in your future clan games jim

great result donna
Posts: 5,373
15 years ago  [Link]  
A couple defaults were opened for last fixture because scores were not registered on the web.

After having been pointed out, the scores have been updated to the result from the played games. (master vs Rick and Gareth vs, Elena)

Bonuses are also updated as this puts FPB ahead of Bulldogs in that match.

Please make sure your results are on the web in the future tho - that's your own responsibility
Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
Have started the games with giant , will finish them off later

So far >>>>>>>

3-2 in uk to me
Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
janmb said:
A couple defaults were opened for last fixture because scores were not registered on the web.

After having been pointed out, the scores have been updated to the result from the played games. (master vs Rick and Gareth vs, Elena)

Bonuses are also updated as this puts FPB ahead of Bulldogs in that match.

Please make sure your results are on the web in the future tho - that's your own responsibility

Why cant they be posted in a thread in funky pool like they used to be , then we can post our own results .
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15 years ago  [Link]  
Good morning :-)
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15 years ago  [Link]  
I've been sub thanks for the faith
Posts: 5,373
15 years ago  [Link]  
chaos_ said:
Why cant they be posted in a thread in funky pool like they used to be , then we can post our own results .

First of all, you CAN and should "post" your own scores, only you register on web instead of posting on some thread here on funky. No difference there - you should still report your own result (or have your captain do it for you) - only difference is we now bypass the human in the loop in form of league staff - which is a good thing for several reasons:

1. The league runners have a LOT of work with the league as it is. Having to input scores from a forum thread onto the website leads to a lot more work, and increases the chance of mistakes being made along the way.

2.Players don't want the delay of having to wait for league staff being around to handle their scores.

3. It should be no harder for you (the players in general) to input your scores directly on the web site compared to writing them in a post here on funky.

In short - it's the same amount of work for you - and less for us + far less delays and mistakes made.
Posts: 5,373
15 years ago  [Link]  
cphaynes said:
I've been sub thanks for the faith

After you wrote this to me when I asked about when to play our game:

"If its for fpb then you need to get a sub as i don't play for them anyone more mate thanks",

do you really find it surprising they subbed you?

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15 years ago  [Link]  
jan after i found out that, matt had his picks made for him i said on the this thread that i'd play it for them. and now after that and matt saying play i get subbed amazing
Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
janmb said:
chaos_ said:
Why cant they be posted in a thread in funky pool like they used to be , then we can post our own results .

First of all, you CAN and should "post" your own scores, only you register on web instead of posting on some thread here on funky. No difference there - you should still report your own result (or have your captain do it for you) - only difference is we now bypass the human in the loop in form of league staff - which is a good thing for several reasons:

1. The league runners have a LOT of work with the league as it is. Having to input scores from a forum thread onto the website leads to a lot more work, and increases the chance of mistakes being made along the way.

2.Players don't want the delay of having to wait for league staff being around to handle their scores.

3. It should be no harder for you (the players in general) to input your scores directly on the web site compared to writing them in a post here on funky.

In short - it's the same amount of work for you - and less for us + far less delays and mistakes made.

I understand its more work for you guys to input the scores on your site , but i for 1 have not registered and i have no intention in doing so, for a few reasons which i wont mention here, guess i'll get matty to post mine , all good
Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
cphaynes said:
jan after i found out that, matt had his picks made for him i said on the this thread that i'd play it for them. and now after that and matt saying play i get subbed amazing

Main thing is the games been played isnt it ?
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15 years ago  [Link]  
yeah but i wanted to play it, someone just done the sub without asking the captain. matt knew. it's a joke.
Posts: 38,097
15 years ago  [Link]  
i think what Jan is trying to say is you said you left the clan then master subbed you out because Jan asked for a sub, then the game got played (main thing) then you say i wanted to play it when you said you left the clan so you wanted subbing out.

i don't get it.
Deleted User
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15 years ago  [Link]  
Well i told master and master asked me to play it so thats why, i said to jan its just all you do for a clan and they sub you out joke
Posts: 5,201
15 years ago  [Link]  
cphaynes said:
Well i told master and master asked me to play it so thats why, i said to jan its just all you do for a clan and they sub you out joke

Before you throw your toys out of the pram , are you sure matty even knew you had been subbed ? , He had a break for a few days and left pinky and blacky to run the show. Things have been a bit of a shambles in here the past week or so and im sure nobody meant to offend you .The way i see it is you left , then said you would play , then said you wouldnt play and now your upset because they subbed you ?

mr_pink_eyes said:
Sorry janmb, chris did post he would play but apple is down for 1st sub so yeah is ok for you 2 to play
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FPB (Funky Pool Buddies) III

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