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9 Ball Legal Break

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Deleted User
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14:01 Thu 12 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think its just an example of the game needing to be updated to reflect the way the rules have evolved. I think the changes mentioned in the first post, and also the variations used in Europe, have only been introduced in the last 2 or 3 years but certainly after 9 ball was introduced to Funkypool.

I still would like to see you be able to generate a little more power into the break to make it realistic. In real life you aim to strike the cue ball dead centre to generate maximum power and split of the break. Do that in Funkypool and you actually get less movement off the pack.
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
14:20 Thu 12 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
janmb said:
_vol_ said:
but then they put you straight back in so its you in the messed up situation

You have a much better, and easier, opportunity to play the opponent into a bad spot on your pushout shot, than he does in return....

Remember you have no requirements to your shot AT ALL, short of actually having the cue make contact with the cueball...

Your opponent is in turn subject to all the regular requirements of a legal 9 ball shot (ball touch cushion after first impact etc)

exactly my point - so the breaker is always the one with the advantage

1. slow break
2. decides whether or not to play after push out

the only way the second player can gain advantage is if they DONT call push out and manage to play a great shot



Posts: 5,373
14:20 Thu 12 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Besides, another thing people tend to forget in discussions like this one: Players adapt and constantly search for ways to exploit the current game implementation to its maximum.... In short, rules that worked well one or two years ago, may very well turn out to be a problem at a later time, after the player base has had some time to work out how to best exploit the possibilities the implementation offers.

So in short, just because it wasn't broken yesterday doesn't mean it's still not broken today - even if the game hasn't changed a bit
Posts: 3
16:16 Thu 12 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
well said janmb!
Posts: 19,967
17:58 Thu 12 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Well the 2 options on a pushout: play a good pushout (where the chance of being able to get to the next ball is about 50% you want the opponent to try and get something that they cant or pass over something that you could get)

or simply, whack the pack using spin to make sure you can get onto the lowest ball

For me, its an advantage to break anyway as you can gb/runout and the chances of them clearing after is usually quite low

so all the person is really doing is losing the advantage of breaking, if they snook you on the break, its easy to pushout to a position where they cant get the cue ball safe if they play another thin shot

Personally i dont really care if the rule comes in or not, wont affect me because i cant see it as a problem
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9 Ball Legal Break

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