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Point of Etiquette!

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Posts: 4
21:36 Sun 25 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I don't know about anyone else, but in a tournament just now I had a very annoying opponent decide to declare gg on me before I played my final shot, while I was lining up. It's not the first time it's happened but he did do it again next frame after I asked him not to.

I'd appreciate it being spread that some people find this incredibly infuriating. It's gamesmanship, that much is certain, I get it a few times every week.
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23:32 Sun 25 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Not the first time someone has moaned about it on the forums, try a search

Why don't you at the start of the game put him/she on the ignore list? Just till the game has finished
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04:21 Mon 26 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah alot of scumbags do it as a tactic put their opponent off, very pathetic
Posts: 4,447
11:07 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
So it's still pathetic even if the 8 ball is in the jaws of the pocket and the white has a clear line?

People may just say it as they genuinely believe you can't miss
Posts: 19,967
11:11 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
but is the aim of the game to put the 8 ball in the jaws and have a clear line?

what about slips?
Posts: 8,149
11:13 Tue 27 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have never believed that saying 'Good Game' just before the opponent's last shot is a put off, admittedly I don't do this as I believe anyone can miss a simple shot but when I have done accidently I quickly type 'Sorry'.

I can't honestly see how it is a put off and I agree with what ratty has said above me, people may genuinely believe you won't miss.

Posts: 324
05:47 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I think saying gg isn't a put off. After all their just saying its a good game.

If they say wp, (Well Played), then I could understand that that would be a put off.
Posts: 19,967
05:53 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I would say the opposite, you can play a shot well and its just like saying gs or ns just it might be a few shots

saying gg early is, because the game isn't over yet so why would you say 'that was a good game' when your opponent is taking a shot.

In real life you wouldn't say anything while your opponent takes a shot, but you might talk between shots or comment about their shots after the take them
Posts: 324
06:02 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Their never saying 'That was a good game". There just saying 'Gg"... That could mean anything.

Well Played however, is in the past tense, and therefore is should always be used after the game.

Although, none of these players probably say 'Well Played".
Posts: 19,967
06:11 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
yeah well played, because a string of shots the just took were played well

good game implies the game is over, which it isn't until the final ball has been potted (or 3 fouls in 9 ball)

If they meant that to be 'this is a good game' they wouldn't say it just before the final shot
Posts: 324
06:19 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
If someone said 'Well Played" you would automatically assume that they mean that your string og shots were played well?

Even if that was the case, all they need to say is 'Nice Shots".
I've never seen a case where somebody has said 'Well Played" when the opponent or the player you are watching has had a good rally of shots, because it really doesn't make sense...

All you need to say is make it sound that it is in the present tense, e.g. Your playing well., Nice shots, Nice etc.
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06:36 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I have heard snooker commentators say it many times, well played, just after a player has played a shot to perfection to land nicely on a ball.

Good game relates to after the game 9 times out of 10. Not sure where the 1 time out of 10 comes from though to be honest as like Zak said, a game isn't over until it's over.

I don't like people saying it early, seems like arrogance. Anyone can miss a sitter, anyone could have a bad run of the ball even though it looked like an easy clearance, potting the opponents ball or going in off or landing inches the wrong side of a ball to snooker yourself
Posts: 5,201
06:46 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Its a personal opinion i guess , and personally it PEES me off, usually happens as I'm about to take my shot on the black , you get distracted by the writing that appears and most times i'll miss , i understand some people are new and don't know any better , but 9 times out of ten its players who should know better and i put it down to a dirty tactic, they go on ignore when i play them now : )
Posts: 8,149
06:55 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
warney7 said:
I have heard snooker commentators say it many times, well played, just after a player has played a shot to perfection to land nicely on a ball.

Good game relates to after the game 9 times out of 10. Not sure where the 1 time out of 10 comes from though to be honest as like Zak said, a game isn't over until it's over.

I don't like people saying it early, seems like arrogance. Anyone can miss a sitter, anyone could have a bad run of the ball even though it looked like an easy clearance, potting the opponents ball or going in off or landing inches the wrong side of a ball to snooker yourself

Well pointed there warney.

It does seem to be the 'gg' (Before the end of the game) which is frustrating alot of people, there is also nothing possible to change this from happening unless you stick your opponent on ignore from the start but you would never know if they would of been like that.

I still don't believe how a small text in the chat box (Makes NO sound) can put someone off a shot which is on the table. People are happy to have a nice chatting session during a game and it won't put them off.

My advice is simply ignore it and do what your here for, ENJOY the game!!

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07:04 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
as the title of the thread says - its etiquette

ns is said after the shot is played - not before
wp is said after the shot is played - not before
why should gg be said before the game has finished

i personally have had people say gg if they miss an easy shot and i have still 4/5 balls on the table

i just concentrate harder to wind them up - then leave
Posts: 8,149
07:05 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
_vol_ said:
as the title of the thread says - its etiquette

ns is said after the shot is played - not before
wp is said after the shot is played - not before
why should gg be said before the game has finished

i personally have had people say gg if they miss an easy shot and i have still 4/5 balls on the table

i just concentrate harder to wind them up - then leave

Or do that
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07:44 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Got to agree with Emily. I had a top player say gg to me when I had 4 balls plus black left was slighty annoying situation to say the least!
Posts: 9,456
07:57 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Rather then worry about it, why not say 'thank you' and clear up and win

It makes me laugh how people get annoyed over the smallest things!

And i dont do this before anyone jumps in
Posts: 504
08:13 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i do it all the time to noobs in friendlys such as zak.

I can see why people think its a put off ina sense it adds extra pressure to the shot if you have to play a double etc to win. but if your that botherd ignore the player and play the games then once ur done you can unblock.
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08:37 Fri 30 Jul 10 (BST)  [Link]  
crazzymadman said:
Rather then worry about it, why not say 'thank you' and clear up and win

It makes me laugh how people get annoyed over the smallest things!

And i dont do this before anyone jumps in

someones small things could be someone elses large
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Point of Etiquette!

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