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Posts: 2,106
19:55 Mon 16 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
So what is happening on here with this now, was just about to play welsh_boi and now we don't play cos the match isn't happening, whats going on with these fixtures lol, keep reading I play someone and when I arrange to play I'm not playing them anymore, I know the league is new but starting to feel like a joke all this.

By the way played kevross

He chose so take it they have the advantage in the 1 match friendly

9ball us 2-2
8ball uk 2-2

Good games m8, uk was an advert in how to do fouls in uk lol, but was pretty even throughout
Posts: 19,967
21:08 Mon 16 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Unless you got subbed in then i guess the match needs to be replayed, its your choice of game types not his

we have 2 matches against cobras
Posts: 2,106
21:14 Mon 16 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
no, their captain said they are only playin 1 fixture, they won't play 2 against us

The match agaisnt kevross I was the away player so was his choice
Posts: 19,967
21:30 Mon 16 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
*edited as dug out the sub*

We aren't the ones spitting out our dummies

if they are gonna refuse to play one of the matches then they should sacrifice their home advantage, as they are the ones refusing to play so why should we feel the repercussions?

This game is going to decide seeding so us not being able to pick the games when we want to play is a huge disadvantage

Edited at 02:51 Tue 17/08/10 (BST)
Posts: 2,106
07:38 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Yep agree with you there mate
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07:46 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
mr_pink_eyes said:
So what is happening on here with this now, was just about to play welsh_boi and now we don't play cos the match isn't happening, whats going on with these fixtures lol, keep reading I play someone and when I arrange to play I'm not playing them anymore, I know the league is new but starting to feel like a joke all this.

By the way played kevross

He chose so take it they have the advantage in the 1 match friendly

9ball us 2-2
8ball uk 2-2

Good games m8, uk was an advert in how to do fouls in uk lol, but was pretty even throughout

We only play the original fixture, don't need to worry about the second I posted.

Well played love, that's a decent result.

Zak~the seedings aren't solely based on these results, they will have an influence, but it isn't just the seedings. Emily's trying to get a clan ready today, if she does I'm hoping that we can put some fixtures up between them and us (as well as Cobras).

If I felt it would hamper a clan by only playing one fixture, I wouldn't have given them a choice (the choice would have also been open to Warney, had he questioned the decision).

If there are any other concerns/confusion, you're welcome to either message me or post them and I'll answer as soon as I read them.
Posts: 19,967
08:10 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I hope an unfair advantage to them/disadvantage to us is taken into consideration as well as them being the ones refusing to play
Posts: 19,967
08:18 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
The Cobras (9) vs (7) Hurricanes

ub3rnator vs antione08
qpounder vs _angel_
cphaynes (5) vs (3) stokies_back
welsh_boi_13 vs warney7
kevross (4) vs (4) mr_pink_eyes
dark_chocoo vs dark_angel

Deadline 27th August
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09:55 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
so i dont have to play chris again then???? shame was looking forward to losing again
Posts: 19,967
15:30 Tue 17 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
any word on a home friendly for us so we actually have a fair chance?
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10:07 Wed 18 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hurricanes vs Oceans 9

Stokies_back Vs _vol_
Antione08 Vs onevisit
Zantetsukenz Vs Jerry
Nurse Vs Carl_cj
Dark_angel Vs Best_pooler
Mr_pink_eyes Vs _mewtwo_
Deleted User
(IP Logged)
11:47 Wed 18 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Hurricanes Vs Oceans 9

Dark_angel Vs best_pooler

8US: 4-0
8UK: 3-1

Overall 12-1

Just got one game of Straight to play against Dark_chocoo in the other game when I catch him online, currently 4-2 up in it. Good luck everyone!
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11:53 Wed 18 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
dark_angel said:
Hurricanes Vs Oceans 9

Dark_angel Vs best_pooler

8US: 4-0
8UK: 3-1

Overall 12-1

Just got one game of Straight to play against Dark_chocoo in the other game when I catch him online, currently 4-2 up in it. Good luck everyone!

gl u guys for season
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13:03 Wed 18 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
Sorry in off so many shots in us9

But give him his due slimeball punished me for everyone of them

Slimeball v Angel
Us 9
Us 8


Can i officially register my hatred for us 9 now!!
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(IP Logged)
11:21 Thu 19 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
hurricanes vs oceans 9

me vs vol

9us 3-1
8uk 2-2

overall 5-3 bonus points 5-0

total 10-3

ggs v ul at times gl with rest of season
Posts: 19,967
11:40 Thu 19 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
These bonus points are making the scores completely misleading :/
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11:50 Thu 19 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
i agree

there is no way my match deserved a 10-3 result to either player

you can win 6 matches 5-3 and win by 42 points

Posts: 19,967
12:07 Thu 19 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
which shouldn't be better than winning 4 matches 5-3, 1 match being 4-4 and an 8-0 win

(win by 41 points)
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12:09 Thu 19 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
zantetsukenz said:
which shouldn't be better than winning 4 matches 5-3, 1 match being 4-4 and an 8-0 win

(win by 41 points)

wrong calculations

4 x 2 = 8
4-4 = 0
8-0 = 8

total 16 points i work it out at lol
Posts: 2,106
13:14 Thu 19 Aug 10 (BST)  [Link]  
I drew 4-4 in the away match, if he had won he would of got 5 and If I won I would of got 7, that correct?, if so then shud'nt I get a small bonus for drawing the match even though I was the away player because the away player gets better rewarded for winning than the home player so should do if drawed to keep it even throughout.

I personally think if there is bonus points it should be scored like this

away win = 3 points
home win = 2 points
draw, away player is awarded 1 point
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